Guitar Playing Help 

Here you can find answers to the many hundreds of questions guitar players just like you have recently asked me at Obviously duplicate questions have been omitted to make it easier for you to search for the guitar playing help, answers and solutions you want. If you don't see what you need, ask me


What should I practice on guitar? And how much time should I spend on each item?

Get help and find the answer what things to practice on guitar.


What is the best picking hand position for fast alternate picking?

Find the answer to the best picking hand position question. 


What is the best way to master a guitar technique when you are struggling with it?

Find the answer to how to master your guitar technique.


What is the secret to guitar improvising?

Get guitar playing help with the answer to how to improvise on guitar.


How can I improve my metal rhythm guitar playing?

Read the answer about how to improve rhythm guitar playing.


How can I motivate myself to achieve my goals?

Find the answer about how to motivate yourself to reach musical goals.


How can I express my feelings freely on the guitar without problems, without thinking about my guitar technique, etc?

Find the answer to self expressive guitar playing.


How can I overcome the feeling of physical guitar speed limitations in my guitar playing?

Find the answer to overcoming guitar speed barriers


Is it possible to reach virtuoso guitar technique with 3-4 hours of practice?

Read the answer about how to develop virtuoso guitar technique.


Should I only practice the same guitar lick or exercise until I reach my goal for that lick or exercise?

Read the answer and get help on how to practice guitar.


What is the best way to overcome "red light syndrome" when recording something?

Read the answer and get help on playing guitar in the recording studio.


How can I learn to play guitar with more feeling?

Read the answer and get help on how to play guitar with feeling.


How much time do I need to practice guitar each day to become a virtuoso guitar player?

Read the answer and get help with your daily guitar practice.


What is the key to fluent second nature guitar playing?

Read the answer to get help on fluent guitar playing.


How to apply guitar licks I know into my actual guitar playing?

Read the answer to how to apply guitar licks.


Can someone really become a great guitar player when they started playing late in life (ie. around 39)?

Read the answer to the question, is it too late to play guitar?


How to clean up my sweep picking?

Read the answer on clean sweep picking technique.


How to place my right hand over the guitar strings or bridge WITHOUT anchoring my fingers on the body of the guitar?

Find the answer to the best right hand position.


What do I need to practice on guitar to play in a rock band one day?

Read the answer about rock guitar practice.


Should I learn acoustic guitar first before learning electric?

Read the answer and find the best way to learn electric guitar.


Where can I find professional backing tracks to help me improve my lead guitar playing?

Find the answer to where you can get professional guitar backing tracks.


How can I develop my own style of playing guitar?

Find the answer to how to develop your own guitar playing style.


Which guitar scales should I learn? How can I memorize scales?

Read the answer and find the best way to learn guitar scales.


How long does it take to become a good guitar player?

Find the answer to the question "How long does it take to learn guitar?"


How can I get rid of any unwanted sloppy noise when I play guitar?

Find the solution to your guitar string noise problem.


How do great guitar players think and practice?

Read the answer and find out how to get good at guitar.


How can I get better at identifying chords by ear on the guitar?

Read the answer and find out how to play guitar by ear.


How can I build up my stamina on guitar so I can play fast for long periods of time?

Read the answer to how to build guitar muscle memory efficiently and increase stamina.


How can I totally understand music theory for the guitar?

Read the answer about learning guitar music theory.


How can I get better at soloing over odd meters?

Find the answer and start making great odd meter guitar solos and riffs.


How can I apply music theory to what I hear in music?

Read the answer and find out how to increase your music theory guitar skills.


How can I make my lead guitar playing more interesting?

Read the answer to how to play guitar solos that sound interesting.


How do I come up with cool metal guitar riffs and rhythms?

Find the answer and create your own metal guitar riffs.


How can I make every guitar practice session highly productive?

Read the answer and discover how to get great results each time you practice guitar.


How can I improve my guitar phrasing?

Read the answer and learn how to improve your guitar solo phrasing.


Do I need to learn songs to improve my guitar playing?

See if you need to find guitar practice songs in order to improve your guitar playing.


Should I play guitar left handed or right handed?

Read the answer to see if you should play guitar left handed instead of right handed.


How can I play clean sweep picking arpeggios and other guitar techniques with high gain?

Learn the answer for how to clean up guitar playing while using high gain settings.


How do I control my picking hand when trying to pick fast?

Get help to control your picking hand and learn the answer for how to pick guitar fast.


What string gauge should I use when playing rock or metal?

Read the answer to learn about the best rock and metal guitar string gauge.


What size guitar pick should I use?

Find the answer to "What size guitar pick should I use?"


How should I hold the pick while playing guitar?

Find out the answer and learn how to hold a guitar pick.


How can I improve my finger independence on guitar to achieve greater control over muscle tension?

Learn how to improve guitar finger independence while minimizing finger tension.


What should I do to start making serious progres in my guitar playing?

Learn the answer and find out how to become a better guitar player.


How can I get faster at building chords on guitar?

Learn the answer for how to quickly build guitar chords.


Is it necessary to have perfect pitch as a guitar player?

Find out the answer and learn if it is necessary to have perfect pitch for guitar.


Can I get better at writing guitar solos by learning scales?

Get the answer now and learn how to create guitar solos.


What are some good finger independence exercises for guitar?

Find the answer by checking out this page with guitar finger independence exercises.


How can I overcome plateaus in my guitar playing and improve sweep picking?

Learn the answer for how to improve your sweep picking and break through plateaus in your guitar playing with these sweep picking tips.


How can I make intense guitar practice more enjoyable?

Find the answer to increase your inspiration to play guitar and learn how to make guitar practice fun.


If I have a high level of guitar playing motivation, can I become a good guitar player?

Get the answer and find out how to become a good guitarist on this page about guitar playing motivation.


Can you tell me where to find a university with a good guitar program?

Find the answer and learn about attending university to learn guitar.


How can I play guitar like my favorite professional guitarist?

Learn how to play guitar like your favorite guitarist.


How can I clean up my sweep guitar technique?

Discover the answer for how to clean up sweep picking technique.


How can I become a much faster guitar player?

Get help and find the answer for how to become a faster guitarist.


How can I play guitar like Yngwie Malmsteen?

Find the answer to how to play guitar like Yngwie Malmsteen.


How can I play guitar faster and cleaner?

Find the answer to how to play guitar fast and clean.


How can I use technique creatively in my guitar solos?

Learn the answer for how to use guitar technique creatively in guitar solos.


How can I build guitar speed and stamina?

Read the answer about how to build guitar speed and stamina.


How can I sweep pick arpeggios on two strings?

Find the answer about how to sweep pick over two strings.


How can I play melodic guitar solos?

Find the answer for how to play melodic guitar solos.


What is the best way to practice to get better at guitar faster?

Find the answer for how to get better at guitar faster.


What is the best guitar practice schedule for becoming a great player?

Read the answer about what the best guitar practice schedule is.


How do I roll my finger while sweep picking?

Read the answer and get help for sweep picking rolling technique.


Should I practice picking technique on acoustic guitar?

Read the answer and see if you should practice picking technique on acoustic guitar.


How should I practice guitar for playing live on stage?

Read the answer and get help for playing guitar on stage.


How can I write song melodies like professional musicians do?

Learn the answer for how to write great song melodies like professional musicians.


Do chromatic guitar exercises help build speed?

Learn the answer for if using chromatic guitar exercises for building speed is a good idea or not.


Does learning songs help you improve your guitar playing?

Get help to see if learning songs on guitar helps you become a better guitarist.


Am I too old to become a virtuoso guitarist?

Read the answer to find out how old is too old to become a virtuoso guitarist.


How can I improve my guitar vibrato technique?

Find the answer for how to improve vibrato technique on guitar.


How do I improve my fretting hand so I can play faster?

Find out the answer and learn how to improve your fretting hand on guitar in order to play faster.


How should I begin learning modes on guitar?

Learn the answer to how to learn modes on guitar.


How can I play guitar with feeling, in a musical way?

Read the answer to how to play guitar with feeling.


How do I continue a song idea I've made?

Read the answer about how to continue a song idea.


How should I memorize the fretboard?

Find the answer for how to memorize the fretboard on guitar.


Where should I get started to improve my guitar playing?

Read the answer and find out how to get started improving your guitar playing.


What is the easiest way to play barre chords?

Discover the answer for how to easily play barre chords.


How much time should I spend practicing guitar exercises?

Learn the answer for how much time you should spend on guitar exercises.


How can I improve my performance in a band setting?

Read the answer and learn how to improve your performance while playing guitar in a band.


How can I write great sounding melodies?

Read the answer and learn how to write song melodies that sound great.


How do I eliminate guitar string noise?

Read the answer and find out how to play guitar clean.


How do I play guitar on stage with a lot of passion?

Read the answer and learn how to play guitar on stage with great passion.


How can I play my own guitar solos that sound great?

Read the answer to learn how to play guitar solos that sound awesome.


How can I clean up my guitar playing?

Find out the answer and learn what you need to do to clean up your guitar playing.


What is the correct scale fingering to use in my playing?

Find out the answer and learn which scale fingerings you should be using in your playing.


What is the main difference between playing electric guitar and acoustic guitar?

Find out the answer and learn more about the difference between playing electric guitar vs. acoustic guitar.

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