Online Guitar Lessons
Become the guitarist you want to be with the most effective, goal oriented, results driven guitar lessons online. Here is how it works: you tell me about yourself, your musical goals, skills, knowledge, style and your current guitar playing frustrations & challenges, and I will custom design the most effective lessons specifically for you. This will help you reach your goals fast. I will closely monitor your progress, give you my expert feedback on your guitar playing and provide you with lots of personal support to enable you to get the results you want in your guitar playing.

The Guitar Playing Accelerator
The most powerful invention for improving your guitar playing since the existence of guitar lessons... The Guitar Playing Accelerator ensures you get better faster... EVERY SINGLE TIME you practice your guitar. The one crucial element missing in your guitar practice that would guarantee you make bigger, broader and faster improvements as a guitar player is comprehensive tracking, monitoring and analysis of your guitar playing and practice. This key element ensures you make the big improvements you could be (and SHOULD be) making daily. Tracking all the important elements that make up your guitar playing skills is a proven method to make you more motivated, excited, encouraged and confident than other guitar players to continue to learn, improve and master your guitar playing. This is the only tool in the world that does this for you.

Guitar Practice Generator
Practicing guitar but still not getting anywhere? What you need is a way to create personalized guitar practice schedules that will consistently, automatically and accurately take into account your current skill level and knowledge for each item you need to practice while ensuring that your practice schedules will always be personalized to you, your skills and your knowledge. This is critically important in order for you to get the most from your practicing. You also need a way for your practice schedules to ‘evolve’ as your guitar playing evolves so that they remain relevant and highly effective in helping you make progress every step of the way as you reach your musical goals. The Practice Generator gives you all of the above, while also providing you with a way to keep yourself accountable as you work through your practice schedules (plus a lot more). Your guitar playing will go through the roof when you FINALLY start following the practice schedules that help you maximize the results you get from every minute of practice time.

How To Create Intense Emotions In Your Guitar Playing - video series
I'll Show You:
• How to make people feel EXACTLY what YOU want them to feel, when you want them to feel it, how long you want them to feel it, and how intense you want them to feel it.
• How to always know 'what notes to play' BEFORE you play them in order to express and feel exactly what you want to feel when playing/creating a solo or composing melodies.
• The 'elusive' insight into the secrets of emotional guitar playing.... The things you can't put your finger on, the intangible, ethereal emotion in music, now finally laid out for you, for the first time ever - anywhere!

How To Write Great Guitar Solos
Imagine yourself creating guitar solos that are so unique, awesome and impressive that they grab people by the throat, shoot lightning bolts down their spine and compel them to love every note you play! ... Isn't that what you want? Of course you do, EVERYBODY wants this! And that is what the How To Write Great Guitar Solos video series will help you to do. You will discover totally new ideas for creating great guitar solos that you've never even thought about (or heard of before) so that your guitar solos immediately start to stand out from those of ‘average’ guitarists. You will also learn how to always choose the right notes to play in the right moment, how to seamlessly connect one note to the next and how to ornament every note in just the right way to make your guitar solos unforgettable! Myself and Fabio Lione (singer from Rhapsody Of Fire) will show you real life examples of how each element can be integrated into your guitar playing so that you can immediately start writing better guitar solos using these ideas.

Blueprints For Creating Your Own Awesome Guitar Solos
In this course, I give you the exact blueprint I and my guitar students use to play emotion-soaked guitar solos, practically on command. You’ll see me begin with an empty backing track and create TWO album-ready guitar solos in front of your very eyes. You’ll hear me narrate every single step, so you know what I'm doing and how you can do it too.
And then I’ll train you to use the same fun, fast & simple process to play your own awesome guitar solos … for the rest of your life. It’s all packaged up into a “binge-watch-today-and-play-better-solos-by-tomorrow” course called: “Blueprints For Creating Your Own Awesome Guitar Solos”.

Become Unstoppable - Life Advice For Guitar Players
In this program, I help you become a total champion in all areas of your life. Especially in combination with the strategies I teach and train you in my Breakthrough Guitar Lessons, you'll have just about everything you need to become a true champion guitar player. While I am not a doctor, a financial advisor or a relationship expert, I have been quite successful in all of these areas of my life. (Plus, I coached thousands of guitar players, guitar teachers, professional musicians, business owners and people in other areas of life to achieve their own success in various aspects of their lives.) And what I found is: success leaves clues. There are patterns to the thoughts and actions that successful people take to get where they are. In this program, I boil down success to a series of fundamental thoughts, beliefs and principles and show you (with lots of examples) how to apply them to achieve success at just about anything you set your mind to. And even if you don’t really care about becoming more successful in any area outside of guitar, this program will (directly) help you with your guitar playing too. That’s because the challenges you’ll face in becoming a better guitar player are almost identical to the challenges you’ll face with becoming successful at anything else in your life.

Guitar Phrasing Concepts For Rock Lead Guitar Soloing
Learn how to make your guitar licks and solos sound highly expressive and develop a lead guitar style that is uniquely yours! This course will show you the real secret to great guitar soloing - the art of guitar phrasing. This is not a set of ‘100 hot licks’ to play, nor is this anything like other lead guitar lessons you may have seen that tell you to ‘use vibrato and string bends’ to improve your guitar solos. You will learn so much more about what really goes through the minds of your favorite guitar players as they create their mind-blowing guitar licks, such as how to make the best note choices for any guitar solo you play or improvise, how to develop your own lead guitar style and how to make your guitar playing always match the music you hear in your head. After studying this course, you will have the skills needed to express yourself more accurately and completely with your guitar playing.

Master Guitar Soloing Now
The Master Guitar Soloing Now Course is a revolutionary guitar course to help you literally transform any guitar lick you already know into an amazing super awesome guitar lick! If you really analyze your favorite guitar players, you will discover that almost everything they play is derived from basic ideas. In other words, even if it 'sounds' complicated or advanced, the fundamental ideas they are using are typically simple. Your favorite guitar players simply 'embellish' those basic ideas by using a set of elements that anyone (including you) can also learn to use - and use very well. This amazing course on how to improve your guitar soloing will give you basic ideas to start with and then take you through a process where you will see, hear and experience how to transform the basic lick into an awesome guitar lick! You'll see each basic idea go through 4 evolutionary stages. This will help you to clearly understand what you can do with every lick you already know to transform each of them into super cool amazing licks too.

Innovative Arpeggio Phrasing for Advancing Metal Players
You have seen millions of lessons on ‘how to play’ arpeggios - but what you have not seen anywhere else is instruction on how to use arpeggios in a musical way once you learn to play them. This course will teach you how to creatively apply arpeggios into your guitar solos while creating very melodic music. Discover how guitar masters like Eddie Van Halen, Randy Rhoads, Yngwie Malmsteen, John Petrucci and many others have used arpeggios in their own soloing to create killer phrases and how YOU can do the same in your music! You will see lots of examples of arpeggio licks you can apply right away as well as get the knowledge to easily create your own arpeggio phrases! You will also get several rocking backing tracks to practice your new guitar phrasing ideas. Best of all, you don’t have to be a highly advanced shredder to use this course - you can easily apply the concepts taught here even if you are at an intermediate level.

Killer Rock Lead Guitar Legato Phrasing
Learn how to apply and integrate legato technique into your guitar soloing style and combine it with lots of other techniques and phrasing elements to express yourself fully and completely. This course will teach you to create your own unique phrasing style by showing you the “secrets” of legato masters like Joe Satriani, Shawn Lane and George Lynch and how they use their awesome technique to create fluid and fiery legato guitar phrases.In addition to learning the concepts that will improve your phrasing, you will get inspiring backing tracks to practice the examples from this course and improvise your own guitar solos to so that you immediately hear the results of the ideas you learn. More importantly, you will get to see ‘real world’ examples of legato guitar phrasing from actual songs and solos—all broken down and explained in full detail. You cannot find this type of instruction anywhere else!

Rock and Metal Guitar Licks
You can learn guitar licks anywhere, but what is extremely hard to find is a resource that will teach you both: new cool rock guitar licks AND ‘how to use them’ in any song! This course will walk you through the process of taking 20 awesome rock and metal guitar licks and applying each one to 10 (very different) backing tracks using a variety of keys, tempos, rhythms and contexts. This gives you 200 short, easy to understand guitar solo lessons and examples and you can begin to use these innovative ideas in your guitar playing right away. After studying this course you will be able to take any guitar lick you learn and immediately know how to use it in any context and make it fit the song perfectly! This is the exact skill that your favorite guitar players have mastered and now you can do the same and forever change the way you approach soloing on guitar. No matter if you are an intermediate or advanced guitarist, you will greatly benefit from studying this one-of-a-kind course.

Improvisation Training Classes
I will train you, step-by-step, how to improvise your own great guitar solos, how to never run out of ideas while improvising and how to think just like your favorite guitar players think when making music. I will not simply be telling you ‘what to do’, I will actually get you to DO all the right things that will make you a great improviser throughout these training sessions. You will finally take all the guitar techniques, music theory knowledge, ear training and other skills that you have worked hard to develop and learn to ‘put it all together’ to start making real music - your music - in any context and over any song. No matter if you are completely new to improvising or already have some experience, the level of these training sessions will be personalized to you to help you become a great and highly expressive improviser faster. You can learn scales and licks to play anywhere, but this is the only place in the world where you get actual hands-on ‘training’ on how to creatively improvise guitar solos.

Private Guitar Lessons
These intense guitar training sessions occur in my private studio (located in the northwest suburbs of Chicago). In these training sessions you and I will work together to overcome your specific guitar playing weaknesses so that you can become the guitarist you want to be in the shortest amount of time possible. You will get my undivided one-on-one attention and the tools and strategies that you need to reach your musical goals. I only accept highly motivated guitarists into private one-on-one guitar lessons. To be considered for admission, you must submit an original essay, as well as an audition demonstrating your current guitar playing challenges and describing your musical goals in full detail. Please note: membership for private guitar lessons is currently full, but you have the option to apply anyway and be placed on the waiting list. I will contact you as soon as an opening becomes available in my schedule.

Music Careers Mentoring Program
Get expert coaching on how to ‘make it’ in the music business, promote your music, get more fans and receive the best career opportunities - all while making a great living from music. This mentoring program is nothing like outdated music industry books or courses that only give you ‘information’ without helping you actually ‘build’ your career. When I mentor you, you will not simply learn ‘what’ to do - you will actually DO it, so that your music career goals become reality. Best of all, you will get this training from a pro who has already done all the things he is training you to do (landed music on the charts in multiple countries, toured the world in front of hundreds of thousands of people, made millions of dollars as a music industry entrepreneur) - not by someone who never achieved anything in their own music career!

How To Get More Gigs And Make More Money Playing Live
Every day musicians tell me how hard it is to get gigs where they live. Some say: “Venues just aren’t looking for new musicians right now”. Others claim: “There is too much competition in my area”. Both statements are false! Here is the reality: Venues don’t look for ‘musicians’. They look for ‘ways to earn more money’. Your job is to help venues earn more money with you than they can by working with anyone else. The more money you generate for venue owners, the more in-demand you become and the more money you earn from each gig. Sounds hard to do? It’s not. I mentor musicians to do this daily and will do the same for you. In this eGuide to getting more gigs, you will discover what successful musicians know and do to easily book the best-paying gigs in their area.

The Fastest Way To Get On A Tour, Play Music For Huge Audiences And “Catapult” Your Band Onto The Big Stage
This eGuide shows you a simple (as in: you can do it in the next 12 months) way to go from being an unknown band to touring with some of the biggest bands in the music business. I'm talking about playing music for huge audiences of hundreds (or maybe even thousands) of screaming fans who love the music you play. You can potentially even get to play sold-out arenas, like the Wacken Open Air festival… or tour with big bands, like Nickelback or Scorpions like my student Jure Golobic (Slovenia) did in Moscow. And if you do it right: other bands will do a bulk of the promotion for you – making it easier for you to play music for huge audiences. They book all the shows. They fill the arena with their fans. And in some cases, those other bands may even let you sell your albums and mercy to their fans and get their fans onto your email list!

Become Unstoppable - Life Advice For Guitar Players
In this program, I help you become a total champion in all areas of your life. Especially in combination with the strategies I teach and train you in my Music Careers Mentoring Program, you'll have just about everything you need to become a true champion musician. While I am not a doctor, a financial advisor or a relationship expert, I have been quite successful in all of these areas of my life. (Plus, I coached thousands of guitar players, guitar teachers, professional musicians, business owners and people in other areas of life to achieve their own success in various aspects of their lives.) And what I found is: success leaves clues. There are patterns to the thoughts and actions that successful people take to get where they are. In this program, I boil down success to a series of fundamental thoughts, beliefs and principles and show you (with lots of examples) how to apply them to achieve success at just about anything you set your mind to. And even if you don’t really care about becoming more successful in any area outside of guitar, this program will (directly) help you with your music career too. That’s because the challenges you’ll face in becoming a professional musician are almost identical to the challenges you’ll face with becoming successful at anything else in your life.

Elite Guitar Teachers Inner Circle
Want to become the 1 most successful guitar teacher in your area and earn a 6-figure income in the process from teaching guitar? Here’s what you need to achieve it. First you need to learn the strategies, tactics and knowledge that it takes both in terms of becoming an elite guitar teacher and also in terms of attracting (and keeping) new students like a magnet. Next, you need a better guitar teaching model. I promise you that the teaching model you are using now (and others you may have heard about) is inferior. Not only will I prove it to you, I’ll give you several other models that are better for your students and a better for you to earn more money. Third, you need support - lots of support. It’s not enough to simply learn what to do, you need to have somebody hold your hand through the process of actually getting it done. I will help you do that by speaking with you one-on-one on the telephone to make sure you know exactly how to do things and then I’ll hold you accountable so that you really do them! With this coaching, you will have no excuse for not becoming the top guitar teacher in your area.

How To Teach Guitar Like A Wizard (Even If Your Own Guitar Playing Isn’t Very Advanced Yet)
If you want to teach guitar “someday”, but are worried you “don't know enough to teach anyone yet”, this eCourse is THE place to start. It dives deep into a skill that no amount of “working on your own playing” will ever give you... and a skill that – amazingly – most “guitar teachers” completely suck at: the ability to make another person (who isn’t you) a better guitar player... while making sure they have fun along the way. Guitar players who teach the way I show you in this eCourse often start with no experience, no students and with their own playing at just an intermediate level... and manage to replace their old 6-figure salaries, earning more money (in fewer hours) by teaching guitar. Buy this eCourse, learn ‘about’ teaching guitar (without the pressure of having to teach anyone yet) and you’ll “feel ready” to teach guitar a whole lot sooner than you would ever believe.

How To Attract A Lot Of New Guitar Students
Learn how to attract guitar students like crazy using highly effective strategies that are proven to work! In this eCourse I will show you: how to attract students to you who may not live near your teaching location, where to publish your guitar lesson ads to get maximum results, and how to position yourself (and your lessons) in such a way that price will not be the main factor for your prospective students. I will also teach you how to avoid the damaging mistakes guitar teachers make during their very first conversation with prospects and how to make students want to study with you vs. your competitors. Most importantly, you will learn not just one way, but ‘many’ new and proven methods to get students so that you are never dependent on just a single way to grow your business! If you are still struggling to make ends meet teaching guitar, this course will show you how simple it really is to have new students pound on your door daily and earn a great income as a guitar teacher.

How To Effectively Teach Beginning Guitar Students
Beginner guitar students make up the majority of all guitar students and they can easily remain studying with you for a long time, ‘if’ you are extremely good at: getting them to believe in their potential, making their first guitar playing steps easy and rewarding, and keeping their motivation high along the way. This eCourse will show you (step-by-step) how to do all of the above by using the teaching method that has proven to work for thousands of students I have taught over the years as well as for the students of hundreds of teachers whom I train to teach guitar. You will also discover why the vast majority of guitar methods (and guitar teachers) for beginners drive most beginners to quit lessons (and guitar) and how to make sure this doesn't happen to you! I will also give you the exact materials to use with your beginning guitar students to help them progress faster, easier and more effectively than they ever could with any other guitar teacher in your area. Applying the proven strategy and materials in this eCourse will give you the tremendous satisfaction of helping huge numbers of people learn to play guitar well while growing your reputation and business at the same time!

The Guitar Teacher’s Toolkit
Eliminate hours of lesson preparation time and add more value to your students by having pre-made, easy-to-use, high resolution diagrams of chords, scales and arpeggios to use in your lessons and an easily customizable template that allows you to create hundreds of new diagrams and lesson materials very quickly. Your lesson materials will have a clean, professional look and you will have full ownership of the included images to use in your teaching business, so you never have to waste countless hours trying to find usable images on internet sites, only to be disappointed by low resolution images and/or branded or copyrighted materials. Multiply the number of hours you spend every week by your hourly teaching rate - this is how much money (and time) you are wasting doing work that is already done for you in The Guitar Teacher’s Toolkit. Using this toolkit will free up your time for teaching more students and will make it easier for you to focus on growing other areas of your guitar teaching business.

Become Unstoppable - Life Advice For Guitar Players
In this program, I help you become a total champion in all areas of your life. Especially in combination with the strategies I teach and train you in my Elite Guitar Teachers Inner Circle program, you'll have just about everything you need to become a true champion guitar teacher. While I am not a doctor, a financial advisor or a relationship expert, I have been quite successful in all of these areas of my life. (Plus, I coached thousands of guitar players, guitar teachers, professional musicians, business owners and people in other areas of life to achieve their own success in various aspects of their lives.) And what I found is: success leaves clues. There are patterns to the thoughts and actions that successful people take to get where they are. In this program, I boil down success to a series of fundamental thoughts, beliefs and principles and show you (with lots of examples) how to apply them to achieve success at just about anything you set your mind to. And even if you don’t really care about becoming more successful in any area outside of guitar, this program will (directly) help you with your guitar teaching too. That’s because the challenges you’ll face in becoming a better guitar teacher are almost identical to the challenges you’ll face with becoming successful at anything else in your life.

Complete Guitar Player Training Week
This event is for you if you feel like the gaps in your playing and holes in your knowledge are getting between you and what you want to play.
For 6 full days, me and my A-team of master guitar trainers will level up every aspect of your entire guitar playing (technique, phrasing, creativity, rhythm playing and ear training, etc.).
This brings you way closer to playing how you want and giving you the skills you need to become a complete guitar player - one who isn’t stuck playing just bits & pieces of music.
Most importantly, this event is the only place in the world where you can go through the Specialized Super Synthesis (3-S) Guitar Training to help you tie all your skills together, so you can sound like a pro (even if guitar is just a hobby).

Take a multi-day guitar vacation with me and dozens of other serious musicians just like you who traveled from all over the planet to be here! Each day consists of master classes and seminars from me that are always on totally new topics you will want to learn about (but will not find anywhere else), opportunities to have one-on-one guitar lessons with me, get your questions answered, receive feedback on your playing, jam, perform, hang out and have tons of fun - day and night. In addition, you will meet many new friends as well as learn from & jam with other cool and serious musicians (who are all very cool people, easy to talk to and approachable – so even if you are a shy person, you’ll feel comfortable right away.) There is only one event on Earth where you can experience all of that: HESSFEST.

Teach And Grow Rich Guitar Event
3 days of live training on how to develop a solid, high quality guitar teaching business – one where you earn an income of $100,000 to $500,000 a year or more (working part-time).
Discover what it takes to: set up marketing systems that help you attract students like a magnet (even in a sluggish economy), plan your lessons (so you know exactly what and how to teach your students), boost retention and keep your students happily studying with you for years, master conversation / sales – to ensure you convert nearly all the (right) prospective students into becoming your actual students, create powerful follow up systems (so you can gradually convert a good percentage even of those students who don't start lessons right away)... and a lot more.
Most importantly – you’ll get big chunks of your guitar teaching business built LIVE – during the event - with me, my team and other 6-figure guitar teaching experts helping you every step of the way. This ensures you leave the event with your business in a better and stronger position compared to when you arrived.

Total Guitar Mastery Training Week
You can transform your guitar playing in just 6 days with the right training, coaching and guidance every step of the way. At this super intense guitar coaching event you will have me (and 2 other master guitar trainers) take you by the hand and train you to smash through your limitations and become a guitar playing badass! This training is so powerful and intense that I’ll ‘only’ share it with you face-to-face (for 6 days 8 hours per day), leaving you no choice but to explode your guitar technique and speed and destroy the things holding back your playing. In addition to the explosive progress you WILL make at this event, you will get a lifetime of guitar training know-how, so that you keep making fast progress even ‘after’ going home.

Guitar Teaching Business Growth Summit
At this event, I present never-before-taught sets of strategies on growing your guitar teaching business during a period of inflation and recession. Many guitar teachers (your competitors) fail in such an economic climate because they don’t know what to do when the economy goes south. (So, they keep doing the same things in a bad economy as they would in a good economy... an amateur mistake.) The few who do know, often get the order wrong. (They focus on the wrong things at the wrong time or on the right things at the wrong time.) But the strategies and tactics I'll teach you at this event will help you become one of the few teachers who are thriving. This is not about getting to the “next level” in your business, it’s about catapulting to the next 10 levels - far closer to where you want to be, should be and deserve to be.

Ultimate Creativity And Guitar Soloing Mastery Training Week
You, me and 2 other master guitar trainers will be locked in a room, 8 hours per day for full 6 days, transforming your guitar soloing, phrasing and creativity. This is not a ‘guitar lessons’ event - this is about TRAINING and going through all steps of the process of becoming a more creative musician. You will get a complete assessment of your ‘real’ strengths and weaknesses, direct face-to-face attention from me and 2 other elite guitar trainers (6 days 8 hours per day), and my innovative and powerful training that you need to massively boost your creativity on guitar. You will also get special ‘ultra-secret’ stuff from me that will help you to master lead guitar soloing and creativity most effectively. Your massive progress at this event is backed by my ironclad 100% money back guarantee!

The Millionaire Musician Live Event
Join the wealthy 1% - even if playing guitar is just a hobby – by learning and applying the principles, strategies and tactics to increase your income, enrich your life, build real wealth and live the lifestyle you want (with or without playing music). At this one-time only 3-day event, I’m going to personally teach you my 4-step millionaire musician process to attract and build real, sustainable, predictable wealth. Attend it if you’re serious about building wealth, living life on your OWN terms and experiencing the thrill of doing what you want & the peace of mind that comes with it. It’s not luck. It’s not magical. It’s not mythical. It’s not genetic. It’s not a matter of intelligence (although intelligence helps, average intelligence is more than enough). Financial independence is achievable for anyone, including you. This event will show you how.

Guitar Teaching Super Summit International
Lock yourself in a room with the only person on Earth earning 7-figures teaching guitar, tie him up and make him reveal his most closely guarded secrets, so you can: learn how to attract hundreds of new guitar students, teach guitar better than anyone else in your area and earn at least 6-figures per year while only teaching guitar part time. You can do this even if you are new to teaching guitar. You will go far beyond merely learning “about” building a successful guitar teaching business - we will work on building all the key pieces you need for your business to grow and earn money FAST during the event. You will go home with most everything ALREADY COMPLETED, and ready for immediate implementation in your guitar teaching business for super fast results!

Ear Training Breakthrough Bootcamp
Eliminate - once and for all - the #1 most crippling obstacle standing in your way of playing guitar how you want: weak aural skills. If you can’t hear the notes in your head before you play (or improvise) them, you end up just playing the same old licks, the same old patterns, the same old clichés, and everything you play sounds the same. Or worse … you don’t hear music in your head at all. Your playing sounds just mediocre. In just 6 days, I’m going to fix this with you. I won’t simply “tell” you what to do or even show you how to do it. I'm going to hold your hand through the entire ear training process to ensure that your aural skills and your guitar playing are massively and permanently transformed when you leave. Period. This is the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for. Come and experience it. It’s yours for the taking.

Fretboard Domination Bootcamp
In just 6 days you will learn how to banish one of the most crippling problems that stands in the way of your creativity on guitar - lack of fretboard mastery. Most guitarists either do not work on this skill at all, waste too much time memorizing the WRONG (i.e. useless) information or learn the fretboard on a merely superficial level. The result in all 3 cases is exactly the same: you continue to struggle and not know why you have a hard time being creative in “real life” guitar playing and improvising. In this event you will go through the PROCESS of mastering visualization of all your scales, arpeggios and intervals in a very simple, practical and reliable way - just like the very best guitar players do it. I am not just going to “tell” you what to do or even show you “how to do it” - I'm going to hold your hand through the entire mastery process to ensure that your fretboard mastery and your guitar playing are massively and permanently transformed when you leave…guaranteed!

Become The Expert - Guitar Teacher Certification Bootcamp
Become the only guitar teacher in your area certified with the Guitar Teaching Mastery (GTM) certification - the new Gold Standard guitar teaching credential around the world. As a GTM Certified guitar teacher, you show your peers & students that you are different, special and reputable. At this event, you observe AND participate in the process of teaching by hearing ultra-elite teachers narrate exactly what they are thinking as they teach. You won’t hear merely ideas or theory about teaching - you see the whole thought process... the REAL GOLD narrated to you in real time. You are going to leave this event with the skills to REALLY and IMMEDIATELY transform your own students’ playing and put other guitar teachers to shame.

Songwriting Mastery Lab
Make huge breakthroughs in your songwriting & creativity, even if you’ve never written a song before or think you don't have musical talent. Transform raw musical ideas into killer songs you are proud to call your own. Turn your brain into a song factory and write better songs immediately using strategies that are easy to understand and use. You learn to avoid common songwriting traps that are hard to get out of and keep you stuck like quicksand. These mistakes are the reason why most songwriters never feel fully satisfied with their own ideas/songs. You also learn better ways to approach the entire songwriting process, so that you create ideas that are new, fresh and exciting. Fact is, the way you approach the songwriting process has a direct effect on how good your songs will sound (and how fast you can start & finish them). Get feedback on your songwriting from world-class instructors who hold your hand every step of the way and help you make the songwriting process simple and fun.

Music Career Money Magnet Event
Learn how to make A LOT of money on tour and make successful bands beg you to join them. For 3 days you and I will be locked in a room where I will give you ‘all’ my most guarded secrets that I have used repeatedly to get into 2 world touring bands and earn big money in the music industry. With these secrets you will be able to do exactly the same: make huge amounts of ‘extra’ money on tour, become the ‘only’ candidate for joining any band you want to get into and achieve lasting success in your music career. Best of all, you will learn how to think like a music business entrepreneur so that you start to see new money-making opportunities for yourself and your band that nobody else will ever see. This is by far the most valuable thing you will learn from me and once you have this skill, nobody can ever take it away from you!
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Click here to see live event highlights from a past event season.