Free Tom Hess Guitar Lessons, Music Career Advice & Guitar Teaching Resources

Below you will find a massive compilation of powerful resources that will help you to greatly improve your guitar playing, build a highly successful career in the music industry and expand your guitar teaching business. Click on one of the blue buttons below to see the resources you are most interested in:

Guitar Playing Resources Music Career Resources Guitar Teacher Resources

Free Resources To Improve Your Guitar Playing

Scroll down to find tons of free guitar playing resources including video guitar lessons, in-depth mini courses, assessments to test your strengths and weaknesses, eBooks  and more. Each resource will help you to get better as a guitarist and solve the most common problems guitar players struggle with.

Free Video Guitar Lessons About Guitar Practice, Technique And Soloing

How to clean up your legato guitar techniqueHow To Make Your Legato Guitar Technique More Clean
Do you struggle to play cleanly with legato guitar technique? Before you can do so, you MUST identify which of the 3 common mistakes most guitarists make while playing with legato that you are making (and correct it/them). Learn these mistakes now and correct them by watching this video about how to play with clean legato guitar technique.

Free Video Guitar LessonsFree Video Guitar Lessons - How To Make A Lot Of Progress In Your Guitar Playing
Most guitarists use the internet to learn guitar. Unfortunately, most guitar lessons online are made by totally amateur guitarists. This means when you use their lessons, you may actually be slowing down your own guitar improvement! In order to get real results on guitar, you need to learn from a professional who has already helped many other players like you. See how you can become a better guitar player by watching these free video guitar lessons.

Guitar solo lesson videoGuitar Solo Lesson Video
It's not 'what' you play, it's 'how' you play it that matters most. Whether you play rock, metal or any other electric guitar style, you can immediately transform your lead guitar playing by watching this guitar solo lesson. This is among my very best free guitar lessons online.

The Easiest Way To Increase Your Guitar SpeedHow To Easily Increase Your Guitar Speed
Want to tremolo pick faster on guitar? Then STOP trying to "move your hands faster" - this will never work. I’ll show you the 4 steps you need to take to REALLY improve your tremolo technique so you can play lightning fast and make it feel super easy. Practice this exercise to greatly improve your tremolo picking.

Break Through Guitar Speed Barriers And Play FasterPlay Guitar Fast Without Making Mistakes
Before you can play guitar fast without sacrificing accuracy, you must learn how to practice as effectively as possible. For example, you must train your brain to process notes at higher speeds and eliminate slow, sloppy movements in your hands. Learn more about playing fast without making mistakes by watching this guitar speed video.

Clean Up Your Sweep Picking ArpeggiosHow To Clean Up Your Sweep Picking Are you struggling to play arpeggios cleanly? Wouldn't it be awesome to have a way to not only make your sweep picking cleaner and faster, but also to come up with awesome sweep picking shred licks at the same time? Good news: you absolutely CAN do and have both in your practicing and you are about to learn how! Watch this video to see how to make your sweep picking practice a lot more fun and infinitely more effective at helping you play arpeggios cleanly on guitar.

 Advanced Guitar Speed Secrets VideoAdvanced Guitar Speed Secrets Video
How to build massive amounts of speed on the guitar is a big mystery for most guitarists. Learn how to play guitar fast by watching this free guitar speed video lesson. This is another one of my best free guitar lessons online.

Sweep Picking Video Lesson by Tom HessSweep Picking Video Lesson
Learning how to play sweep picking arpeggios at very high speeds with flawless accuracy is difficult for most guitarists. In this free 3 string arpeggio sweep picking video guitar lesson you will discover the secrets of fast sweep picking, how to avoid common mistakes and much more.

How To Practice Guitar VideoHow To Practice Guitar Video
Discover why the traditional way of practicing guitar has been holding you back and discover how to practice guitar using the Geometric Guitar Practicing Method™.

The Best Way To Practice Guitar With Limited TimeThe Best Way To Practice Guitar With Limited Time
Are you not sure about what you should practice when you don't have enough time to do everything on your guitar practice schedule? Learn how to practice guitar with limited time in this free guitar practice video.

10 Steps To Become A Better Guitarist Video10 Steps To Become A Better Guitarist
This video will show you what you should do to become a better guitarist. Discover what you really need to practice, how to use guitar practicing frustration as a positive force and much more. Watch the video on how to become a better guitar player now.

Guitar phrasing video with Tom HessGuitar Solo Video Lesson On How To Improve Your Guitar Solo Phrasing Skills
Are you still struggling to create great guitar solos? Give me 5 minutes and I will show you how to immediately improve your guitar solo phrasing skills in this guitar solo video lesson.

Video Lesson About Guitar PhrasingGuitar Phrasing Video Lesson
Many guitar players struggle to express themselves fully with their guitar solos. If you have this problem, watch this guitar phrasing lesson to learn a highly innovative way of breaking out of this musical creativity rut and discover how to create truly awesome guitar solos.

How To Play Intense Blues Guitar Licks VideoMake Your Blues Guitar Licks Sound Totally Badass
To make your blues guitar licks sound totally badass you MUST play them with a lot of aggression. However, you must also make sure that you play them cleanly otherwise your playing will sound sloppy and all expression will be lost. Watch this killer blues guitar licks video and I'll show you how this is done. 

Create melodic and lyrical guitar solosLearn How To Create Highly Melodic And Lyrical Guitar Solos
Many guitar players create their guitar solos by simply throwing together a bunch of random licks. This often leads to mediocre sounding solos with a weak sense of melody. To create great solos with powerful melodies, you can learn a lot by observing how singers sing their vocal lines. Watch this video and learn how to create guitar solos.  

Creative guitar lesson videoHow To Play More Creative Lead Guitar Solos
Before you can play amazing guitar solos, you must learn how to enhance every lick you play using creative vibrato and bend techniques. Watch this guitar soloing video to learn how to use them so you can play killer solos every time you pick up your guitar.

How To Play Cool Blues Double Stop Riffs VideoHow To Play Cool Blues Double Stop Riffs
Blues guitar players usually only know how to play common double stop riffs, while only the most expressive blues guitarists understand how to creatively use double stops to add intensity and aggression into their playing. Don't limit yourself to only using common double stop patterns - Watch this video to learn how to make creative, expressive and intense blues guitar double stop riffs.

 The Coolest Way To Apply Pitch Axis Theory To Guitar SolosHow To Easily Play Emotional Guitar Solos Using A Variation Of Pitch Axis Theory
Your guitar solos will sound much better once you understand how to use a single note to create tons of emotion. By using an easy-to-apply variation of pitch axis theory, you will be able to do this in only a matter of minutes. Watch this guitar solo video and learn how to play intense and emotional solos right away.  

How to express intense emotions on guitarHow To Play Emotional Guitar Solos Using A Single Note
To play great guitar solos you must understand how to express intense emotions with every note you use. Fortunately, this is much easier to do than you think. Watch this video and find out how to play emotional guitar solos using only one note.

Video On How To Compose A Guitar SoloHow To Compose Great Guitar Solos
Truly great guitar solos are NOT created by stringing a bunch of cool guitar licks together… they are created using one of many different 'compositional processes'. If you desire to know exactly 'how' great guitar solos are composed and want to see one of the very rare (but extremely effective) ways that you can use to compose your own cool guitar solos, watch this video about how to compose guitar solos.

How To Play Guitar With Feeling VideoThe Most Important Aspect Of How To Play Guitar With Feeling That Most Guitarists Will Never Know
To be able to influence the emotions of people simply by what and how you play is the single greatest power in all of music. For musicians, this is the pinnacle… the Holy Grail of musicianship. Learn more about how to play guitar with feeling in this unique guitar playing video.

How to play intense lead guitar licksHow To Play Powerful And Intense Lead Guitar Licks
To play powerful guitar licks that demand attention you only need to make slight changes to how you play 'one' note in your phrase. Watch this lead guitar licks video and see a demonstration for how this process works.


Free Guitar eBooks

Clean up your legato guitar technique Eliminate Excess Muscle Tension: The Silent Killer Of Your Guitar Technique
Does your guitar playing sometimes feel like a real struggle? It won’t feel like this anymore when you eliminate the silent killer of your guitar technique: excessive muscle tension. Download my free eGuide to relaxing excess muscle tension & improve your guitar technique today.

 Double Your Guitar SpeedHow To Double Your Guitar Speed While Cutting Your Practice Time In Half
Ever wonder why some guitarists seem to be able to increase their playing speed while practicing much less than you? It's not because they are much more talented and that you lack talent. To play with greater guitar speed while practicing less, you simply need to practice more efficiently. Learn how by taking this course about doubling your guitar speed.  

How to add emotions to your guitar playingLearn The Secret To Adding Fire And Emotion To Any Guitar Lick (Even If You Can’t Play Guitar Fast Yet)
You want your lead guitar playing to sound expressive and emotional instead of dull and uninspired, right? Then you’d better make time for actually training to play guitar with emotion. Get this free guide to learn the secrets that the pros use to play emotional guitar licks and solos.

 Free Guitar Practice eBookDiscover The Secrets Most Guitar Players Will Never Know About How To Practice Guitar! 
Download this FREE Guitar eBook about guitar practice secrets and get more than 100 pages of guitar practice tips, advice, exercises and tab! Get your Free Guitar eBook about guitar practice secrets

How To Choose The Right Guitar Teacher eGuideHow To Choose The Right Guitar Teacher

Do you want to find and select the perfect guitar teacher for yourself? Find out which teacher is best able to help you become the great guitar player you want to become! Download the Official Guide to "How To Choose A Guitar Teacher"

Learn How To Easily Increase Your Guitar SpeedHow To Improve Your Guitar Speed Without Moving Your Hands Any Faster
Most guitarists struggle to play guitar fast and clean because they only focus on moving their hands faster when they practice… but fail to train and track progress with all the other elements of guitar technique that make their speed actually sound GREAT. Download this free special report to learn the easiest way to improve your guitar speed that most guitar players do not know about.



Free Guitar Playing Assessments (See All Assessments)

Lead guitar creativity assessmentWhat Is Your Lead Guitar Creativity Level?
Are you having trouble playing highly expressive lead guitar solos and licks? Chances are, you need to work on becoming a more creative guitarist and musician. Learn exactly what you need to work on right now by testing yourself with this lead guitar creativity assessment.

How to become a killers guitaristHow Good Is Your Guitar Playing?
Is your guitar playing really as good as you think? Before you can truly become a great guitarist, you must identify your strengths and weaknesses. Test yourself now using this assessment and learn how to become a better guitarist.

How Effective Are You In Reaching Your Musical Goals?How Effective Are You In Reaching Your Musical Goals?
Determine your level of success in applying good practice habits, learning guitar technique and developing musical skills.  The more effective you are in learning and integrating these 3 elements, the faster you will reach your musical goals! Find out where you stand here

Practicing Guitar Discipline Or FunIs Your Practicing Disciplined AND Fun At The Same Time?
Most guitarists either have lots of fun practicing, but are not highly disciplined, or try to be very disciplined, but find it boring or unfulfilling when they do so. To make the most amount of progress, your learning experience needs to balance BOTH elements. How well can you do this? Test yourself here

Rock Lead Guitar Phrasing VideoHow Effective Is Your Rock Lead Guitar Phrasing?
From the many elements that go into creative improvising and soloing, phrasing is perhaps the single most important (and the least practiced!) one.  Do you understand all the elements that go into truly expressive guitar phrasing? Find out here.  

How To Practice GuitarHow Much Do You Know About Practicing Guitar?
Is your practicing as effective as it can be? If you haven't reached your musical goals yet, chances are that the answer is "No". Take this test to understand how much you really know about how to practice guitar.

Mastering lead guitar techniqueHow Close Are You To Mastering Electric Lead Guitar Technique?
If all you do is measure your guitar technique progress using a metronome to track speed, you are totally on the wrong track and are missing the majority of what is needed to improve this area of your guitar playing. Take this test to learn how close you are to mastering lead guitar technique.


Free Guitar Playing Articles

Articles about guitar playingGuitar Playing Articles
Discover more than 60 articles about guitar playing, guitar practicing, songwriting, creativity, playing live and much more. Check them out here.



Additional Free Guitar Playing Resources

Play Guitar Accurately And ConsistentlyHow To Play Guitar Accurately And Consistently Anytime You Want
Do you hate it when your guitar playing sounds great one day, but terrible another day? In order to fix this and become 100% consistent, you must learn and master several specific, little-known guitar practice strategies. Learn these strategies now by downloading this guide to playing guitar perfectly.

Mini Course On How To Reach Your Musical Goals7 Day Mini Course How To Reach Your Musical Goals
Discover how you can reach your own musical goals in this free 7 day audio mini course.

How To Play Guitar Fast Mini Course14 Day Mini Course How To Play Guitar Fast
Learn the secrets of building guitar speed that most guitar players will never know about. Increasing your guitar speed is easier than you think if you understand exactly how to practice guitar to develop this skill. Find out how in this free mini course on how to play guitar fast.

Guitar Practice Routine To Use After A Break From PlayingBest Guitar Practice Routine To Use After Taking A Long Break From Playing
It sucks when you take a long break away from guitar and come back only to discover that your playing skills have gone down dramatically. Fortunately, you can quickly regain your skills by using an effective practice routine. Use this guitar practice routine to regain your playing skills in just 14 days.  

Studio Recording eGuideStudio Recording Guide For Guitar Players
This free guide will show you how to avoid the 6 most common mistakes that guitar players make in the recording studio. Study this resource to learn how to save yourself and your band A LOT of wasted time, money and energy by improving your studio recording skills.  

Rock Guitar Lesson VideoRock Guitar Licks Lesson
Many guitar players struggle with making their favorite guitar licks fit naturally into a variety of musical contexts. With a little training, you can use simple guitar phrasing techniques to easily transform a basic rock guitar lick into dozens of creative musical ideas. Learn how to become a more expressive improviser and soloist in this free rock guitar licks lesson

7 String Guitar Lesson7 String Guitar Lesson On Musical Creativity
If you have spent the majority of your time playing a 6 string guitar, you may think that playing 7 string guitar is exactly the same (only with an added string). However, if you take this approach, you will be greatly limiting your musical creativity. Learn how to become more musically creative on 7 string guitar by studying this 7 string guitar lesson.

Manifesting Your Musical Goals Into RealityManifest Your Musical Goals Into Reality 
Understand 'what' you need to learn to reach your guitar playing and musical goals and discover 'how' each of these things are critical to reaching these goals. Find out what you need to learn to reach your musical goals.

FREE guitar solo tipsFREE Guitar Solo Tips
Transform your guitar soloing by discovering secrets most guitar players will never know about how to create and play great guitar solos. Get your free guitar solo tips here. 

Learn 5 Guitar TricksMake Your Guitar Playing Sound Better With These 5 Tricks
Want to make your guitar playing sound great no matter what you play? Learn how to do it right now by downloading this free eGuide for making your guitar playing sound better.

FREE Guitar Playing TipsFREE Guitar Playing Tips
These 15 great guitar playing tips will immediately enable you to improve your guitar playing. Get your first guitar playing tip now.

Seven Day CoachingSeven Day Coaching
Reaching your musical goals will become much easier when you get guidance on how to do it from someone who has already achieved what you want to do. Get free seven day coaching on reaching your musical goals from me.

Music Career Advice And Resources

In order to make a lot of money in the music business as a highly successful professional musician, you first need to 'forget' everything you've been told about the industry by those who have not already made it to the top and accomplished the same things you want to do in your music career. The key to reaching your highest music career goals and earning a good living while doing it is receiving the guidance, coaching and training of a personal music career mentor who knows exactly what it takes to 'make it' in this industry for the long term.

Scroll down below to check out free music career resources, assessments, videos and mini courses I've created from my experiences as a successful professional musician.

Music Career Assessments:

If you aspire to become a professional musician and earn a living with your passion, you will need to know what it really takes to break into this industry.  Contrary to popular belief, your potential for success in music is not determined by "who you know" or by "getting lucky".

Take the assessments below and find out what it really takes to become a music business professional.  You will also be able to evaluate the current steps you may be taking towards a music career.  After you complete the questions, you will receive your score together with detailed comments from me.  I will show you how you can begin to move your career forward much more quickly and powerfully than before.

Test yourself below:

Your Music Career On The Right TrackLearn How Close You Are To A Successful Career In Music 
Are you on the right track to a thriving career in the music business? Take this free music career assessment to learn how close you are to becoming a highly successful professional musician.

Find A Music Career CoachDo You Need A Music Career Coach?
To succeed in music, it is very helpful to follow the advice of a mentor, someone who has already done what you want to do and can teach you to do the same.  Do you need a coach to help you reach your music career goals in the fastest way possible? Find out here.

Build A Successful Music CareerDo You Have An Effective Backup Plan That Will Lead You Into A Successful Music Career?
Many musicians "plan to fail" in their music career, by relying on a backup plan that moves them away from their ultimate dream.  How about you?  How effective is your strategy?  Click here to test yourself and find out.  

Pursue A Career In MusicAre You Prepared To Pursue A Highly Successful Career As A Professional Musician?
Many people talk about wanting to make it in the music business, but few have all the "pieces of the puzzle" necessary for long term success in this industry.  How about you? Test yourself here.

Test For Becoming A Successful MusicianTest For BIG Success As A Professional Musician
How well do you understand the mindset of successful music industry professionals?  While all people are different, there are common threads to both failure and success.  Do you live with this mindset? This test will tell you.

What Does The Music Industry Look ForWhat Does The Music Industry Look For In You?
Many musicians want to know what it takes to attract the attention of the major people and companies in the music business.  In order to understand the answer to this question, you must know WHAT these entities look for in all artists they choose to work with.  Most musicians have no about you? Find out here.

How To Promote MusicHow Much Do You Know About Promoting Your Music?
You want your music to be heard by others and to build your fanbase, right? Of course you do... but how much do you REALLY know about succeeding in this area of the music business? You might be surprised... Take this music industry promotion test to find out.

Free Music Career eBooks:

How To Become A Pro MusicianGet Your Fans To Buy Your Music Instead Of Stealing It
Doesn’t it make you angry to spend thousands of hours practicing your instrument, thousands (or tens of thousands) of dollars to record and release your music…and then struggle to sell your album for $10? Worst of all, many of your so-called “fans” feel entitled to steal from you by downloading your music illegally. This free eGuide shows how to get your fans to buy music.

Music Career Articles:

Music Career eGuideMusic Career Articles
Doesn’t it make you angry to spend thousands of hours practicing your instrument, thousands (or tens of thousands) of dollars to record and release your music…and then struggle to sell your album for $10? Worst of all, many of your so-called “fans” feel entitled to steal from you by downloading your music illegally. This free eGuide shows how to get your fans to buy music.

Free Music Career Coaching Mini Course:

Do You Need A Music Career CoachDo I Need A Music Career Coach FREE 6 Day Mini Course
To achieve success in the music business, you must follow the advice of a mentor who has already accomplished the things you want to do.  Think you need a mentor and trainer to help you achieve your music career goals as quickly as possible? Get powerful music industry advice and expand your music career with a mentor now.  

Free Music Career Videos:

How To Become A Pro MusicianHow To Become A Professional Musician
Do you want to know "what you must do" to begin your music career today?  Many musicians ask this question when trying to break into the industry as they look for tips on how to get started.  The answer will surprise you... Watch the video to find out.

Music Career Backup PlansMusic Career Backup Plans
Have you ever been advised by friends or family about the need to have "something to fall back on" if the music career doesn't work out?  Although this advice is usually born from good intentions, in reality it is very DAMAGING to your music career success. Watch this video to learn the truth about music career backup plans.


Guitar Teacher Resources

Showing people how to learn guitar and reach their musical goals can be both a personally fulfilling and highly lucrative occupation. In order to become a highly successful full time guitar teacher, you must continually take action to improve your guitar teaching business in all areas from general teaching skills to overall business strategy. Look below to find many free guitar teaching resources that will help you grow your guitar teaching business and enhance your teaching skills.

Guitar Teaching Assessments:

Teaching guitar can be highly rewarding, both in terms of personal fulfillment from helping others to reach their goals, as well as financially.  In order for me to help you begin your successful teaching career (or make your current situation more successful), I want you to test yourself and your current approaches to teaching guitar. 

Answer the questions in the assessments below.  You will immediately receive an e-mail with your score, together with my specific feedback on your results.


Guitar Teaching Success TestHow Close Are You To Big Success As A Guitar Teacher? 
Find out how close you are to becoming successful as a guitar teacher and get free feedback from me that will help you grow your teaching business fast. Take this guitar teaching success test.

How to teach beginning guitar studentsAre You Ready To Teach Guitar?
Do you wish you could finally quit your unfulfilling day job and start teaching guitar for a living instead? Fact is, you are probably much more prepared to get started teaching guitar right now than you’d think. The best way to know for sure is to assess your guitar playing and teaching experience. Test yourself right now so you can learn how prepared you really are by filling out this free guitar teaching assessment.  

How to teach beginning guitar studentsHow Effective Are Your Beginning Guitar Student Teaching Methods?
How effective are you in getting your students to practice, believe in their potential, and to remain your students until they achieve their goals?  Most guitar teachers struggle with doing this successfully.  In most cases, their approach to teaching guitar to beginners is lacking in many areas (that they are unaware of) and could use a lot of improvement. If you are not successful in this area, test your beginning guitar student teaching methods here.  

How ready are you to become a successful guitar teacherHow Prepared Are You To Grow A Highly Successful Guitar Teaching Business?
There are many things that are needed in order to build and sustain a highly successful guitar teaching business. Most guitar teachers aren't aware of them and fail as a result. Do you know what all of these things are? Are you 100% ready to implement them? Find out how prepared you are to build a long-lasting and successful guitar teaching business by completing the questions in this free guitar teaching strengths assessment.   

How to attract more new guitar studentsHow Effective Are You In Attracting New Guitar Students?
Do you have highly effective strategies for attracting A LOT of new guitar students to your teaching studio?  Are students pounding down your door just for the chance to begin studying with you?  Do you find it easy to keep your schedule totally full of students? If you didn't answer "Yes", to all of these questions, this test for how effective you are at getting new guitar students will help you find out why.  

How to become a more effective guitar teacherTest Your Guitar Teaching Skills
Do you know how good of a guitar teacher you are? Before learning how to improve your teaching skills, you must first learn what your current strengths and weaknesses are. Find out how much you really know about teaching guitar and test your guitar teaching skills. After you take this assessment, I'll send you my feedback on your answers to help you become much more effective at teaching guitar.

How to teach your guitar students to practice effectivelyHow To Teach Your Guitar Students To Practice Guitar
Most guitar teachers do a very poor job at teaching their students how to effectively "practice" guitar and this is one of the reasons why their students rarely become exceptional musicians. If you want to succeed as a guitar teacher, you MUST be able to transform the musical lives of your students. Take this free assessment to test your skills in the area of teaching your guitar students how to practice effectively.  


Guitar Teaching Articles:


Guitar teaching articlesGuitar Teaching Articles
As a guitar teacher, you will often come across situations that leave you scratching your head and wondering what to do next. It's time to get the answers you seek and take your guitar teaching to the next  level. Get tons of advice to help you find new guitar students, teach guitar more effectively and build a long-lasting/highly successful guitar teaching business by reading these articles about guitar teaching.  

Free Guitar Teaching Business eBook:

How to earn more money by teaching guitarFree eBook About How To Earn More Money In Your Guitar Teaching Business
Most guitar teachers want to do much better in their guitar teaching business, but they simply do not know 'what to do', nor 'how to do things' to reach that goal. Start taking action and learning exactly what you need to do to grow your guitar teaching business. Read this free mini eBook and get 11 tips that you can use right away to build your guitar teaching business better and stronger.  

Free Guitar Teaching Mini Course:

How to become a great guitar teacherHow To Be An Excellent Guitar Teacher
This free 7 day mini course will show you how to establish and grow your reputation as the best guitar teacher in your area. You will learn how to get results with all of your students and help them develop into great musicians. Also, you will discover how to attract more serious students to work with. Get the mini course on how to become an excellent guitar teacher here.  

Free Guitar Teaching Videos:

Building a successful guitar teaching businessHow To Become The Number One Guitar Teacher In Your Area
Discover guitar teaching business secrets most guitar teachers will never learn about. It's time that you finally found out exactly which steps you need to take in order to grow your guitar teaching business from making a mere $20,000-30,000 per year to making over $100,000 consistently, every year. Get started by watching this video about how to build a successful guitar teaching business

Additional Resources:

Resources for guitar teachersGuitar Teaching Tips
Before you can earn tons of money teaching guitar and get great results for your students, you are going to face problems that seem to have no clear solutions. In these times, you need to continue to look for answers and push through in order to achieve your ultimate goals as a guitar teacher. Use these 15 free guitar teaching tips to maintain a forward momentum and solve any guitar teaching problems you face.

Ready to get serious about your guitar teaching? Learn how to teach guitar, build a highly successful guitar teaching business, get guitar students to come to you and make money teaching guitar.



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