Free Video Guitar Lessons
Watch the videos on this page to learn how to practice guitar more efficiently and improve your guitar technique, guitar speed, and guitar soloing.
Free Guitar Solo Video Lessons

Love the sound of guitar tapping technique but don't know what or how to practice in order to master it for yourself? Good news: Playing guitar tapping licks fast and clean is not that hard when you know what to focus on during the learning process. Find out what to work on today in order to tap like the pros by watching this free guitar tapping video.

Want to play fast and clean sweep picking arpeggios that sound more interesting than the usual patterns? Learning how to use 7th chord arpeggios is a great way to give your sweep picking a unique and expressive sound... but knowing how to practice using the speed burst method is the real key to transforming your technique. Find out how to do it by watching this sweep picking speed burst video.

Want to sweep pick cool arpeggios on guitar and impress anyone listening? You're in the right place. It's time to learn how to play fast and clean sweep picking arpeggios just like the pros. Once you watch this video about the correct way to play common major/minor shapes, you'll see that it's much easier than you think. Learn how to play guitar arpeggios.

Common problem: You learn how to play guitar fast with great technique... but you can't put it all together to play a guitar solo that sounds melodic and expressive. Don't worry, this happens to tons of guitar players and this issue can be fixed without a struggle. So, how do you make your fast guitar playing sound melodic? Find out how by watching this free video about playing fast guitar solos with melody.

Do you ever play guitar solos and seem to get lost on the fretboard, run out of ideas or play phrases that don't really go anywhere? Good news: This is something tons of guitarists go through, and it's easy to fix so you can begin playing guitar solos that sound better. The trick is to make just a few notes sound really good. Find out how to do this in this video about getting started playing better guitar solos.

Wish you could pick up your guitar and play expressive notes that are full of emotion? Learning how to play guitar with feeling is one of the most satisfying things you can experience with the instrument. Here's the good news - it's not that hard to do and you don't have to be an advanced player to do it either. Find out how to make your guitar cry by checking out this video about playing guitar with feeling.

Want to play sweep picking arpeggios that sound impressive, fast and clean just like the pros do? Good news: No matter where your skill level is at now, you can do this. It doesn't have to take you many years to make a lot of improvement either. You simply need to master the fundamental aspects of this technique that make clean speed possible. Learn how to get better at sweep picking technique.

Playing double stops on guitar sounds very cool and is essential for rock and blues playing. Combining this together with other techniques on guitar can make it sound even better. For example: applying vibrato to your double stops. This adds tons of expressive intensity to your double stop licks. Learn how to master this to take your guitar playing to another level in this video about guitar double stops with vibrato.

Want to creatively improvise guitar licks that sound musically expressive? It's easier than you think! Improvising creatively is a ton of fun and guitarists of any level can start playing cool licks by using easy-to-follow advice. Plus, it doesn't require memorizing a ton of new scales or licks. Find out how to start playing creative and expressive ideas of your own in this guitar licks improvisation video.

Wish you were able to play pentatonic guitar licks that sound impressive and creative? Good news: You don't need to become an advanced guitar player to play killer pentatonic licks that make anyone stop and listen when you are soloing. In fact: You can play amazing things without moving far from common pentatonic patterns. Learn how to play awesome pentatonic guitar licks.

Want to make your guitar licks sound expressive and emotional whenever you want? The secret to this is learning how specific notes of a scale sound in a given musical context. Good news is, this is not very difficult to do and is actually a lot of fun. One of the most expressive musical intervals is the 6th. Learn what this is and how to use to play amazing lead guitar licks with major or minor 6ths.

Love the sound of neoclassical guitar licks played by famous players like Yngwie Malmsteen or Ritchie Blackmore? Wish you could play cool licks just like them? Good news: You don't have to be a virtuoso guitarist to do it. There are many easy neoclassical guitar licks that sound great and get you on your way to playing other more advanced licks. Learn them now by watching this neoclassical guitar licks video.

Wish you had a cool scale to use to play guitar licks that sound unique, expressive and memorable? Great choice: Using the Lydian scale/mode. This expressive mode gives you the power to create guitar licks that sound dreamy and "out there" just like the ones Steve Vai plays. It's also not difficult and super fun to practice. Sound good? Get started now by watching this video about playing Lydian guitar licks.

Looking for a way to make your lead guitar playing sound both creative and engaging without performing advanced techniques? No problem. Using polymeter to play licks is surprisingly simple and effective for doing this. Don't worry, many people overcomplicated polyrhythm and never try to use it in their playing. Find out why it's easy and fun to play guitar licks with polymeter.

Want to play impressive guitar licks and solos without needing to master advanced techniques or play at super-fast speeds? Learning how to play simple open string guitar licks helps you do this. There is only one catch: you must play these licks perfectly clean so that no notes are cut-off. Find out what to do to play killer licks of your own by watching this open string guitar licks video.

You make your guitar playing arpeggios sound creative and musically expressive by combining them together with other techniques. One of the coolest ways to do this is to use slides to make your arpeggios sound smooth. This is an expressive sound and isn't hard to master in a short period of time. Start making your lead guitar playing sound great by using the ideas in this free creative guitar arpeggios video.

Want to make your guitar solos burst with expressive emotion? It's easy to do when you emphasize the half steps in a scale to take advantage of their potential to create musical tension. No matter what your guitar playing level is, you have the power to make your solos truly stand out using simple approaches to build and release tension - learn how to do it in this video about playing amazing guitar solos.

What is one big frustration of guitarists everywhere? Answer: Not being able to play guitar solos that sound emotional and expressive using their usual soloing methods. Good news, you're about to squeeze tons of emotion from as little as possible using one note to easily play emotional solos that rock. Begin by watching this video about playing emotional guitar solos.

Want to easily play lead guitar solos that sound great and demand attention? There is one basic way to do this no matter what skill level you are at: Syncopation. By syncopating notes, you go against listener expectations and make people pay close attention to hear what comes next. This concept can be applied into your guitar playing right now for better solos - get started by watching this lead guitar soloing video.

Wish you had more pentatonic guitar licks to make your solos sound awesome? You're in the right place! I've thought of 5 cool ideas that are going to help your lead guitar playing sound more expressive anytime you use pentatonic patterns. Good news: you don't have to learn a bunch of new scales. Just grab your favorite pentatonic scale or lick and let's go - watch the free pentatonic guitar licks video.

Playing sweep picking arpeggios is actually very easy when you know how to practice them. Unfortunately, many guitarists rush into playing big arpeggio patterns before they have mastered the fundamental skills needed to play without making tons of mistakes. This is where practicing 2-string arpeggio licks comes in. Find out how to do it and master sweep picking in no time.

Tired of playing the same old blues guitar licks everytime you pick up your instrument? Learning how to play with better phrasing is the key to adding more variety to your playing. Taking just a few notes and playing them as expressively as possible makes this easy. In Blues, this applies especially to double stops and bends. Learn how play amazing blues guitar licks.

What musical mode gives your lead guitar playing the power to express melancholy in order to emotionally grab anyone listening? Answer: The 5th mode of melodic minor, a.k.a. Mixolydian b6. This mode makes it easy to play guitar solos that sound more interesting and expressive. Learn how to play awesome lead guitar phrases using the 5th mode of melodic minor for guitar.

Want to every lead guitar lick you play to sound intense and emotionally expressive whenever you feel like it? Playing with good phrasing is the key for making your guitar solos sound really memorable. Get ready to learn one fun and easy way to do it. I've got something very special for you. Find out how to perform it by checking out this video on backslide guitar licks.

Want to play amazing neoclassical guitar licks that impress anyone listening? A lot of guitar players dream of playing in the same style as some of the great players from the 1980s - and today, you will do it! Learning cool neoclassical guitar licks is easier than you'd think too. I've got 7 for you to learn right now. Check them out by watching this neo classical guitar licks video.

Want your guitar solos to sound more musical and expressive? A lot of guitar players use the same style of phrasing every time by ending their phrase as soon as the bar is done. Transform your guitar soloing by using the simple approach of playing beyond the barline. Sound complicated? It's not. I'll show you how to do it in this lead guitar solo phrasing video.

Want your guitar solos to sound very unique, expressive and fun to listen to? There is one technique that helps you do it every time. What is it? I call it, "Super Slides". This technique is a creative variation of the basic slide that adds fire and passion into every guitar solo. Start using super slides today by watching this lead guitar video.

Want to play guitar solos that build tension that keeps people engaged in your music? It's actually a lot easier to do than you might think. Playing amazing guitar solos isn't just about playing cool licks or scales, it's about knowing how to use the notes you have to play expressively. Discover how to start playing much better guitar solos by checking out this guitar soloing video.

Love playing pentatonic scales? There are actually many other pentatonic scales with their own unique sound. One of my favorites is the Japanese, Hirajoshi scale. This gives your guitar playing a very creative and expressive quality - when you know how to use it. Let me show you how to master this scale and give your solos incredible musical expression by watching this Hirajoshi guitar licks video.

Want to play creative guitar solos and licks that demand attention from anyone listening nearby? Training your "ear" is a critical part of getting to this point. Fortunately, this is not very hard to do, when you know the right way to do it. Learning how to train your aural skills makes it easier to express the ideas in your head. Get started playing better solos now using the advice in this guitar improvising video.

Did you know that you have the power to become a killer lead guitarist using the skills you already have? How? Most players already have an abundance of talent, they just need to learn how to better use it in a creative and expressive manner. Find out how to play amazing things using your current lead guitar skills in this lead guitar video.

Did you know that you have the power to become a killer lead guitarist using the skills you already have? How? Most players already have an abundance of talent, they just need to learn how to better use it in a creative and expressive manner. Find out how to play amazing things using your current lead guitar skills in this lead guitar video.

Wish you knew how to enhance your guitar licks and make them sound better? The problem is, guitarists spend years trying to play better licks and solos only to make little progress because they don't focus on phrasing (this means how you play notes versus just which notes you play). Let me give you a quick, fun and easy process for improving your licks right now. Watch this guitar phrasing tips video.

Want to play amazing guitar solos? Good news: Making massive levels of progress in your lead guitar playing doesn't have to take years when you know what to practice and how to practice it. You are about to learn three guitar soloing exercises that have the power to transform your lead guitar skills when you apply them into your playing. Learn them now by checking out this killer guitar solo exercises video.

Want to play better, more inspiring guitar solos than ever before? Good news, using just a few notes combined with some creative phrasing techniques quickly makes your solos sound awesome. Sound cool? Great! Getting better at playing guitar solos is easily one of the most fun things to do as a guitarist. Get started doing it right away using the tips in this killer video about playing better guitar solos.

Wish your sweep picking sounded more melodic and expressive? It's much easier (and fun) to get the skills needed to do this thank you think. Even better news: I've created a video dedicated to helping you play arpeggios that make people stop in their tracks and listen. We're talking about making your arpeggios sound full of soul! Learn how to do this by watching this video on how to solo on guitar with arpeggios.

Want to play killer guitar licks anytime you grab your instrument? Knowing how to play guitar licks using Lydian gives you this power and is extremely fun. The notes of Lydian are put together in a way that allows for tons of musical drama to be expressed... when you know how. It's time to improve your guitar solos and change your playing forever! Learn how to play killer guitar licks using the Lydian mode.

Struggling to play lead guitar licks that feel expressive and musical? One of the best ways to shake things up and improve is by changing the way you play rhythms while soloing. A great way to make your rhythm feel less robotic and more musical is by using rubato technique. Not sure what rubato technique is? No problem. Find out right now by watching this lead guitar skills training video.

Guitar licks not sounding as amazing, creative and expressive as you want them to? Don't worry, most guitar players are not able to play their own killer guitar licks without tons of focused practice. Knowing how to do this on command doesn't take as long as you might think though. Get tons of powerful tips for improving your guitar licks right now by checking out this video about refining your guitar licks.

Wish you could play guitar licks that sound expressive, unique, creative and totally badass? Good news: There is an easy way to do it without needing to learn a lot of music theory or new scale patterns. What is it? Answer: Learn how to use the tritone (also known as the devil's interval). Adding this into your guitar licks sounds amazing and feels awesome. Plus, it's very easy to do. Sound good? Thought so! Learn how to use it right away by watching this free video about how to use the tritone in your guitar licks.

Want to have your guitar solos filled with emotions and feeling? Then you must learn what elements are responsible for making every guitar lick you play sound awesome. Most guitar players struggle to express themselves through guitar because they only focus on the notes they need to play, but not on how those note must be played. This is why most don't develop the ability to express true emotions in their guitar playing. Watch this free video and learn how you can easily start playing emotional guitar solos.

Are you trying to find a way to become a better lead guitar player? Most guitar players have a hard time playing guitar solos that sound interesting. One reason for this is that they spend too much time worrying about what notes to play, and not enough time focusing on how to create great melodies. Learning to create a truly great melody will set you apart from the vast majority of guitar players out there. Find out how to play great lead guitar with this video guitar solo lesson.

If you'd like to play guitar solos that feel really intense and dramatic, it's important to focus on getting the most emotion out of every note you play. As you play lead guitar solos, you may notice that some notes sound more expressive and dramatic than others over certain chords. If you can identify which notes these are, you will be able to make highly dramatic guitar phrases that sound great. Study the lead guitar tips in this video guitar lesson to see how you can play better guitar solo phrases.

Your lead guitar playing will never sound truly unique and creative if all you can do is play the same pentatonic licks over and over again. To become a truly great lead guitarist, you must not only expand your knowledge of scales, but improve your ability to play with excellent guitar phrasing. Once you have done both these things, you will be able to play creative guitar licks and solos that demand attention! Learn how to use exotic guitar licks and guitar phrasing together by watching this exotic lead guitar licks video.

In order to improvise amazing sounding guitar solos, there are several skills you must master. By understanding which skills you need the most work on, you are better able to practice effectively to quickly improve your overall soloing. The greatest guitarists eventually play their guitar solos totally on auto-pilot mode (they no longer have to think about playing the right notes, finding their way on the fretboard, etc.). When you do this, you have complete control over your artistic expression. Learn more about by watching this free guitar solo improvisation video.

To become great at improvising on guitar, you need to understand how to perfectly integrate the phrases within a solo while also being able to clearly express your thoughts and emotions through music. The more time you give yourself to think about what to play next, the easier it is to improvise great solos. Learn how to easily play guitar solo licks off the top of your head by watching this guitar improvisation video.

Do you know 'exactly' how a note will feel before you even play it on guitar? If not, you are missing the most important skill needed to play highly creative, unique and self-expressive guitar solos. Fact is, all of the greatest guitar players have the ability to 'predict' (with a high degree of accuracy) how each note in their solos will feel before they play it. To become a great lead guitarist you MUST learn this skill for yourself as well. Learn it now by watching this killer video on how to play guitar with emotion.

Choosing the best notes to make your guitar solos really expressive isn't just about learning scale or arpeggio patterns across the fretboard. It's about training your ear to determine what note sounds good to you in any given context. The faster you are able to determine this, the better and more expressive your solos become. Learn more by watching this video with guitar soloing tips.

One of the hardest aspects of playing guitar solos is being able to improvise without falling into the same patterns over and over. This becomes really frustrating when you get stuck and don't know what to do next. Fortunately, there is one approach that eliminates this problem. Find out what it is right now and play better guitar solos more easily by watching this lead guitar soloing video.

A lot of guitar players go many years without learning how to play 'great' solos... eventually accepting 'mediocrity' as their default standard for achievement. Fortunately it will only take you a few minutes to learn how to become much more creative in your soloing so you can play great solos any time you feel like it. Watch this guitar licks video and learn how to creatively use vibrato and bending to enhance every lick in a guitar solo.

Improvising guitar licks sometimes feels very difficult and frustrating when you can't think of anything cool in the moment. You eliminate this frustration by learning how to practice soloing creativity by squeezing as much musical expression as possible from every note you play. This is easy when you begin with just a few notes at a time. Learn how to take your improvisational skills to the next level by watching this guitar soloing video.

Playing killer guitar solos is difficult when you mindlessly shred through notes every time you play. Learning how to make every note sound amazing helps you build a strong foundation for your soloing, so the quality of your guitar solos goes way up! Practicing this is easy and fun as well. Learn how to play amazing guitar solos by making every note sound great using the advice in this free guitar soloing video.

If you are having a hard time playing lead guitar creatively, do not make the same common mistake that a lot of players make: Assuming that you simply "don't know enough scales, licks, etc.", and overwhelming yourself with tons of new material. Fact is, playing creatively requires that you first learn how to use what you already know in a musical context. Find out how to become a much more creative lead guitarist through applying this concept by watching this lead guitar creativity video.

Knowing how to play lead guitar solos that sound great is one of the abilities most guitar players want to have. If you would like to play guitar solos that sound like the ones played by the pros, then you'll need to do more than just play fast guitar techniques. So what does it take to play great lead guitar? Find the answer by watching this video guitar lesson and learning how you can play amazing sounding lead guitar solos using good guitar phrasing.

Want to have the ability to make your lead guitar playing 'reach out and grab' the attention of anyone who hears you play? You might think that only master guitar players can do this... However, this skill can easily be developed by anyone. All you need to do is understand how to play against the expectation of your listeners and keep them guessing about what you might play next. Learn the powerful lead guitar secrets that will make your playing stand out in this video about playing kickass guitar licks.

Want to enhance your blues guitar licks by making them sound more unique and creative? After playing the same common blues lick patterns for a long time, you will eventually grow tired of them. Much worse, your playing will become less inspiring because you are simply playing the same licks that everyone else plays. To make your blues guitar playing sound more unique and self-expressive, you need to learn several techniques. Learn these techniques so you can apply them to play creative blues gutar licks.

Tired of playing the same old guitar licks that sound plain and uninspiring? Before you can play totally badass guitar licks you must learn how to get the most expression out of each note you play. Only once you can do this can you consistently play killer licks that sound truly awesome. Fortunately, this is not too difficult to learn and will only take you a little bit of practice to start seeing results. Watch this guitar licks video to learn how to play killer guitar phrases while only making slight changes to a single note.

If you are like most guitar players, you want to find a way to make your guitar solos more powerful and intense. Part of the solution lies in the way you play guitar, and part of it lies in the scales you use to make your guitar solos. You will add great intensity to your playing by using the harmonic minor scale. Check out this harmonic minor scale guitar lesson to learn how to achieve a more exotic sound in your lead guitar playing.

The majority of blues guitar players can play basic double stop licks, but very few can play killer double stop licks like the ones in this video. You've likely heard how great blues guitar players are able to get tons of expression out of just one or two notes. Now it's time for you to learn how to do this for yourself. Check out this blues guitar double stops video to learn how play unique and highly aggressive double stops.

The coolest thing you can do while playing guitar solos is control the emotions others experience while listening to you. Most guitar players never learn how to do this and end up playing mediocre, uninspired solos at best. Fortunately, you can play emotional solos very easily with only ONE note! Once you really understand how this works, you can play highly expressive guitar solos without relying on speed, technical skill or flashy licks. Start playing intense, emotional guitar solos with only one note by watching this video demonstration.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make in your lead guitar playing is trying to write solos by randomly combining together a series of previously memorized licks. The majority of guitar players make this mistake and are unable to play great lead guitar solos. To truly write great guitar solos, you must learn an effective method for thinking of creative and self-expressive phrases. Learn how to do this by watching this video about how to write guitar solos using the vocal melody of your favorite singer.

Have you ever wondered how all great guitar players make their guitar solos sound incredible? This has very little to do with the fact that they can play very fast or that they know advanced guitar techniques. The reason they play guitar so well is because they have mastered the ability to use good guitar phrasing. Once you learn to create great lead guitar solo phrases, you will be able to make incredible guitar solos as well. Watch this guitar solo video lesson where I help one of my students improve their guitar phrasing skills.

Are you struggling to think of your own killer rock guitar licks? Chances are, you are still using the ineffective approach of trying to memorize as many licks as possible before inserting them randomly into your solos. This same approach is used by the overwhelming majority of guitar players and it brings very limited results at best. Stop relying on memorizing a long list of random guitar licks and learn how to play your own rock guitar licks that sound amazing. By making this change in your approach, your guitar playing creativity will soar!

Do your guitar solos lack the overall power and feeling that you want to express? If so, you're not alone. Most guitarists fail to play great guitar solos for many reasons, one of which is a lack of good guitar vibrato technique. By mastering vibrato technique, you will give your guitar playing a 'singing' quality much like that of a human voice. Watch this video guitar lesson and discover how to play vibrato on guitar to drastically enhance your lead guitar playing.

Do you have a hard time trying to play great guitar solos that sound truly inspiring? If you are like most guitar players, you are probably not using good overall lead guitar phrasing. Many guitarists make the mistake of thinking that 'good technique' is all that is needed for playing excellent guitar solos. The reality is, 'guitar phrasing' is the absolute essential element of all great lead guitar solos. Watch this guitar video lesson to learn how to play guitar solos using my guitar phrasing tips.

If you have problems with making your guitar solos sound good, you're not alone. Many guitarists can play some fast licks here and there, but struggle to use speed in their guitar solos in a way that sounds good. Watch this metal guitar solo lesson on video to find out how to use speed in your guitar solos to make your lead guitar playing sound great.
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Free Guitar Video Lessons For Building Speed On Guitar

Want to play guitar fast but struggle to keep your playing clean and consistent while doing so? There is one thing you can do to make playing with fast speed feel easy and effortless. What is it? Answer: Learn how to master 2-hand synchronization so that both of your hands are in perfect sync at all times. Find out how to do it by watching this 2-hand synchronization guitar video.

Want to get super fast guitar playing speed but don't have tons of hours to spend practicing every day to get there? Good news: You don't have to spend this much time to get it. You can easily blaze across the fretboard with incredible fretting hand speed in no time when understand a few key concepts - learn them today by watching this free video about fretting hand guitar speed.

Love the sound of legato guitar licks and runs? No matter where you are at in your guitar playing, there are many ways you can practice legato to get fast and clean speed in no time. I've created a video to cover 7 secrets to building speed with legato guitar technique. Learn them right now by watching it so you can quickly get legato guitar speed.

Want to play guitar fast but have no idea how to get from where you are now to the speed you want to play at? Many guitar players think they need to practice slowly and gradually build up to speed over time... but this is not the only way to gain speed. You can play guitar fast now, just start with a few notes at a time. Learn how to practice this way to get results quickly in this guitar speed practice video.

Want to play fast and clean on guitar without a struggle? There is one thing that helps you do it: perfect synchronization between both hands. This makes playing guitar at fast speeds feel effortless so you can play killer solos and licks with ease. So, how do you practice this to get better? I'll show you. Learn how to get fast and clean using perfect two-hand synchronization on guitar.

Want to play guitar faster and cleaner than ever? Here's one thing you need to do: Develop efficient fretting hand guitar technique. Making your guitar technique more efficient directly leads to you becoming a faster, cleaner guitar player. It also makes playing with speed feel much more effortless. How do you do this? I'll show you - check out this video about mastering fretting hand guitar technique.

Did you know that you can increase your guitar speed without learning super-technical or advanced guitar licks? It's true! Getting faster on guitar is usually about refining your technique at a foundational level vs. learning a bunch of technical concepts or licks. You can get very fast on guitar by just practicing simple licks anyone can play. Learn how by watching this cool guitar speed licks video.

Struggling to get faster even though you practice guitar all the time? The solution isn't just to find new guitar licks or exercises to work on... it's to change the way you practice. One of the best ways to get faster and practice at faster speeds is using the speed bursts method. Not sure what this method is? Learn how to practice guitar to get insane speed without slowing down in this guitar speed burst video.

Getting faster on guitar is about efficiency, not simply moving your hands faster. So, what is the best picking technique to use to get faster? Many people have heard of economy picking and directional picking, but few know the difference between them and how to best use them in their playing. Find out now and become a faster, cleaner guitar player by watching this guitar speed picking video.

Do you want to know how to effectively increase your guitar playing speed in the shortest amount of time possible? Fact is, the overwhelming majority of guitar players want to increase their guitar speed, but have no idea which approach they should take to get the best results. Don't allow yourself to continue using ineffective speed building methods any longer! Watch this guitar speed exercises video, and I'll show you a highly effective strategy for quickly developing MASSIVE amounts of guitar speed.

One of the biggest misconceptions you can have about playing great shred guitar licks is thinking that you must 'always' be playing as fast as possible. This mindset will only lead you to play uninspiring licks that sound more like 'exercises' than 'music'. Truth is, playing killer shred guitar phrases is a combination of speed AND creative guitar phrasing ability. Learn how to combine these two elements together by watching this video demonstration on the topic of playing killer shred guitar licks.

Want to master string skipping for guitar and play faster than ever? The key to playing guitar with speed is to first develop a foundation of efficient movement. This makes your speed faster and cleaner than ever before. Sound good? Thought so! Learn how to become a faster, cleaner guitar player right away by watching the demonstration in this powerful video about string skipping for guitar.

Wish you could play guitar with tons of speed and impress anyone who hears you play? Good news is, you can. How? By building a solid foundation of two-hand synchronization. Having both hands in sync is the one element needed to make guitar speed effortless. This skill is trainable just like any other skill on guitar. Learn how to play faster by watching this video about how to get effortless guitar speed.

Do you constantly struggle with your pinky finger flying away from the guitar whenever you play? This issue is commonly referred to as flailing fingers and it makes playing fast, accurate guitar licks feel much harder than it should. Good news is, this is not too hard to fix when you know why it happens. Find out why and how to solve this issue fast in this guitar video about flailing fingers.

Are you struggling to play guitar solos and licks with tons of speed while still sounding musically expressive? The majority of guitar players who love playing fast struggle with this at one point or another. So, how do you make your fast guitar playing sound more melodic and memorable? I'll tell you. Find out how to play guitar licks and solos more melodically using the advice in this lead guitar video.

Playing guitar at super-fast speeds isn't just about moving your hands quickly. Locking both hands in sync helps you achieve incredibly fast and clean speeds. However, most players don't know how to separate movement in both hands in order to master them. Knowing how to do this unlocks your potential for playing at speeds you never even imagined. Learn how to do it by watching this guitar speed video.

Having a hard time playing fast on guitar without struggling to play some of the notes in your licks, exercises or scales? You need to stop breaking up the momentum in your picking hand. How do you do this? By using directional picking to maintain constant momentum for effortless speed. Learn how to master this technique in this guitar speed video.

Are you unable to play guitar fast without a struggle? Using strictly alternate picking causes this problem. To play guitar fast without a lot of effort, learn how to use directional picking technique. Directional picking combines sweep picking and alternate picking to make picking technique as efficient as possible. Learn how to master directional picking by watching this free video about playing guitar fast with ease.

Are you struggling to play a specific guitar lick, exercise or pattern with the speed and accuracy you want to? Don't give up just yet! There are several ways to practice that make playing guitar fast feel easier while helping you to make less mistakes. When you practice with them, you start getting better fast! Watch this video to learn how to practice for better and cleaner guitar speed.

Many mistakes prevent guitarists from playing fast and clean. Fix mistakes in your guitar playing by identifying them, understanding why they cause sloppy playing, then working to fix them. Two key mistakes are: 1. using inefficient picking motions 2. playing with the thumb over the neck. Learn how to easily play clean and fast when you solve these problems by watching this video about playing guitar clean.

In order to play at super fast guitar speeds AND avoid sounding sloppy, you need to understand two things: how to minimize unwanted string noise and keep both hands in perfect synchronization (the ability to fret and pick each note together at the exact same moment). Fortunately, this is much easier to do than you might think. Learn how to play fast by mastering two hand synchronization by watching this video about how to play guitar fast and clean.

Effortlessly playing fast and clean on guitar requires great two-hand synchronization. Neglect this skill and it becomes nearly impossible to play cleanly once you reach a certain speed. To improve your two-hand sync, you must practice guitar to improve specific elements in your playing. Learn how to do it by watching this guitar speed video.

If you want to play guitar fast, you will need to get rid of all the extra movements in your picking hand. This will require you to alter your current guitar picking technique to where every picking motion has a specific purpose (with no unnecessary movements). Once you are able to play guitar in this manner, you will start to see your guitar speed progress in a very short amount of time. Watch this video guitar lesson on how to increase guitar speed and see this demonstrated on the guitar.

Are you having a hard time playing scales fast and clean? This is very common for guitarists who are using ineffective motion in their picking technique. For example: picking by using the thumb and index finger as the primary source of motion. Instead, you should be picking either from your wrist or your forearm (or both). Watch this free video about playing guitar clean to see how to pick effectively to make clean playing feel easier.

Many guitar players want to be able to play shred guitar solos like the pros. Unfortunately, if you make the same mistake that these guitarists make, you will greatly limit your potential to accurately play fast guitar solos. One key to efficiently playing shred guitar is learning how to avoid excessive muscle tension or unnecessary motion. Watch this video guitar lesson on how to play shred guitar and I'll show you exactly how you can avoid these problems and learn to play guitar fast.

One of the most common ways guitar players practice for speed is by playing slowly and gradually speeding up over time. When you use this practice method exclusively, you are actually placing limits on yourself, and may never reach your guitar speed goals. A more effective approach involves integrating several guitar speed building methods into your guitar practice sessions. In this video guitar lesson on how to play guitar faster I will show you exactly how to do this.
Free Guitar Video Lessons On Guitar Technique

Want to play rhythm guitar riffs that sound tight and clean just like your favorite players? You need to master the ability to separate notes while using palm muting. Good news is, this is not difficult - it's really fun to practice too. At one of my events, I showed a student how to develop tight rhythm guitar playing using this simple concept. See the my demonstration of it by watching this rhythm guitar video.

Wish you could play guitar in a way that creates expressive music that makes people truly feel every note that comes out of your instrument? You need to master vibrato guitar technique. Being able to play with excellent vibrato makes the notes you play feel emotional - giving your guitar the sound of a human voice. Learn how to master this technique in 5 minutes per day by watching this vibrato guitar video.

Do you wish you could play killer rhythm guitar riffs of your own that sounded impressive and totally pro? Good news: It's not very hard to do this, and you can do very quickly when you know just a handful of simple, but effective rhythm guitar approaches. Most guitarists don't know them and limit their rhythm guitar playing greatly. Play awesome riffs with these rhythm guitar playing ideas.

Do you love the sound of guitar vibrato but can't seem to get yours to sound as good as the vibrato used by pro players? What gives?! Don't worry: There are actually 5 different areas to work on to get killer guitar vibrato - and none of them are very hard to understand or master. Find out what they are and how to get killer vibrato fast by watching this guitar vibrato technique video.

Do you sometimes struggle to cleanly play certain guitar licks, solos or patterns that use advanced techniques? Good news: There are specific ways advanced guitar players play based on an understanding of 3 fundamental concepts that give them the power to do exactly what they want on the instrument. What are these concepts? Find out right now by watching this advanced guitar technique video.

Playing guitar with excellent picking technique makes it easy to perform fast licks smoothly and accurately. However, many guitar players don't practice subtle aspects of picking technique, causing their overall speed to stall out once they get to a certain tempo. Good news is, I've got 5 guitar picking exercises to help you pick with insane speed & precision. Learn them now in this free guitar picking exercises video.

Making your string bends sound great is critical for expressive licks and solos. Having a variety of different approaches also helps you play more creatively and set yourself apart from other players. Sound good? Great! Mastering string bending technique isn't hard and helps you add a new dimension to your usual licks. Learn advanced tactics to do this by watching this advanced guitar string bending video.

Playing guitar with creative and expressive bending technique takes your soloing and licks to the next level. Why? String bending is a huge factor for what gives guitar a very voice-like, expressive quality. Mastering it gives you greater command over the power to express yourself freely while playing. Get a free masterclass on the topic to make your solos sound amazing by watching this guitar string bending video.

It's a myth that sweep picking technique is only for super-advanced players. Reality: Some sweep picking arpeggios are not big in size, but still sound as good as other advanced patterns. Using cool arpeggios like this makes practicing fun while giving you a sound that makes people stop and pay attention every time you play. Get started playing better sweeps today using the licks in this sweep picking video.

Want to play guitar licks that really come to life by using vibrato that is dramatic and musically expressive? Learning how to play vibrato that is perfectly timed is critical for controlling it and becoming more musically expressive with it. Good news is, it’s to very hard to do this. Find out how to make your technique more controlled and expressive by making it perfectly timed as shown in this free guitar vibrato video.

Playing guitar tapping licks feels great and sounds amazing. But did you know that you can combine tapping together with vibrato to play licks that sound even better? It's true! Adding vibrato together with tapping is a great way to make your lead guitar phrases sound more creative, expressive and unique. This makes you stand out from the crowd while giving you more soloing options than ever. Learn how this is done now by watching this guitar tapping video.

Nothing sucks more than playing a cool lead guitar lick only for it to die too early because your notes don't sustain long enough. Good news is, you don't need a new guitar pedal or special gear to make your notes sustain longer. The foundation of great sustain is having excellent vibrato technique. How is this? Let me show you. Learn how to make your notes come back to life with endless guitar sustain.

There are many ways to practice sweep picking. Some of these approaches make your technique cleaner, while also making the act of practicing less frustrating and more fun. What is one of these ways? Answer: Practicing arpeggios by combining sweep picking with tremolo picking. How do you do this? I'll tell you - learn how now by watching this sweep picking practice video demonstration.

Playing guitar licks and solos with amazing vibrato brings them to life and makes them sound incredibly expressive. Problem is, many guitar players either don't use this technique enough, struggle to perform it or don't know how to use it creatively. Find out how to develop killer vibrato by using this video that walks you through the 10 steps to amazing vibrato technique for guitar.

Want to play sweep picking arpeggios that make people stop and take notice? It's actually quite easy to do, and you don't need to play super-advanced patterns to do it. Learning the fundamentals of picking technique gives you the power to play fast, clean arpeggios that sound great in no time. Sound good? Great! Learn how to play killer arpeggio licks now using the advice in this sweep picking video.

Wish your sweep picking arpeggios were cleaner, faster and more impressive? Learning rolling technique is essential. Good news is, this technique is actually quite simple and doesn't take a long time to learn (when you do it the right way). Find out how to finally play amazing sweep picking licks like you always wanted to by checking out this cool guitar arpeggio rolling technique video.

Wish you had guitar picking technique that gave you super fast, consistent and clean playing that felt totally effortless? Good news: You're about to learn how to develop it. Everything begins with using a solid foundation of efficient movement. With this in place, playing guitar fast becomes easier than you ever thought possible. Get started developing your speed by watching this guitar picking technique video.

Want to play tight, killer rhythm guitar riffs that kick ass? The first step is to learn three common mistakes most guitar players make when practicing rhythm guitar. The second step is to focus on the right things when you practice (hint: your ears help you determine what to focus on). The third step is to train your hands to produce the sound you want to hear. Watch this video on how to play tight rhythm guitar riffs and learn how to master rhythm guitar playing easily and fast.

Do you wish you understood how to play awe-inspiring arpeggio guitar licks that demand attention from anyone who hears you play? In order to do this, you don't need to constantly search for and learn new arpeggio patterns... In reality, you can very easily create a wide variety of kick ass sweep picking licks from any of the patterns you've already learned. Find out how to transform the sweep picking patterns you are already familiar with into totally badass arpeggio licks by checking out this free video about how to play arpeggio guitar licks more creatively.

Wish you could play amazing guitar tapping licks like EVH? Tapping licks generally sound really complex and technical. Good news: It's much easier than you think to master this technique. Once you learn the correct fundamental movements of tapping technique, your licks are going to make people's jaws drop! Get started right now by using the powerful advice in this guitar tapping tutorial.

Having a hard time sweep picking fast and clean? Fact: most guitar players use inefficient technique to sweep pick and end up struggling for years before they finally break through to play like they want to. Correcting your technique to make it more efficient could be the big change you need to play arpeggios better than ever before. Find out how to sweep pick better than ever.

Your sweep picking sounds boring when you simply repeat a basic arpeggio again and again. Making your arpeggios sound creative improves your lead guitar soloing. One of the best ways to do this is integrating techniques together. When you combine sweep picking with scales, your phrases sound much more interesting. Learn how to do this by checking out this free sweep picking creativity video.

Are you having a difficult time playing clean sweep picking arpeggios as fast as you want? Understanding how to effectively break down the problems causing your mistakes is extremely important for making the improvement process run smoothly. Do this and your sweep picking arpeggios sound cleaner than ever before. Get started now by checking out this informative sweep picking video.

Playing amazing guitar arpeggios does not always require speed, yet many guitarist sweep pick as fast as possible thinking this is the only way it should be done. You will give yourself tons of additional options for playing great sounding guitar arpeggios by learning how to be creative rather than playing everything as fast as possible. Watch this video to learn innovative ways to play awesome guitar arpeggios.

It will be a struggle to play fast and clean until you have mastered the foundational aspects of guitar technique. One of these aspects is two-hand synchronization. Keeping your hands together in perfect sync, while also knowing how to play with articulation and proper picking hand movement, makes it easy to play guitar fast. Learn how to do this by watching this video on improving guitar technique.

One of the biggest problems that most guitarists run into as they try to play guitar fast is sloppy noise that comes from the strings that are not being played. Fortunately there is an effective way to practice guitar that will allow you to keep your guitar playing clean at any speed. Watch this guitar picking technique video guitar lesson to avoid sloppy guitar playing and improve your speed picking.

In order to play guitar both fast and clean you MUST be able to perfectly synchronize both your picking and fretting hands. Most guitarists cannot do this and struggle to achieve their musical goals as a result. Getting your hands in sync will allow you to make your fast guitar playing feel incredibly easy. Learn the 3 biggest reasons why you are constantly struggling to achieve flawless 2 hand synchronization in your guitar playing and how to overcome these challenges so you can play guitar fast and clean.

It's nearly impossible to play guitar fast with great accuracy when you don't have both of your hands working together in perfect synchronization. Once you improve your two-hand sync, playing fast feels totally effortless. To do this, you must practice feeling what it's like when your hands are in sync and out of sync. Learn more by watching this video on how to play guitar fast and clean.

Playing guitar fast and clean requires keeping both of your hands in perfect synchronization together. This means fretting a note at the exact moment when you pick the string. There are several ways to effectively practice this to clean up your playing. Learn one right now by watching this guitar technique video.

Fact: It's much easier to play something without making mistakes one time than it is to play it many times in a row. This is why playing a sweep picking arpeggio over and over is hard to do without making mistakes compared to playing it just once. Watch this guitar playing video to learn how this concept is used with an easy trick that makes playing fast and clean much easier.

Wonder why playing fast rhythm guitar riffs sometimes feels like a struggle? There are many reasons why this could be, but one is that you are using too much tension in your arms while playing. Many guitarists start this habit early and struggle to play fast because they waste so much energy. Watch this video and get rid of tension in your body and make fast rhythm guitar playing completely effortless.

Learning how to use a wide variety of bends takes your lead guitar soloing creativity to the next level. Most guitar players only know how to bend the strings in one or two ways... When you learn how to use many bending variations, you gain the ability to express yourself more clearly through music. Learn how to develop killer string bending technique by watching this lead guitar video.

Mastering sweep picking is actually not that difficult. Contrary to what you may believe, the main reason you are having trouble with your sweep picking is that you are focusing too much on moving your hands as fast as possible. This creates several problems in both your picking and fretting hands. Once you understand how to properly develop this technique you will begin to see huge improvements not only in your sweep picking, but in ALL of your guitar playing. Learn the fastest way to improve your sweep picking.

Ever struggle to play sweep picking arpeggios that are both fast and perfectly clean? There is one mistake almost everyone makes that causes their arpeggios to become sloppy. It's all in the way you mute strings with your picking hand. There is one secret for doing this that instantly cleans up your arpeggios. Watch this video and learn how to play sweep picking arpeggios clean with less effort.

Are you struggling to play arpeggios cleanly? Wouldn't it be awesome to have a way to not only make your sweep picking cleaner and faster, but also to come up with awesome sweep picking shred licks at the same time? Good news: you absolutely CAN do and have both in your practicing and you are about to learn how! Watch this video to see how to make your sweep picking practice a lot more fun and infinitely more effective at helping you play arpeggios cleanly on guitar.

Is your sweep picking technique not as clean or effortless as you'd like it to be? Chances are, you're making one of many common mistakes. By analyzing your mistakes closely and fixing them, you can take a very sloppy sweep picking lick and transform it to make it sound amazing. Solve one of the most common sweep picking issues caused by a fundamental mistake by watching this sweep picking technique video.

Want to make fast guitar playing feel easy and effortless? The key is NOT to try moving your hands faster or increase alternate picking speed. Instead, you need to pick more efficiently. The best technique to help you do this is directional picking. Learn how to use it to pick faster and cleaner than ever before by watching this instructional directional picking video.

Sloppy mistakes quickly ruin any guitar lick. One of the most common mistakes that causes sloppy playing is when two notes bleed together. Stopping this from happening requires using correct guitar technique and knowing why the problem occurs, so it can be prevented in the future. Learn how by watching this clean guitar technique video.

Having correct fretting hand technique makes playing guitar fast feel easier. Why? You no longer are limited in your range of motion, like when you wrap your thumb around the top of the neck. Get excellent fretting hand technique by watching this video about how to use correct fretting hand position on guitar.

Playing guitar cleanly at fast speeds requires developing efficient picking technique that contains no excess movement/motion. This means keeping your pick in the trenches of the strings as much as possible and using minimal movement while transferring from one string to the next. Watch this guitar technique video to see how this is done and become a faster, more clean guitar player.

Does your legato guitar technique sound sloppy? The solution for cleaning it up is NOT merely finding as many new legato exercises as you can. This will not help you fundamentally improve your technique. You must learn how to effectively practice legato technique using efficient movement in your fret hand. Learn how do do it by watching this legato guitar technique video.

Nothing ruins sweep picking arpeggios like the notes of separate strings blurring together. The solution to this problem is using rolling technique to mute notes as you move from one string to the next. Watch this video to learn how to play fast and clean arpeggios like never before using sweep picking rolling technique.

Pinch harmonics are an incredible tool for making your guitar playing sound totally badass and intense. As soon as you have mastered the ability to play them perfectly, you will be able to add fire and passion into your guitar phrases any time you pick up your instrument. However, if you practice them the wrong way, you will never be able to achieve the effect you want and your playing will end up sounding sloppy and unclean. Learn how to play pinch harmonics that sound amazing by watching this pinch harmonics guitar video.

Playing incredibly fast and accurate sweep picking arpeggios can add a very high level of intensity to your guitar solos. Unfortunately, a lot of guitar players have a difficult time with sweep picking and don't know how to practice this guitar technique in the best, most efficient way possible. Watch this guitar video lesson on how to master sweep picking to find out how to practice this guitar technique more effectively and avoid the mistakes that many guitarists make when trying to learn to sweep pick on guitar.

Want to play mean and aggressive blues guitar licks? Most guitarists feel they must either play aggressively or cleanly while playing blues licks. Truth is, you can easily play with both great intensity AND accuracy. To do this you must learn how to play with power in the picking hand while using flawless muting technique to prevent any excess string noise from sounding. Learn how to do this by watching the demonstration in this killer blues guitar riffs video.

Do your sweep picking arpeggio phrases sound stale and repetitive? Most guitarists have this same problem because they simply play the same basic arpeggios patterns over and over without ever learning how to use them in a creative, musical manner. The key to making your arpeggios sound totally killer is using sweep picking in a way that 'enhances' your overall lead guitar playing. Watch this creative sweep picking video to learn to use this technique to add intensity to your arpeggios.

If you want to play fast sweep picking arpeggios, one of the most effective techniques you can use to do this involves "rolling" your fingers across the strings. Many guitar players struggle with doing this technique cleanly and fast, but it can be learned quickly and easily by applying correct guitar practice approaches. Watch this guitar video lesson to see exactly how to sweep pick fast using the rolling technique.

Having excellent vibrato is essential for being able to play emotional and expressive guitar phrases. However, the majority of guitarists never master it and their overall playing suffers as a whole. Mastering vibrato on guitar is not really hard, and you can work on it a little every day to get big results. Watch this video on guitar vibrato to find out exactly how to practice in order to make your vibrato sound awesome.

To become a truly great guitar player, you must learn to control and balance the different levels of tension in your picking and fretting hands. This will give you the ability to play guitar at faster speeds with a greater degree of accuracy. Watch this guitar video demonstration on guitar player coordination and find out how to become a much better guitarist by learning to control each of your hands independently.
Free Guitar Practice Video Lessons

Want to understand how to choose the right string gauge for your style of guitar playing? There are actually many positives and negatives to choosing either a light or heavy gauge. Knowing these things makes a big difference when comes to how you play certain techniques, your tone, your ability to play with clean speed and various other factors. Learn which guitar string gauge to choose.

Want to play guitar fast and clean as consistently as possible? It all begins by making simple, foundational changes to your technique and guitar playing so that nothing is holding you back from playing to your greatest potential. One of these changes: learning the correct way to hold a guitar pick. Find out how to do it and become a better guitarist by watching this video on holding a guitar pick.

Want to play cool chord progressions on guitar that sound expressive and smooth? Using great voice leading helps you do this. However, learning to use voice leading on guitar doesn't have to be terribly difficult nor does it require advanced music theory knowledge. Find out how to use this concept with ease by watching the demonstration in this video on voice leading for guitar.

Wish you could play guitar fast without struggling? Playing guitar fast with tension in your body causes you to play more slowly and make mistakes that otherwise wouldn't occur. This makes resolving tension as you play a top priority for getting faster on guitar and playing more cleanl as well. Find out how to eliminate tension in your body as you play by watching this video about tension during fast guitar playing.

Having trouble thinking of good, new ideas for songs? You're not alone. Tons of musicians struggle to think of songwriting ideas that sound good and make them feel proud of what they've written. Doing this means three things: knowing why you struggle to think of ideas (a.k.a writer's block), learning how to practice songwriting and "writing for the trash can." Get better at writing great music now by watching this video on how to overcome writer's block for songwriters.

What is the best way to learn guitar to become a great player, as fast as possible? Many guitar players have wondered this, but few arrive at the right answer. Here it is: you get better faster and more effectively by integrating your skills together. Thats right. Such a simple concept, yet, so powerful. I'll explain why in full detail right now - just watch this video about how to master guitar quickly.

Want to learn the best warmup exercises for guitar that help you improve your skills massively during practice? Get rid of the conventional warmup advice you've heard over the years. There are five key elements of effective warmup exercises that make your efforts worthwhile and improve your guitar practice effectiveness by warming up your hands and your mind. Learn what they are now by watching this guitar practice warmups video.

Are you sick and tired of not being able to play a specific riff, technique or song on guitar? The bad news is, you will never overcome your frustration until you understand the correct steps to follow while practicing. The good news is, understanding these steps is easy! There are only a few fundamental steps, and once you learn how to practice them, you will be able to play anything you want on guitar. Watch this guitar practice video and start playing everything you ever wanted.

Do you have limited time to practice guitar? Not having enough time to practice is not as big of a challenge as you think. Stop focusing on time and start focusing on the quality of your practice. You get much better results from your guitar practice when you work on things that use many skills at once. This is called transferability. When you practice different items that have transferability, you get more results because your practice approach is more efficient. Watch this video to learn what you should practice on guitar.

It's much easier to play solos, licks and phrases all over the guitar neck when you understand the best way to learn the fretboard. Most guitar players try to learn the fretboard by memorizing all the note names of every fret. However, this makes learning the fretboard harder than it needs to be. It's much easier to learn it by thinking about the note numbers (scale degrees) and note functions. Find out more about why this is the easy way to learn the fretboard by watching this free guitar video.

Playing blues guitar does not limit you to only using the same minor pentatonic scale patterns over and over. There are many other things you can do to make your blues guitar playing sound unique and creative. Using arpeggios is not considered a common approach in blues, but when done correctly, it sounds great and makes your playing stand out. This helps improves your soloing regardless of the style you are used to. Learn how to use arpeggios in your blues solos by watching this free blues guitar playing video.

Tired of playing guitar arpeggios slower and less clean than what you really want? Good news: There are two simple shortcuts that help you improve your technique to play arpeggios faster and cleaner than ever before. Most guitar players never learn them and end up frustrated for years... Learn these shortcuts right now and play arpeggios that kick ass by watching this video with killer guitar playing shortcuts.

Playing guitar faster and cleaner isn't just about scale patterns, arpeggios or shred technique. Removing extra tension in your body is critical for eliminating the mistakes that cause massive problems in your guitar playing. Playing guitar as relaxed as possible makes playing clean feel easy and effortless like it should. Watch this video to learn how to play guitar clean by removing body tension.

To solve any problem in your guitar playing, you must use effective practice methods. One of the most effective practice methods is to isolate a difficult part in any phrase or exercise, then repeat it over and over 25, 50 or 100 times. This makes the problem much easier to deal with and only takes a few minutes. Learn exactly how to apply this concept into your practice by watching this free guitar practice video.

Ever wonder how long it would take for you to take your guitar playing skills to a much higher level? Most guitar players think about this a lot and feel frustrated by the idea that it might take a long time. Fortunately, it doesn't have to take as long as you might think when you take the right practice approaches. Learn what to do right now by watching this free guitar skills improvement video.

Are you struggling to play a difficult guitar lick and don't know how to make it sound better? There are many different mistakes that could be causing this lick to be more difficult than it needs to be. Learning what they are and how to correct them makes playing it much easier. Find out how to make difficult guitar licks a lot easier by checking out this video on how to play challenging guitar licks.

Wish you knew how to finally play that one lick or riff that always gives you problems? To make fast progress in your guitar playing, practice guitar in a way that isolates the problems you struggle with. By doing this, you quickly and efficiently fix the weaknesses that hold you back from playing how you want. Watch this video to learn how to practice guitar effectively in order to eliminate any problem you struggle with.

Struggling to play a specific guitar solo or lick? To quickly master it, avoid the mistake of exclusively practicing guitar technique in total isolation. You will be able to play any guitar solo much better by combining the techniques of a solo into actual music - before you master them. This is an effective approach for exposing additional weaknesses in your playing so you can improve them much faster. Find out how this is done by watching this video about playing difficult guitar solos.

One of the hardest things for many guitar players to do is play clean sweep picking arpeggios. While sweep picking at faster speeds, it becomes difficult to clearly distinguish individual notes. This leads to sloppy playing. To clean this up, you must choose specific notes to listen for before you play, then listen for them individually as you are sweep picking. Learn how by watching this sweep picking guitar video.

Playing bone-crushing rhythm guitar riffs feels amazing and is highly enjoyable. Most guitarists wish they knew how to do this, but struggle due to a weak picking attack (that they are usually unaware of). Fortunately, this is very easy to fix and you can do it in an instant. Learn the simple adjustment that makes your rhythm guitar playing sound awesome by watching this rhythm guitar video.

How do you play killer rhythm guitar riffs that sound tight and clean? Answer: By knowing how to separate strings using muting in both hands while playing. Good news is, this is not hard to master and it only takes a few minutes to have a long-lasting effect on your rhythm guitar playing. Sound good? Great. Learn how to do it right now by watching this free metal rhythm guitar video.

Getting killer lead guitar technique that sounds great doesn't always mean developing tons of speed and technical playing. Sometimes it's as simple as understanding how to play a few notes with good phrasing so your solos sound musical. Many guitar players never focus on this and taking just a few minutes to learn how it's done makes your playing so much better. See how easy it is for yourself by watching this lead guitar video.

When you play guitar using poor playing habits, it becomes a struggle to make progress. Good news: it doesn't take many years to start developing effective habits that quickly help you improve your playing in a massive way. To begin doing this, you must slow down what you are playing and focus on making zero mistakes with efficient movement. Learn how to do this now by watching this free guitar playing video.

Are you tired of playing the same guitar chords over and over? Looking for some new chords to make your playing sound more musically expressive and interesting? No problem. There are a few simple ways to create intense musical expression with guitar chords that are sure to make people stop and pay attention. Learn what they are right now by watching this guitar chords creativity video.

Have you ever wanted to write a rock song that includes orchestral parts such as strings, brass or woodwinds? This sounds very cool for sure. However, there is a particular thing you must keep in mind in order to ensure that combining these parts together doesn't sound like a huge mess. Learn what it is by watching this songwriting video for rock guitar.

Improvising on guitar in front of others is different than improvising at home. A few differences include more pressure to perform well, standing while playing and moving around on stage. As with any guitar skill, you must practice before your live improvising skills get better. Many guitarists never do this and perform poorly during live shows. Watch this video to learn how to improvise on guitar in live situations.

Do you think that, by simply moving your hands faster, you will be able to tremolo pick faster? If you do, you're dead wrong. I'll show you exactly what you need to be doing instead that will REALLY increase your tremolo picking speed. Using this method will allow you to feel effortless even while playing at extremely high speeds. Start using economy of motion and learn how to tremolo pick at breakneck speed in this guitar technique video.

Tired of trying to play chords only to hear missed notes or noises you didn't mean to create? Want to play chord changes that flow effortlessly from one chord to the next whenever you pick up your instrument? Good news. There are 3 very easy tips that help you prevent this while transforming your chord playing in a matter of minutes. Learn and apply them now by watching this video about playing hard chord changes on guitar.

Wish you could play smooth, flowing musical passages by transitioning quickly between chords? Many guitar players cannot switch from one chord to the next in a song very smoothly. When you hesitate in between chords in a musical situation it can make the music sound broken up and out of time. See how you can solve this problem and learn to change chords in a fast and fluid manner with this guitar lesson video on how to switch chords on guitar.

Do you wish that you could clean up your sloppy guitar playing? Unfortunately, most guitar players struggle to play guitar cleanly at high speeds. Truth is, it is not difficult to play fast. But first you must understand and implement the correct process to improve your technique. Once you do, you will be able to play guitar faster than you ever have and eliminate sloppiness. Learn, practice and master this guitar video lesson so you can clean up your sloppy guitar playing.

Most guitar players do not pay much attention to how they use chords. Often they will simply take the basic open chords and play the same chord positions over and over. The problem with this is that using these same chords becomes boring quickly. The solution to this is to focus on how individual notes within each chord move from one chord to the next. Watch this creative guitar chords video guitar lesson and find out how to play much cooler chord progressions.
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