News About Guitar Playing, Music Career Development and Guitar Teaching

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Lydian guitar licks
Guitar Playing Article
These easy to play (but awesome-sounding) lydian guitar licks will give your guitar solos that floating-in-the-clouds sound (that you often hear in the guitar solos of Steve Vai and Joe Satriani) and make your playing sound more creative and emotional.
15 February 2025
Phrygian Dominant Guitar Licks
Guitar Playing Article
If you like the sound of Yngwie Malmsteen’s guitar playing, you’ll love the sound of the Phrygian dominant lead guitar ideas I show you in this week’s article and video. Use these cool Phrygian dominant phrasing tips to light up your guitar licks and make your guitar playing friends wish they could play like you.
10 February 2025
Teach vibrato to your guitar students
Guitar Teaching Article
This guitar teaching article explains a super common guitar teaching mistake that makes it nearly impossible for guitar teachers to earn big money, and shows you what to do set your guitar teaching business up for big success.
1 February 2025
Avoid getting screwed in the music business
Music Career Article
Whether you're in a band already or just want to join one 'someday', you can go quite far in the music industry simply by avoiding the common mistakes most musicians make that destroy their (and their bands') music careers. This music career article shows you how (not to) get fired from a band.
1 February 2025
Easy method to solo over any song
Guitar Playing Article
Once you have the ability to easily solo over guitar chord changes (without getting ‘lost’, ‘falling behind’ the chord changes or being unsure of what to play), you begin to sound pro. This guitar soloing article shows you how to develop this skill.
29 January 2025
Music Career Backup Plan
Music Career Article
If you're currently stuck at a day job you hate and you want to break into the music industry, follow the simple tips in this music career article to phase out your day job and replace it with music career income, without putting your (or your family's) livelihood at risk.
25 January 2025
Sweep picking + legato licks
Guitar Playing Article
In this week’s article, I show you awesome ways to combine sweep picking and legato into pro-sounding guitar licks that make your next solo sound better and help improve your speed and accuracy at the same time.
13 January 2025
How to earn money teaching guitar lessons
Guitar Teaching Article
In this week’s guitar teaching article, I break down 6 simple things the highest earning guitar teachers do differently than average teachers (and show you could do the same to increase your guitar teaching income very fast).
4 January 2025
What record companies look for
Music Career Article
This music career article lays out 22 things that record companies will look for and find out about you when they are considering signing you to a record deal. The more of them you have, the greater your chances to get signed and move up in the music industry.
4 January 2025
Regain The Guitar Playing Skills
Guitar Playing Article
Getting back to playing guitar after a break? Do the 5 things I talk about in this guitar practice article to get your skills back fast and continue improving to a level far beyond where you were before you took the break.
30 December 2024
Getting paid as a guitar teacher
Guitar Teaching Article
This guitar teaching article shows you how to structure your guitar teaching business to make sure your students pay you for every week of the year (without complaining or haggling over it).
28 December 2024
Grow a music career
Music Career Article
Whether you want to get a record deal, go on tour, work as a session player or become a professional musician in other ways, this music industry article shows you the 6 keys you need to start (or grow) a successful career in the music business.
21 December 2024
Transform arpeggios
Guitar Playing Article
In this lead guitar article, I show you awesome arpeggio licks that are way cooler than the standard major/minor guitar arpeggios you’ve probably played many times before. These licks give you lots of cool ideas to use in your guitar solos, and train your fretting hand - making all other licks easier to play.
16 December 2024
Why guitar teachers fail
Guitar Teaching Article
Most guitar teachers struggle to earn even $50,000 per year. But some teachers (like the ones I train) earn hundreds of thousands per year, teaching part-time. This guitar teaching article shows you how to join the 6-figure guitar teaching club and not end up struggling, like most.
14 December 2024
Pentatonic sweep picking
Guitar Playing Article
In this week’s lead guitar article, I put you through a pentatonic sweeping workout using licks that are super fun and much easier to play fast than you probably expect. Use these pentatonic sweeping licks to sound more pro and have more fun playing awesome guitar solos.
2 December 2024
Help guitar students practice effectively
Guitar Teaching Article
In this guitar teaching article, I show you 5 simple ways to take home way more of what you earn teaching music without attracting more new guitar students or spending more time advertising your music school than you do right now.
30 November 2024
6 Step Perfect Sweep Picking Tutorial
Guitar Playing Article
If you’re struggling with sweep picking, this lead guitar article will help you play guitar arpeggios faster and cleaner. And even if you already sweep pick well, it shows you how to make your guitar arpeggio licks feel a lot easier and sound much better (without having to practice for hours per day).
18 November 2024
Find the right musicians for your band
Music Career Article
Most musicians (at least 98%) looking to build a music career and become professional musicians give up on their dreams and quit on themselves. This music career article helps you join the 2% of musicians who virtually always make it.
9 November 2024
Gritty Blues Guitar Licks
Guitar Playing Article
I'm far from the world's biggest blues fan... but even I can’t get enough of these dirty, gritty stank-blues guitar licks. And they can quickly take your guitar playing – within days - to the stratosphere of fun and musical expression most guitarists think takes decades of practice to reach. This blues lead guitar article shows what they are and how to play them.
4 November 2024
Music career advice
Music Career Article
Have you ever had someone give you this music career advice: “To make it in the music business (or to start a music career), you need to be in the right place at the right time"? This music career article shows you how.
4 November 2024
Guitar teaching mistakes with beginners
Guitar Teaching Article
This guitar teaching article shows you how to balance giving students what they 'need' to learn with what they 'want' to learn, so they become awesome players faster and remain your students longer - making it easier for you to earn a lot of money teaching guitar.
2 November 2024
2-String Sweep Picking Arpeggios
Guitar Playing Article
Yep. These arpeggio licks require less 2-hand sync from your hands, while retaining all of the ultimate efficiency of sweep picking (that helps with building speed). This sweep picking article shows you what these arpeggios are, as well as gives you many fast-acting tips that help you build speed across all lead guitar techniques.
21 October 2024
Make money in music
Music Career Article
Many musicians who try to enter the music industry are completely ‘blind’ to what they should be doing, how they should be doing it, and in what order... as well as to the reasons why the music industry works the way it does. This music career article reveals 5 things every musician ought to know when first entering the music industry.
12 October 2024
Blues guitar solo lesson
Guitar Playing Article
These blues guitar licks are simple, fun to play and can make any guitar solo you play sound better fast. And after I demonstrate the licks, I’ll reveal lots of (actionable) tips and tricks to help you make them sound more pro... without needing special talent or having to practice 8 hours per day.
6 October 2024
Music career success
Music Career Article
Should you teach music if you want to be a pro musician? And how do you balance it with building a music career? This music industry article shows you how, so you can reach your  music industry goals much faster.
5 October 2024
Teaching musical application
Guitar Teaching Article
Whether you’ve been teaching music for years, or if you’re just thinking of getting started teaching music, there is a simple 3-letter word that destroys most guitar teachers' ability to make money and help their students. And it has nothing to do with your age, intelligence, musical skills or where you live. Find out what 'it' is and how to protect your guitar teaching business from it in this guitar teaching article.
28 September 2024
Cool ways to make arpeggio variations
Guitar Playing Article
Want to create cool licks that impress virtually everyone who hears you play? This lead guitar article shows you how to create cool arpeggio variations that are fun to play and sound pro in just about any context (even without playing fast).
23 September 2024
Get music gigs
Music Career Article
Want some help filling your schedule with more gigs? Check out this short music industry article that reveals a surprising truth about most bands in the music business (that makes it far easier to get the music gigs you want).
21 September 2024
Successful career in music
Music Career Article
If you want to become a touring musician in the music industry, this music business article gives you an inside look on what touring is 'really' like from a world-touring professional musician.
14 September 2024
Create guitar teaching ads
Guitar Teaching Article
As you get better at teaching guitar to intermediate guitar students, the demand for you as a guitar teacher will go up. This article shows you how to teach guitar to intermediate students the right way.
14 September 2024
Exotic Blues Soloing
Guitar Playing Article
If you want to spice up your blues lead guitar solos, this week’s blues guitar soloing article and video will show you how. These exotic blues lead guitar soloing ideas will make 12-bar blues soloing even more fun than it already is.
9 September 2024
Become a great guitar teacher
Guitar Teaching Article
If your guitar teaching business has plateaued, you may need to work more 'on' it instead of just 'in' it (going through the motions of teaching your guitar lessons). This short guitar teaching article shows you how - making it easier to make money teaching guitar.
31 August 2024
Big stretch licks
Guitar Playing Article
If you’re finding it difficult to play big stretches on guitar and think you have ‘small hands’, this week’s video (and article) will improve your fretting hand technique and help you play stretchy guitar licks that feel impossible right now.
26 August 2024
Music Career Questions
Music Career Article
This short music career article reveals a surprising truth about what goes into earning money in the music business and helps you build a lucrative music career faster and easier.
24 August 2024
Become a professional musician
Music Career Article
Want to know when you are 'ready' as a musician to start working on your music career? This article shows you a simple way to gauge your readiness, so you can build the music career you want sooner rather than later.
18 August 2024
How To Practice Guitar
Guitar Teaching Article
This short guitar teaching article lays out a simple (but powerful) way to get guitar students to do what you tell them to do in your guitar lessons, so they improve faster and make you look good as their guitar teacher.
17 August 2024
Expressive guitar arpeggio licks
Guitar Playing Article
This lead guitar article gives you fun and simple melodic arpeggios that fit great in just about every style, make you sound pro (even if you can't play fast yet) and sound different from the kinds of licks most guitarists play in their solos.
12 August 2024
Begin teaching guitar
Guitar Teaching Article
Here are 5 unique advantages that teaching guitar has over most other businesses (or jobs) and how to harness them to build a 6-figure (or higher) guitar teaching business, even if you are not an advanced guitar player yet.
10 August 2024
Bent Note Vibrato
Guitar Playing Article
If you want to make your guitar sing, cry or scream, you'd better make time for practicing the #1 most expressive lead guitar technique of all time: bent-note vibrato. This lead guitar article (and video) shows you how.
29 July 2024
Guitar Teaching Mistakes
Guitar Teaching Article
Teaching guitar students to practice effectively is critical for helping them make progress between lessons. This guitar teaching article shows you how to do it, so your students reach their goals faster and enjoy their lessons with you a lot more.
29 July 2024
Metal Rhythm Guitar Riffs
Guitar Playing Article
Want to sound more pro on guitar and have a far easier time joining a band? Then few skills are more important than your rhythm guitar chops. This rhythm guitar article shows you how to make your rhythm playing sound better fast and gives you 4 killer rhythm guitar riffs that make practicing rhythm fun.
15 July 2024
Music Career Questions
Music Career Article
Use this little-known way to fill your schedule with gigs without the common problems most musicians (and bands) face, such as: getting ‘ghosted’ by club owners and promoters or having to ‘chase down’ key decision makers who never seem to be available when you call.
13 July 2024
How to practice guitar effectively
Guitar Playing Article
There is one very simple thing you can do each week to improve your playing faster (and it has nothing to do with practicing more... or even with taking guitar lessons). This short article explains what it is and how to do it to improve your guitar playing more quickly.
6 July 2024
Lydian Mode Guitar Licks
Guitar Playing Article
You can make just about any guitar solo better when you solo using a scale that is primed to express extreme emotion and guitar phrasing techniques that milk maximum drama from your notes. This week’s lead guitar article about lydian mode guitar licks gives you both.
1 July 2024
Grow a music career
Music Career Article
Are you looking to start a band in the music industry? Then this music career article reveals the one thing you’d better do first that will make or break your band’s success in the music industry.
29 June 2024
Connect Sweep Picking Arpeggios Together
Guitar Playing Article
Whether you’re just learning to sweep pick, or you’ve hit a speed plateau, or if you already have some speed, but want some help with connecting arpeggios together smoothy, this sweep picking article will help level-up your sweep picking fast.
17 June 2024
Build a music career
Music Career Article
If you want your band to become more successful and you want to come across as a pro to everyone in the music industry, you've got to know how to run an effective band practice rehearsal. This music career article shows you how, step by step.
15 June 2024
how practicing correctly saves you years of practice time
Guitar Playing Article
Want to improve faster, but can't practice more than you do right now? The answer lies in improving your practice habits. The better your guitar practice habits, the easier it is to make faster progress without practicing more. This guitar practice article shows you how.
3 June 2024
Teach barre chords to guitar students
Guitar Teaching Article
When you can maintain your beginner students' interest, it becomes easy to motivate them to practice at home, believe in themselves (and in you) and not give up when things are hard- making it far easier to reach your goals as a guitar teacher. This guitar teaching article shows you how to maintain the interest of your beginner students.
1 June 2024
Guitar Playing Article
If you are used to playing guitar with alternate picking and want to switch to directional picking, this guitar picking article lays out 7 simple steps for making the transition easy and fun.
20 May 2024
Become a successful musician
Music Career Article
Is going on tour one of your music career goals as a professional musician? Then here are 11 things I learned from my first world tour that you should also know if you’re hoping to tour someday.
18 May 2024
Get guitar students
Guitar Teaching Article
I don’t think I ever shared these 9 short guitar teaching stories with the general public when talking about the Elite Guitar Teachers Inner Circle. They are so crazy, it's hard to tell them without being labeled as a lunatic or a liar... but they are - nonetheless - 100% true. See what success is possible for you as a guitar teacher.
18 May 2024
Fix Sloppy Guitar Playing
Guitar Playing Article
If you struggle with sloppy guitar playing, this lead guitar article will show you the common sources of guitar string noise and how to clean them up (without practicing more), so you sound more pro with everything you play.
6 May 2024
Music career money
Music Career Article
The quickest way to level-up your music career is to avoid the common mistakes most musicians make as they try to enter the music industry. This music career article shows you what these mistakes are and what to do about each one, so you can become a professional musician much faster.
27 April 2024
Guitar Tapping Lesson
Guitar Playing Article
Killer Neoclassical Arpeggios
Guitar Playing Article
Check out these awesome neoclassical (Yngwie-style) guitar arpeggios that sound way cooler than simply playing a single arpeggio up and down. You don't have to be advanced to play them. And practicing these arpeggios will help you build 'more' speed, if that's your goal.
22 April 2024
Guitar lesson ads
Guitar Teaching Article
In this guitar teaching article, you get answers to the most common guitar teaching questions from successful guitar teachers (who earn at least 6-figures per year, teaching part-time) and music school owners from all over the world.
13 April 2024
String skipping for guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Want a simple way to know what tempo to practice guitar at for maximum gains? This short guitar technique article shows you how and helps you make your guitar playing sound more pro fast.
13 April 2024
Exotic guitar string bends
Guitar Playing Article
If you love the lead guitar style of Marty Friedman (and Jason Becker), you’re going to love the lead guitar ideas I show you in this article and video. Give them a try and your guitar solos will instantly sound more pro.
8 April 2024
Fix guitar student practice mistakes
Guitar Teaching Article
Want your guitar students to make more progress? Learn how to recognize your students’ personality and tailor your guitar lessons to fit their mindset. This guitar teaching article shows you how.
30 March 2024
How To Beat Music Career Competition
Music Career Article
Musicians: here is how to make sure you don't get ripped off when you are presented with a record deal... as well as simple things you can do today to make it WAY more likely you'll end up with a record deal in the first place.
30 March 2024
How To Fix Flailing Fingers
Guitar Playing Article
If you struggle with getting your hands to do what you want them to do, follow the guitar practice tips in this guitar technique article to level-up your playing fast.
30 March 2024
How to change emotion of any lick instantly
Guitar Playing Article
This lead guitar article shows you how to take any note, melody or guitar lick and completely change the feeling and emotion of those notes in the easiest way possible. It works in every style and every song. Plus: it's a ton of fun. Use this idea to play better guitar solos today!
25 March 2024
Become a professional musician
Music Career Article
Most musicians struggle to get where they want to go in the music industry because they have no idea what their 'real' challenges are. This short article shows you how to pinpoint the exact things stopping you from big success and overcome them, so you can get where you want to be in your music career.
16 March 2024
How to set guitar lesson rates
Guitar Teaching Article
This guitar teaching article helps you set your guitar lesson rates so you can reach your financial goals as a guitar teacher, make your students feel like they're getting a bargain no matter what you charge and all but ensure you become the go-to guitar teacher in your area.
16 March 2024
Best guitar practice method
Guitar Playing Article
This article reveals 5 of my go-to guitar practice methods that make it easy to improve your guitar playing fast and have more fun, without practicing more than you do right now. All my top students have used these very same methods to become pro-level players without practicing more than 1 hour per day (in most cases). You can too.
11 March 2024
Teaching advanced guitar students
Guitar Teaching Article
Advanced guitar students have very different needs from those who are beginners and at an intermediate level. Here is how to teach them to turn them into highly advanced players and make yourself the go-to guitar teacher in your area.
9 March 2024
What It Really Takes To Get Into The Music Business
Music Career Article
This music career article shows you 5 simple (as in: 'you can start doing them today') ways to impress record companies, managers, booking agents, promoters or even established bands you might want to do business with, and make it far easier to get the things you want in the music industry.
2 March 2024
Bring your musical skills into balance
Guitar Playing Article
Have you ever felt out of balance with your guitar skills? Maybe you are strong in some areas but lagging behind in others. It is not important to be strong in 'every' area of guitar playing, but it is important that you are strong in the 'right areas'. You need to be clear on exactly 'what to practice on guitar'.
2 March 2024
Easy fast scale sequences
Guitar Playing Article
Want to improve your guitar speed and play guitar faster? In this lead guitar speed article, I show you a few of my favorite guitar scale sequences that are easy to learn, fun to practice and help level-up your lead guitar chops.
26 February 2024
Earn more money teaching guitar
Guitar Teaching Article
How much money can you earn as a guitar teacher? The answer might surprise you. Check out this short article that shows how much money you can make teaching guitar and what to do to maximize your guitar teaching income.
24 February 2024
Lean notes on guitar
Guitar Playing Article
STOP trying to learn the fretboard by memorizing ‘letter names’! Instead, follow this fast, simple and powerful way to memorize your fretboard that gives you the ultimate freedom to play guitar the way you want (and saves you from memorizing mostly useless info).
12 February 2024
Successful guitar teachers
Guitar Teaching Article
If you want to make more money teaching guitar, copy these (simple) things all 6-figure earning guitar teachers do to attract more students, help them better than any other teacher in their area and have more fun building and running their guitar teaching businesses.
3 February 2024
How To Practice Your Instrument For Real-Life Performance
Music Career Article
Real-life performance is a crucial skill for anyone looking to break into the music industry. If you want to become a professional musician and play music on stage like a pro, this article about real-life performance practice will show you how.
3 February 2024
Killer blues guitar licks
Guitar Playing Article
If you want to play cool blues guitar solos without being an advanced guitarist, this lead guitar soloing article shows you simple pentatonic scale guitar ideas that make you sound pro and are a lot of fun to play.
29 January 2024
Prygian dominant guitar licks
Guitar Playing Article
If you like Yngwie Malmsteen's guitar playing, you'll love this lead guitar lesson based on one of Yngwie's favorite guitar scales that makes your guitar solos sound very neoclassical.
15 January 2024
Break into the music business
Music Career Article
If you want to stand out from other musicians who are competing with you for opportunities, and build a thriving music career faster and easier, this music industry article will show you how.
7 January 2024
Earn money teaching guitar
Guitar Teaching Article
If you want to make more money teaching guitar, attract more serious guitar students (and more of them), plus - enjoy teaching way more, you have to become a guitar teaching 'specialist'. This guitar teaching article shows you why that is and how to do it.
6 January 2024
Easy shred guitar licks
Guitar Playing Article
Yngwie-style neoclassical guitar licks all take an insane amount of practice to play, right? Wrong! Check out these melodic shred guitar licks that are simple to learn and will impress anyone who hears you play.
1 January 2024
Begin teaching guitar
Guitar Teaching Article
This article shows you how to get into teaching guitar and learn how to teach guitar at a high level, even if you’ve never taught anyone before.
30 December 2023
how to make your band successful
Music Career Article
If you often feel like you’re the only serious musician in your band, this article will show you what to do to change this and make your band successful.
23 December 2023
How most pro guitarists learned to solo
Guitar Playing Article
In this lead guitar lesson on how to play lead guitar like a pro, I’ll help you learn to play pro-level guitar licks (and guitar solos) with kick-butt phrasing (even if you’re not an advanced guitar player yet).
18 December 2023
Guitar teaching business
Guitar Teaching Article
Your guitar students make much faster progress when you show them how to fix their playing issues on their own. This guitar teaching article shows you how.
16 December 2023
The saddest guitar scale ever
Guitar Playing Article
In this lead guitar article, you’ll discover the secrets to playing emotional guitar solos that let you play guitar with feeling and impress just about anyone who hears you play.
4 December 2023
Teaching musical application
Guitar Teaching Article
Teaching musical application to students makes them want to practice more, makes lessons more fun and motivates them to keep taking lessons with you for years. Here is how to teach musical application to your guitar students.
3 December 2023
Pentatonic licks in improvising
Guitar Playing Article
Play any of these simple (and non-standard) pentatonic guitar licks and not only will your solos sound better, but I bet you’ll impress just about anyone who hears you play. This lead guitar soloing article shows you how.
20 November 2023
Music record deal
Music Career Article
If you feel unsure of what to do to break into the music industry, or you feel paralyzed by self-doubt, fear of failure or by the well-intentioned (but wrong) advice from friends or family members, this article will show you how to start a career in music the right way.
11 November 2023
How to improve any guitar lick
Guitar Playing Article
If you're short on time and want to work on something that's nearly guaranteed to make you sound like a pro guitarist quickly, work on combining your guitar skills together. Doing this helps you become a better guitarist faster than just about anything else.
6 November 2023
Make it in the music business
Music Career Article
If you're struggling to put together a band because it seems like there are no serious musicians (or no musicians at all) where you live, check out this music career article with simple tips for finding musicians to build a career with.
29 October 2023
Loyal music fans
Music Career Article
Wondering who to contact in the music industry? This music career article shows how to make the right music business contacts, turn them into fruitful relationships and reach your music career goals faster.
26 October 2023
Huge string bends
Guitar Playing Article
String bends are quite simple and basic, right? Not if we’re talking about ultra-wide string bends (4 frets or more) that make anyone who ‘can’ play them sound pro. Check out this lead guitar article that helps you master string bending for guitar.
23 October 2023
How To Build A Music Career
Music Career Article
Looking to get into the music business but feel unsure of what to expect as you pursue your music career? Check out this short article full of insights on how to get into (and thrive in) the music business as a professional musician.
14 October 2023
guitar picking tutorial
Guitar Playing Article
Want to pick fast? Then you'd better know the proper picking hand motions to use on string changes. And it's not what you probably think. It's neither "use the wrist", nor "use the arm/elbow". This guitar speed article explains the system I use to get my students picking chops up quickly.
9 October 2023
Get started teaching guitar
Guitar Teaching Article
If you're new to teaching guitar, there are a few specific things you'd better know about teaching your first guitar lesson to ensure it goes smoothly for you and for your students. This short guitar teaching article shows you what those things are.
30 September 2023
make guitar melodies sound better
Guitar Playing Article
Musical dissonance is a no-no in guitar solos – right? Wrong! When you know what you’re doing, you can use musical dissonance to create extremely emotional guitar solos and breathe life into your guitar playing. This lead guitar article shows you how.
25 September 2023
Music Career Backup Plan
Music Career Article
If you're looking to phase your way out of a day job into a music career, follow the advice in this music career article. It reveals what is - quite possibly - the simplest, fastest and most secure way to begin making money as a pro musician.
23 September 2023
How To Build A Music Career
Music Career Article
Believe it or not, not everyone needs a music career mentor. Whether you need one or not, depends on which of the 2 groups of musicians you belong to. One of the groups doesn't need a mentor. But the other one does - badly and urgently. Read this article to find out if you need a music career mentor.
16 September 2023
Get guitar student referrals
Guitar Teaching Article
The better you are at teaching guitar to kids the more fun your guitar teaching career becomes. Here are 5 secrets of teaching guitar to kids all guitar teachers ought to know.
16 September 2023
How to play like a pro
Guitar Playing Article
Hint: I'm not talking about technique or scales. Nor is it anything related to speed. It’s not even improvising. But it is – in my opinion – the most important skill any guitar player can work on. It’s the one skill most lacking in 90% of guitar players. And it’s the one skill I’ve never seen NOT massively improve anyone’s guitar playing once they started practicing it. Here is the #1 way to make your guitar playing sound pro.
11 September 2023
Guitar Playing Article
What is the best overall picking technique for guitar? Is it alternate picking, economy picking or directional picking? The answer (revealed in this guitar picking article) may surprise you.
3 September 2023
The Best Guitar Teaching Format
Guitar Teaching Article
What is the best guitar teaching format? Is it teaching guitar in groups? Or 1-1 guitar lessons? Conventional guitar teaching wisdom says: 1-1 guitar lessons. But I disagree. Here are 11 reasons why teaching guitar in groups is better than 1-1 guitar lessons.
3 September 2023
music industry success
Music Career Article
If you want to become a pro musician in the music industry, there is one very common mistake to avoid that wrecks most people's chances for making it. Find out what it is and how to avoid it in this music career article.
28 August 2023
dramatic guitar scales and soloing lesson
Guitar Playing Article
This lead guitar concept could well be the pinnacle of emotional lead guitar soloing. If you want to inject your guitar licks and guitar solos with fire and passion you could NEVER get from normal major, minor or pentatonic scales, learn to play guitar solos over chromatic mediant chord changes.
28 August 2023
Earn money eaching guitar
Guitar Teaching Article
Discover 20 immutable guitar teaching laws that all the top guitar teachers I’ve trained know and live by. Then implement them to grow your guitar teaching business to 6-figures and beyond.
19 August 2023
How to teach a new guitar student
Guitar Teaching Article
Want your guitar students to stay with you longer? Teach the first lesson with every student like I show in this guitar teaching article. Here is how to run a kick-butt first lesson with a new guitar student to earn their respect and make them glad they chose you as their teacher.
14 August 2023
songwriting tips for guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Writing songs on guitar can seem overwhelming if you’re just getting started writing music. But with the right methods, songwriting can be the most fun you can have as a musician. This songwriting article shows you simple songwriting tips you can use to write songs fast.
14 August 2023
Playing guitar in odd meter
Guitar Playing Article
This article shows you several awesome ways to play cooler guitar riffs (and chord progressions) using odd meter. These ideas sound great in every style and make your rhythm guitar ideas seem like the work of a pro (even if you are not an advanced player yet).
31 July 2023
Create guitar teaching ads
Guitar Teaching Article
If you're not happy with the number of students in your schedule, take a look at the guitar lesson ads you are using to attract students. If your ads contain the mistake I explain in this short guitar teaching article - fix it and you'll likely hear your phone ring more often.
30 July 2023
Do You Need A Music Degree To Become A Professional Musician
Music Career Article
Before investing years and countless thousands of dollars to go to music school, you’d better weigh ALL the likely pros and cons of this decision. Find out if a music degree is a good music career investment.
22 July 2023
Legato licks using open strings
Guitar Playing Article
You can quickly level-up your fretting hand chops (and even creativity) with these open-string legato licks. These guitar licks improve legato technique, speed and creativity the way regular licks cannot.
17 July 2023
Unusual arpeggio patterns
Guitar Playing Article
If you like playing arpeggios on guitar, but sometimes get bored with plain-old sweep picking, you’re going to love the unusual guitar arpeggio patterns I show you in this video. They sound great at any speed (fast or slow) and make you sound pro, even if you are not an advanced guitar player yet.
3 July 2023
open string guitar licks
Guitar Playing Article
These open-string guitar licks build your guitar speed, get your hands in sync and are a lot of fun to play. Check them out and start building your picking chops.
19 June 2023
Why Guitar Students Quit
Guitar Playing Article
In this article and video I show you awesome blues guitar licks from the 3rd position of the pentatonic scale that give you a ton of ideas for your guitar solos.
5 June 2023
Why Guitar Students Quit
Guitar Teaching Article
Most guitar students don't quit for the reasons they 'say' they do. Understanding the 'real reasons' makes it much easier to recognize the warning signs before the student actually stops lessons. This article reveals 5 surprising reasons guitar students quit that most guitar teachers don't know about.
3 June 2023
Using diminished arpeggios in a different way
Guitar Playing Article
Everything about these arpeggio licks screams “advanced and pro”, but they are very simple to play and sound impressive to nearly everyone (even most pros!). Check out these awesome common-tone diminished 7th arpeggio licks.
22 May 2023
How To Get Your Guitar On The Airplane
Guitar Playing Article
If you’d like to know how to travel with your guitar and carry the guitar on the plane (without having to check it with your luggage, check it at the gate or buy an extra seat for it), this article about traveling with your instrument will show you how.
8 May 2023
How To Start A Successful Music Career
Music Career Article
Do you need some immediate music career advice? You won't stand a chance for success if you follow most advice given to you by friends, family or amateur musicians who never achieved real success. Discover 4 key things you can begin to focus on right now to start a successful music career.
30 April 2023
Guitar Skill Integration
Guitar Playing Article
Guitar Skill Integration is possibly the quickest way to play guitar better and sound more pro with the skills you already have (without spending more time practicing). This lead guitar skill integration article shows you how.
26 April 2023
Become a successful musician
Coaching Program
In this new program, I help you become a total champion in all areas of your life. From guitar/music, to your career, to finances, and even relationships. Especially in combination with the strategies I teach and train you in my Breakthrough Guitar Lessons, Elite Guitar Teachers Inner Circle and Music Careers Mentoring Program, you'll have just about everything you need to become a true champion guitar player, musician or teacher. Get Life Advice For Guitar Players Now!
17 April 2023
Teaching guitar in the summer
Guitar Teaching Article
Most guitar teachers lose money in the summer, but you don't have to be one of them. This guitar teaching article shows you how to increase your guitar teaching income in the summertime.
16 April 2023
How to organize your guitar practice with limited practice time
Guitar Playing Article
You can make great gains in your playing even when you don't have a lot of time to practice. This guitar practice article shows how.
16 April 2023
How to shred on guitar
Guitar Playing Article
If you like harmonic minor shred guitar licks in the style of Yngwie Malmsteen you’re going to love this guitar speed article on how to shred using the harmonic minor scale.
10 April 2023
Music career be in the right place at the right time
Music Career Article
Here’s some of the best music career advice I *wish* someone had given me on how to be in the right place at the right time and make it in the music industry.
2 April 2023
Lead guitar backslides
Guitar Playing Article
These little-known guitar slides add fire and emotion to all of your guitar ideas (and they especially great if you play rock/blues lead and rhythm guitar).
27 March 2023
Getting paid as a guitar teacher
Guitar Teaching Article
This might be the simplest way to boost your guitar teaching income without getting more students or increasing your rates.
19 March 2023
Guitar speed with hands in sync
Guitar Playing Article
Learn how to calculate and set digital delay settings for your next song, so you sound great and pro when you play guitar.
13 March 2023
Guitar speed with hands in sync
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play guitar with fast speed but make too many mistakes? Learn how to make your speed consistent by reading this article about 2-hand synchronization for guitar.
27 February 2023
Guitar tapping lesson
Guitar Playing Article
Want to master tapping technique on guitar, but don't know where to begin? Get started now by watching this guitar tapping video lesson.
13 February 2023
How to make it in the music business
Music Career Article
Want to makeit in the music business? Learn how to do it by using the advice in this article about making it in music.
5 February 2023
Teach guitar effectively
Guitar Teaching Article
Want to get results for your guitar students and develop a thriving teaching business? Get started by learning how to teach guitar effectively.
5 February 2023
Fretting hand guitar speed
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play sweep picking arpeggios more creatively? Learn how to do it by reading this guitar arpeggio creativity article.
30 January 2023
Fretting hand guitar speed
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play sweep picking arpeggios faster and cleaner? Learn how to do it by using sweep picking speed bursts.
30 January 2023
Fretting hand guitar speed
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play guitar faster in your fretting hand? Find out how to do it by checking out the powerful advice in this article about fretting hand guitar speed.
16 January 2023
Find band members
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play faster and cleaner guitar arpeggios? Learn how to do it by reading the tips in this article about cleaning up guitar arpeggios.
16 January 2023
Find band members
Music Career Article
There are three things to ask a potential band member before hiring them - learn what they are in thisarticle about choosing new band members.
8 January 2023
Teach guitar better
Guitar Teaching Article
Want to grow your guitar teaching business but are afraid that the recession will get in your way? Learn how to make a living teaching guitar during a recession.
8 January 2023
Teach guitar better
Guitar Teaching Article
Want to teach guitar but are worried you don't have good enough playing skills to do it? Good news, you almost certainly do - learn why and how to get started in this guitar teaching column.
2 January 2023
Sweep picking guitar mastery
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play fast and clean guitar arpeggios? Find out how to do it today by reading the tips in this article about playing guitar arpeggios.
2 January 2023
Sweep picking guitar mastery
Guitar Playing Article
Ready to play sweep picking guitar arpeggios that sound creative and expressive? Get started by reading this creative sweep picking article.
2 January 2023
Legato guitar technique mastery
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play smooth and fast legato guitar licks? Develop excellent technique today by learning these legato guitar technique secrets.
19 December 2022
Lead guitar speed
Guitar Playing Article

It's easier to play fast and clean lead guitar than you might think - Get started doing it today by reading this lead guitar advice.

19 December 2022
two-hand synchronization on guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play tight rhythm guitar riffs? Get started today by reading this article about playing better rhythm guitar.
5 December 2022
two-hand synchronization on guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Want to make fast guitar playing easier than ever? Learn how to do it by using this free guide to two-hand synchronization for guitar.
24 October 2022
Get faster on guitar
Guitar Playing Article
There are many ways to get faster and cleaner on guitar - one of them? Using proper picking technique. Learn how this works in this guitar picking article.
24 October 2022
HESSFEST live event for musicians
Live Event
Treat yourself to an unforgettable musical vacation at a 4-day/4-night guitar & music live event jam-packed with the best master classes, seminars, lessons, jamming, performances and hanging out with awesome, like-minded musicians from all over the world.
15 October 2022
Guitar technique integration practice
Guitar Playing Article
Want to get more results from your guitar practice to improve your technique faster? Do it by using this guitar technique practice routine.
10 October 2022
Guitar practice circuit
Guitar Playing Article
Want to improve your guitar playing faster? There are 5 things you can do. Learn what they are in this article about getting better on guitar.
10 October 2022
Improvise guitar solos
Guitar Playing Article
Wish you could improvise guitar as good as the pros? Learn how to get started doing it by watching this guitar improvising video.
26 September 2022
Improvise creative guitar solos
Guitar Playing Article
Want to improvise better lead guitar licks? Find out how to make them more emotionally expressive by reading this guitar improvising article.
26 September 2022
Grow a music career
Music Career Article
Is it better for your music career to join a band or start your own? Find out right now by reading this article about building a successful music career.
18 September 2022
Get signed to a record deal
Music Career Article
Want to get your music out there to tons of people? Learn how to do it with the help of a music company by reading this page about getting signed to a record deal.
18 September 2022
Fix guitar student practice mistakes
Guitar Teaching Article
Want to help your guitar students get better by practicing better? Learn how to do it in this article about teaching guitar students to practice.
18 September 2022
The Millionaire Musician Live Event
Live Event
A once-in-a lifetime wealth training for guitarists on how to increase your income, so you can enrich your life and (over time) build real wealth, while enjoying your life every step of the way (with or without playing music).
15 September 2022
Play guitar with feeling
Guitar Playing Article
Want to know how to choose the right string gauges for your guitar playing? Find out how to do it by reading this guide to choosing guitar string gauges.
12 September 2022
Play guitar with feeling
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play guitar faster but are struggling? Learn how to do it by using these simple and effective guitar speed tips.
12 September 2022
Play guitar with feeling
Guitar Playing Article
Want to gain the power to make your guitar cry? Learn how to do it by watching this video about playing guitar with emotional expression.
29 August 2022
Playing better guitar licks
Guitar Playing Article
Ready to play cool guitar licks of your own? Get some quick tips to help you do it in this article about playing better guitar licks.
29 August 2022
Sweep Picking Guide
Guitar Playing Article
Ready to play sweep picking arpeggios like the pros? Find out how to do it using the tips in this article about  sweep picking.
15 August 2022
Sweep Picking Guide
Guitar Playing Article
Want to clean up your sweep picking arpeggios? Learn how to do it fast by checking out the tips in this video with cleaning up sweep picking arpeggios.
15 August 2022
Transform Your Rhythm Guitar Playing
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play rhythm guitar more creatively? Learn how to play better riffs of your own by watching this video with rhythm guitar ideas.
1 August 2022
Play guitar creatively
Guitar Playing Article
Want to make your guitar playing more creative and musically expressive? Learn how to do it by using these guitar playing creativity tips.
1 August 2022
Transform Your Guitar Playing
Live Event
Finally get rid of your lead guitar playing limitations and impress everyone who hears you play with guitar soloing that sounds really pro. This guitar soloing and creativity training makes it possible for you.
1 August 2022
How fix fretting hand guitar technique
Guitar Playing Article
Struggling to play guitar as fast and clean as you want? One way to get better fast: fixing your fretting hand. Learn how to master fretting hand technique for guitar.
18 July 2022
How to play guitar licks that stand out
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play guitar licks of your own that sound unique and creative? Find out how to do it by reading this short article about playing guitar licks that stand out.
18 July 2022
How to hold a guitar pick
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play guitar faster and cleaner with more consistency? Learning how to hold the guitar pick correctly is critical. Find out how to hold the guitar pick.
4 July 2022
Guitar picking technique
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play guitar fast? Learn how to pick efficiently in order to play guitar fast and clean without making sloppy mistakes by checking out this guitar picking technique article.
4 July 2022
Guitar voice leading
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play amazing blues guitar licks? Learning how to apply vibrato to double stops helps you do it. Learn how it’s done in this article about using double stop vibrato with guitar licks.
20 June 2022
Guitar voice leading
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play great lead guitar licks that sound more expressive and interesting? Learn how to play guitar licks that stand out.
20 June 2022
Guitar voice leading
Guitar Playing Article
Want to make your guitar chord progressions sound better? Learn how to do it by watching the demonstration in this guitar voice leading video.
6 June 2022
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play a guitar solo that sounds great and isn't difficult to pull off? Learn how to do it right now by reading this article about playing an easy guitar solo.
6 June 2022
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play better guitar solos when you improvise? Learn how to get better by taking on these 3 guitar improvising habits.
22 May 2022
Improvise Cool Guitar Solos
Guitar Playing Article
Want to improvise cool guitar solos of your own? It’s easier than you think. Learn how to do it today in this guitar solo improvisation article.
22 May 2022
Pentatonic scale guitar licks
Guitar Playing Article
Want to learn more pentatonic guitar licks to make your lead guitar playing sound expressive and creative? Learn 7 of them now by watching this pentatonic guitar licks video.
9 May 2022
Creative guitar licks
Guitar Playing Article
Want to make your blues guitar playing more creative? Learn how to do it by reading this article about guitar lick creativity.
9 May 2022
Lead guitar licks with 6ths
Guitar Playing Article
Start playing guitar licks that sound unique and creative by learning how to use 6ths in your lead guitar playing.
25 April 2022
Creative sweep picking
Guitar Playing Article
Love playing sweep picking arpeggios but don't know how to make them sound musically expressive? Learn how in this creative sweep picking article.
25 April 2022
Fast guitar playing without tension
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play guitar with clean speed like your favorite players? Learn how to do it by reading this article about getting rid of tension during fast guitar playing.
11 April 2022
Fast guitar playing
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play guitar fast without a struggle? Find out how to do it using the 3 tips in this fast guitar playing article.
11 April 2022
Songwriting Writer's Block
Guitar Playing Article
Want to write songs but don't have enough ideas? Learn how to overcome writer’s block using these songwriting practice tips.
28 March 2022
Write Creative Songs On Guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Want to write songs on guitar that sound more creative? Do it using the frequently overlooked musical element in this article about writing guitar songs.
28 March 2022
How To Fix Flailing Fingers
Guitar Playing Article
Playing guitar fast is easier when you keep your fingers closer to the fretboard. Learn how to do it in this article about fixing flailing fingers on guitar.
14 March 2022
How To Make Lead Guitar Easier
Guitar Playing Article
Struggling to play lead guitar licks that sound as good as the pros? Get started doing it today by reading this lead guitar playing advice.
14 March 2022
Neoclassical Guitar Licks
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play killer guitar licks like Yngwie? Find out how to do it easily by watching this neoclassical guitar licks video.
28 February 2022
How To Play Better Guitar Solos
Guitar Playing Article
Tired of not being able to play cool guitar solos like the pros? Learn how to get started doing it today – read these guitar soloing tips.
28 February 2022
How To Get Guitar Students
Guitar Teaching Article
Want to fill your guitar teaching schedule with students? Learn one roadblock you need to overcome in this article about getting more guitar students.
27 February 2022
How To Play Expressive Lead Guitar Licks
Guitar Playing Article
Playing guitar licks that impress others feels great. How do you do it? Learn how using the tips in this article about lead guitar playing.
14 February 2022
Fix Guitar Vibrato Mistakes
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play expressive guitar solos and licks that are drenched with emotion? Vibrato is critical. Learn how to play excellent guitar vibrato.
14 February 2022
Advanced guitar technique
Guitar Playing Article
Want to develop advanced guitar technique that sounds amazing just like the pros? Learn what skill helps you do it by reading this guitar technique article.
31 January 2022
Fast guitar technique
Guitar Playing Article
Playing guitar fast and clean is effortless when you master directional picking. Get started doing it today by reading this fast guitar technique picking advice.
31 January 2022
Lydian guitar licks
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play exotic guitar licks that sound dreamy and amazing? Learn how to do it by playing Lydian guitar licks.
17 January 2022
Play guitar creatively
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play lead guitar creatively and expressively, but don't feel like you have enough natural talent? Learn what to do with these guitar creativity tips.
17 January 2022
Work in the music business
Music Career Article
Wish you could quit your day job and work as a pro musician for a living? Learn how to do it by using the transitional approach based on this music business advice.
16 January 2022
Fast Guitar Licks
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play guitar at a faster speed but don't know how to practice to get there? Find out one way to do it by reading this guitar licks speed article.
3 January 2022
Sweep picking guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Love sweep picking and want to play fast, creative, musical arpeggios? Learn how to do it by reading the tips in this article about sweep picking creativity.
3 January 2022
How To Make Money In Music
Music Career Article
Not sure how to make a living with music to grow a successful music career? Get some ideas right now by checking out this advice for making money with music.
2 January 2022
Polymeter Guitar Licks
Guitar Playing Article
Want to learn an easy way to make your guitar licks sound complex and creative? Learn it now by reading this article about polymeter guitar licks.
20 December 2021
Guitar practice advice
Guitar Playing Article
Struggling to get results from your guitar practice? Learn how to get better on guitar in less time using this guitar practice advice.
20 December 2021
Open string guitar licks
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play great lead guitar licks that are fast, easy and sound impressive? Learn how to do it by watching this open string guitar licks video.
6 December 2021
Great lead guitar licks
Guitar Playing Article
Wish your guitar licks sounded more expressive like the ones the pros play? Learn easy ways to get started in this article about playing great lead guitar licks.
6 December 2021
Arpeggio guitar licks
Guitar Playing Article
Playing sweep picking arpeggios is actually easier than you think. You don't need to be an advanced player to play them – just use these sweep picking tips.
22 November 2021
Sweep picking arpeggios
Guitar Playing Article
Struggling to sweep pick as fast and clean as you’d like. Learn how to correct the common mistakes that might hold you back in this article about sweep picking.
22 November 2021
Guitar solo tension
Guitar Playing Article
Want your guitar solos to feel more expressive? Mastering musical tension is the key – learn how to do it by reading this guitar solo phrasing article.
8 November 2021
Guitar solo article
Guitar Playing Article
Want to make your guitar soloing better so you don't have to rely on memorized licks all the time? Read these guitar solo tips.
8 November 2021
Lead guitar super slides
Guitar Playing Article
Mastering super slides on guitar makes your licks sound creative and unique. What are super slides? Find out in this lead guitar slides article.


25 October 2021
Play lead guitar creatively
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play guitar licks that sound creative and expressive? Get started right now by reading this lead guitar playing advice.
25 October 2021
Guitar licks sequencing
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play killer lead guitar licks? Learn how to use guitar lick sequencing to do it in this article about lead guitar solos.
11 October 2021
Improve lead guitar licks
Guitar Playing Article
Want to make your lead guitar licks expressive and creative? Find out the simple practice approach to do it by reading this lead guitar licks article.
11 October 2021
Emotional lead guitar licks
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play one-note guitar solos that are easy + sound really cool? Find out how to do it by watching this guitar solo video.
27 September 2021
Expressive guitar solos
Guitar Playing Article
Want to make your guitar solos sound more like music and less like exercises or memorized licks? Read this guitar soloing article.
27 September 2021
Guitar speed bursts
Guitar Playing Article
Having a difficult time playing guitar with the speed you want? Learn how to practice effectively to increase your guitar speed fast.
13 September 2021
Fast guitar picking technique
Guitar Playing Article
Want to pick faster on guitar but feel stuck at your current speed? Learn how to get faster using this guitar picking technique advice.
13 September 2021
Lead guitar solo advice
Guitar Playing Article
There are 3 things you can do right now to improve your guitar solos and play creatively. Learn them by reading this lead guitar article.
30 August 2021
Pentatonic guitar licks
Guitar Playing Article
Love the sound of pentatonic and blues guitar solos? Learn how to make your solos sound amazing using these cool pentatonic guitar licks.
16 August 2021
Guitar vibrato licks
Guitar Playing Article
Want your guitar licks to sound more like music than like exercises/scales/etc.? Vibrato is the answer. Learn how to use it with the simple tips in this article about guitar playing creativity.
16 August 2021
2 string guitar arpeggios
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play sweep picking arpeggios faster and cleaner than ever? Find out how to do it 2 strings at a time by watching this guitar arpeggio practice video.
2 August 2021
Sweep picking tips
Guitar Playing Article
Struggling to play a particular sweep picking pattern? Learn how to master it fast - Play it like you want to today using these sweep picking tips.
2 August 2021
Guitar picking exercises
Guitar Playing Article
Want to pick fast on guitar with better accuracy and faster speed? Learn 5 ways to do it in this guitar picking exercises article.
19 July 2021
Guitar picking technique
Guitar Playing Article
Struggling to move beyond your current guitar picking speed? Learn how to pick faster than ever using the advice in this article on guitar picking technique.
19 July 2021
Find new bandmates
Music Career Article
Looking for new band members, but want to make sure you are choosing the right people? Learn how to do this by reading this music business training article.
11 July 2021
Blues guitar double stops
Guitar Playing Article
This video demonstration explains how to add intensity to your solos by playing awesome blues guitar double stop licks.
5 July 2021
Lead guitar solo training
Guitar Playing Article
Want to make your lead guitar solos sound badass? Find out how by checking out this lead guitar solo training advice.
5 July 2021
Help guitar students practice effectively
Guitar Playing Article
Helping your guitar students practice better players requires more than teaching them musical ideas. Learn how to do it by reading this guitar teaching article.
4 July 2021
Mixolydian flat 6 guitar licks
Guitar Playing Article
Want to make your guitar solos more interesting? Learn how to play interesting phrases using the 5th mode of melodic minor for guitar.
21 June 2021
Guitar solo phrases
Guitar Playing Article
Playing impressive guitar solos feels amazing. There is one foundational skill you must gain to do it though. What is it? Find out by reading this guitar soloing advice.
21 June 2021
Guitar backslides
Guitar Playing Article
Looking for ways to make your lead guitar solos more emotional? Learn a cool way to do it using the unique backslides guitar technique.
7 June 2021
Practice guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Want to get more consistent results from your guitar practice sessions? Learn how by checking out this guitar practice advice.
7 June 2021
Music record deal
Music Career Article
Wish you knew what makes music companies want to hire you for a record deal? Learn what it is by reading this music career article.
30 May 2021
Neoclassical guitar licks
Guitar Playing Article
Your guitar licks and solos sound great when you use a neoclassical style within them - Transform the sound of your lead guitar playing forever by using the licks in this neoclassical guitar licks video.
24 May 2021
Better guitar solos
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play better guitar solos that sound more musically expressive? Learn how to develop your lead guitar playing today by reading this lead guitar soloing article.
24 May 2021
Guitar string bends
Guitar Playing Article
Wish your guitar bends sounded more musical and creative? Transform your lead guitar licks by using the tips in this advanced guitar bending video.
10 May 2021
Improve lead guitar fast
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play better lead guitar licks that kick ass? Get started today by checking out the powerful tips in this lead guitar article.
10 May 2021
Start a music career
Music Career Article
There is one big mistake that prevents people from achieving success in the music business. What is it? Find out by reading this article about making it with a music career.
2 May 2021
String Bending Guitar Licks
Guitar Playing Article
Wish your guitar bends sounded more musical and creative? Transform your lead guitar licks by using the tips in this guitar bending video.
26 April 2021
Guitar phrasing advice
Guitar Playing Article
Wish your guitar solos sounded more musical and expressive? Transform your guitar soloing by watching this guitar soloing video.
12 April 2021
Play better guitar solos
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play guitar solos that sounds amazing while using as much speed as you want? Find out how by watching this guitar speed video.
12 April 2021
Guitar finger picking
Guitar Playing Event
Love electric guitar but also want to master fingerpicking? No problem! Join Simon Candy and I as we talk about how to get better at this skill - Check out this guitar playing event.
5 April 2021
Lead guitar super slides
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play amazing lead guitar licks that impress anyone listening? Super slides will do it. Learn how to play them in this lead guitar slides tutorial.
29 March 2021
Lead guitar creativity
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play guitar solos that have their own unique sound? I've got 3 tips to help you do it! Learn what they are now in this guitar creativity article.
29 March 2021
Emotional guitar playing
Guitar Playing Article
Playing guitar with feeling isn't that complicated. Learn how to do it by watching the video in this article about playing emotional guitar solos.
15 March 2021
Better lead guitar playing
Guitar Playing Article
Playing better lead guitar doesn’t require learning a bunch of new licks. Play better solos today using these lead guitar tips.
15 March 2021
Guitar playing breakthrough
Guitar Playing Event
Stuck in your guitar playing? Good news - Learn the what I call the hard stuff made easy – The #1 (and #2 and #3) thing you can do right now to break through your current guitar playing limitations. Check out this guitar playing event.
8 March 2021
Motivate beginner guitar students
Guitar Playing Article
Motivating beginner guitar students helps them get better faster and continue taking lessons with you for longer. Find out 3 key things you must do to motivate them by reading this guitar teaching article
7 March 2021
Sweep picking tutorial
Guitar Playing Article
Want to master sweep picking technique? Learn a powerful, yet overlooked way to do it by reading this sweep picking article.
1 March 2021
Sweep picking licks
Guitar Playing Article
Struggling with a particular guitar arpeggio? No problem! Learn how to master it using these sweep picking practice tips.
1 March 2021
Guitar vibrato technique
Guitar Playing Article
Using vibrato technique that is in time with the musical you are playing to makes it sound amazing. Learn how it’s done by reading this article about vibrato guitar technique.
15 February 2021
Lead Guitar Licks
Guitar Playing Article
Wish your guitar playing sounded more musical and expressive? Learn how to do it one note at a time by checking out this article on expressive lead guitar.
8 February 2021
Guitar practice
Guitar Playing Event
My guest is guitar practice expert Mike Philippov. We will talk about how you can make massive gains in your guitar playing through a concept called Focus Rotation - Check it out in this guitar playing event.
8 February 2021
Get guitar student referrals
Guitar Teaching Article
Want to fill your teaching schedule with new students? Find out the one way to do it that many guitar teachers overlook by reading this article about growing a guitar teaching business.
1 February 2021
Guitar Tapping Licks
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play fast and expressive guitar tapping licks? Who doesn’t!? Let me show you how to play sweet tapping licks now by reading this guitar tapping technique article.
1 February 2021
Guitar Tapping
Guitar Playing Article
Want your guitar tapping licks to stand out? There are many cool ways to do them. Learn a few right now by reading this article on guitar tapping creativity.
1 February 2021
Successful Musicians
Music Career Article
Musicians often make their musical skills the only focus. Doing this just isn't enough to succeed for the long term. Learn what to do instead in this music career article.
31 January 2021
Lead Guitar Sustain
Guitar Playing Article
Wish your notes had more sustain? Good news: It’s easy to do and you don't need extra gear. Find out what to do in this guitar sustain video.
18 January 2021
Memorable Guitar Playing
Guitar Playing Article
Playing killer lead guitar solos and licks that people nod their heads to feels awesome. Learn how to do it by using the tips in this lead guitar article.
18 January 2021
Sweep picking tremolo
Guitar Playing Article
Tired of struggling with sweep picking? Use a creative practice approach to finally sweep pick on guitar with speed and accuracy.
4 January 2021
Sweep picking guitar arpeggios
Guitar Playing Article
Sweep picking is often harder than it needs to be. Why? Ineffective or overly-difficult practice methods. Find out how to practice sweep picking to make it easier.
4 January 2021
Get better results for guitar students
Guitar Teaching Article
Are your guitar students struggling with something, but you're not sure what to do about it? Learn what things you need to work on by reading this guitar teaching article.
3 January 2021
Sweep picking advice
Guitar Playing Article
Learning how to master finger rolling is critical for playing fast and clean sweep picking arpeggios. Learn how to do it by reading this sweep picking advice.
21 December 2020
Sweep picking tips
Guitar Playing Article
Want to learn 3 simple and powerful ways to get better at sweep picking? Learn them right now by reading this sweep picking tips.
21 December 2020
Hirajoshi guitar licks
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play creative lead guitar licks that sounds very unique? Get started right now using the creative tips in this free hirajoshi guitar licks lesson.
6 December 2020
Make lead guitar sound better
Guitar Playing Article
Wish your lead guitar playing was more creative and expressive? Learn a simple way to get started doing it right now by reading this lead guitar article.
6 December 2020
Sweep picking guitar lesson
Guitar Playing Article
Read to play sweep picking arpeggios faster and cleaner than ever before? Get started doing it right now using these sweep picking tips.
23 November 2020
Creative guitar arpeggios
Guitar Playing Article
Tired of playing the same guitar arpeggios? Learn how to add new life to your sweep picking using these creative guitar arpeggio tips.
23 November 2020
Lead guitar playing
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play killer guitar solos any time you want? Learn how to do it now by watching this lead guitar playing demonstration.
9 November 2020
Fix bad guitar habits
Guitar Playing Article
Wish you could overcome one or two problems in your guitar playing a little more easily? No problem! Use the advice in this article with powerful guitar playing tips.
9 November 2020
Teach barre chords to guitar students
Guitar Teaching Article
Guitar students often struggle with barre chords and give up too soon. Learn how to solve this problem by teaching them effectively in this article about how to effectively teach barre guitar chords.
8 November 2020
Teach vibrato to your guitar students
Guitar Teaching Article
Your guitar students feel amazing when they turn average licks into expressive pieces of music using vibrato technique. Learn how to teach this using this guitar teaching advice.
8 November 2020
String skipping for guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Want to string skip at fast speeds without making as many mistakes? Learn how to do it now by watching the video in this string skipping guitar article.
26 October 2020
Make guitar speed effortless
Guitar Playing Article
Playing guitar fast should feel effortless. Use the advice in this article to get faster and make it feel effortless to play guitar with speed.
26 October 2020
Play better guitar licks
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play killer guitar licks whenever you feel like it? Find out how to start doing it right now using the advice in this article about playing guitar licks.
12 October 2020
Play lead guitar solos
Guitar Playing Article
Want to know one thing you can do today to play better guitar solos than ever before? Great! Learn about it now by checking out this guitar soloing advice.
12 October 2020
Stuck in guitar playing
Guitar Playing Article
Stuck In Your Guitar Playing? Read This… What is the biggest reason why guitar players fail to reach their goals and give up? It’s not what you think! Find out now by reading this article about why guitar players get stuck.
28 September 2020
Fix guitar playing habits
Guitar Playing Article
Wish you knew how to overcome your current guitar playing plateau? No problem! Use the advice in this article with powerful guitar playing tips.
28 September 2020
Sweep picking tapping
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play cool sweep picking arpeggios that make you stand out from the crowd? I've got you. Check out the cool sweep picking tips in this guitar arpeggio video.
14 September 2020
Sweep picking arpeggios
Guitar Playing Article
Tired of playing sloppy sweep picking arpeggios? Cleaning them up is easier than you think. Play cleaner arpeggios using these sweep picking practice approaches.
14 September 2020
Guitar improvising
Guitar Playing Article
Wish you could play expressive and creative guitar licks at will? Find out how to start right now using the advice in this article about improvising on guitar.
31 August 2020
Guitar playing creativity
Guitar Playing Article
Sometimes feel like you aren’t playing the amazing, creative lead guitar licks you want to play? You may be making one of several common mistakes. Learn what they are and how to fix them by reading this lead guitar creativity article.
31 August 2020
Wrong notes in guitar solos
Guitar Playing Article
Tired of playing too many “wrong” notes during your guitar solos? Good news, there is a way to transform bad notes into cool ones. Learn how to do it in this guitar soloing article.
17 August 2020
Fretboard visualization
Guitar Playing Article
Every felt lost while playing a guitar solo? Learn how to find your way around the fretboard with ease by reading this guitar soloing advice.
17 August 2020
Teach guitar better
Guitar Teaching Article
Getting big results for your guitar students is critical for building your teaching business and creating great musicians. Learn how to do it by reading this guitar teacher training advice.
16 August 2020
Become a successful guitar teacher
Guitar Teaching Article
It’s no secret: getting great results for your students helps you make more money as a guitar teacher. Learn another critical factor for your guitar teaching business success.
16 August 2020
Arpeggio guitar lesson
Guitar Playing Article
The key to playing incredible guitar solos is thinking not just like a guitarist, but like a musician. Learn how this works and how to create melodic guitar licks and solos with arpeggios.
3 August 2020
Fix sweep picking mistakes
Guitar Playing Article
Having a difficult time playing clean sweep picking arpeggios? Read this article to clean up your sweep picking mistakes.
3 August 2020
Guitar teaching methods
Guitar Teaching Article
Want to turn all of your guitar students into killer players? Learn how it is done right now by understanding the three keys to getting results for guitar students.
2 August 2020
Teach guitar students
Guitar Teaching Article
What is one thing that helps your guitar students improve fast? Answer: Skill integration. Learn how to teach it by reading this guitar teaching article.
2 August 2020
Music career success
Music Career Article
What is it exactly that determines who makes it in music and who doesn’t? Find out right now by reading this article and kick-start your music career.
26 July 2020
Music company opportunities
Music Career Article
There is one key thing that has a massive influence on your success as a musician. What is it? Find out right now by reading this free music business advice.
26 July 2020
Rubato guitar lesson
Guitar Playing Article
There exists a lesser-known skill on guitar (and in music) that makes your lead guitar licks feel more musically expressive. What is it? Learn it now by reading this lead guitar training article.
20 July 2020
Guitar technique mistake
Guitar Playing Article
Wish you could play creative lead guitar licks that impress others? No problem. Learn how to get started right away by watching the video in this lead guitar article.
20 July 2020
2 hand guitar sync
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play guitar faster and cleaner than ever? Mastering 2-hand synchronization is a top priority. Learn how to do it right now in this essential guide for increasing guitar speed.
6 July 2020
Lydian Guitar Licks
Guitar Playing Article
Want to improve your lead guitar playing and develop your own musical style? Get started now by checking out these killer lydian guitar licks.
22 June 2020
Create guitar licks
Guitar Playing Article
Wish your guitar licks sounded more expressive and interesting? Good news: Your licks get better when you make small and easy changes to your playing as explained in this article about lead guitar licks and playing with creativity.
22 June 2020
Get more guitar students
Guitar Teaching Article
Want to get more guitar students without doing much on your end? Have your students do it for you using the cool concept in this article about guitar teaching student referrals.
14 June 2020
Guitar picking hand motions
Guitar Playing Article
Wondering how some guitar players seem to pick with insane speed and consistency? It’s all in the efficiency of your picking motion. Get faster picking speed by learning about it in this guitar picking article.
8 June 2020
Make guitar scales easier
Guitar Playing Article
There is one picking technique that makes playing fast guitar scales feel easier than any other. What is it? Find out now by reading this guitar scale speed article.
8 June 2020
Avoid guitar student overwhelm
Guitar Teaching Article
Losing guitar students? There is one common thing that makes students quit. Learn what it is and what do to overcome it and keep your guitar students longer.
31 May 2020
guitar lick improvement
Guitar Playing Article
Wish you had the power to make any guitar lick sound amazing? Good news, you do! I’ll show you what to do right now – start playing killer guitar licks by reading this lead guitar article.
25 May 2020
lead guitar solo creativity
Guitar Playing Article
Playing amazing guitar solos doesn't require being naturally talented, it takes practice. Learn a fun and simple drill to improve your solos now by reading this page about playing better guitar solos.
25 May 2020
2-hand synchronization for guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Having both of your hands in sync together is critical for fast and effortless guitar speed. Learn how to lock your hands together using the advice in this guitar speed article.
11 May 2020
Learn fast guitar licks
Guitar Playing Article
Tired of struggling while playing fast guitar licks? Learn the practice approach that makes it easier to learn fast guitar licks.
11 May 2020
Teaching make up guitar lessons
Guitar Teaching Article
Many guitar teachers give make-up lessons to their students when they miss a lesson. Don't make this same mistake! Here is why you should not teach make-up lessons for guitar.
10 May 2020
Guitar vibrato tutorial
Guitar Playing Article
Vibrato guitar technique adds expression and emotion into your playing like nothing else. Learn how to master it and become a better lead guitarist using these guitar vibrato tips.
27 April 2020
Make lead guitar playing sing
Guitar Playing Article
Wish you could give your guitar licks the expressive sound of a human voice whenever you wanted? Learn how to do it now by reading this lead guitar article.
27 April 2020
Teach make up guitar lessons
Guitar Teaching Article
Many guitar teachers allow their students to have make-up guitar lessons. Don't make this same mistake. Learn 3 reasons why this harms your teaching business by reading this guitar teaching article.
19 April 2020
Guitar speed with melody
Guitar Playing Article
Struggling to make your fast guitar playing sound melodic and expressive? Find out how to do it now by reading this guitar soloing article.
13 April 2020
Play melodic guitar solos
Guitar Playing Article
Wish you could play guitar solos that had a memorable melody to them? Use the tip in this article to learn how to practice to play expressive guitar solos.
13 April 2020
Guitar students quit lessons
Guitar Teaching Article
Losing guitar students and feeling frustrated because you don't know why they're leaving? You might be making one common mistake. Learn what it is in this guitar teaching article.
5 April 2020
Guitar Tapping Lesson
Guitar Playing Article
Want to develop killer guitar tapping technique that makes people stop and pay attention to your playing? Learn how to do it right now by watching the video in this article about guitar tapping.
30 March 2020
Guitar tapping creativity
Guitar Playing Article
Tired of playing the same old tapping guitar licks? Looking for new ways to add life and creativity to your tapping technique? Learn what to do using the 3 tips in this guitar tapping technique article.
30 March 2020
Music career talent
Music Career Article
Fact: Having amazing musical talent is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to achieving massive success in the music industry. Find out why by reading this music career training article.
22 March 2020
Get guitar students to practice
Guitar Teaching Article
Solve your guitar students’ problems effectively and they make faster progress while coming back to take lessons with you time and time again. Learn how to do this more effectively by correcting common guitar student mistakes.
22 March 2020
How to sweep pick
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play fast and expressive guitar tapping licks? Who doesn’t!? Let me show you how to play sweet tapping licks now by reading this guitar tapping technique article.
16 March 2020
Make sweep picking easier
Guitar Playing Article
Having a hard time mastering sweep picking? It’s easier than you think when you master the three concepts in this article about practicing sweep picking arpeggios.
16 March 2020
Play tritone licks on guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Want to make your guitar licks sound badass? The tritone is the answer. Learn 3 ways to use the tritone to play great guitar licks.
2 March 2020
Play better guitar licks
Guitar Playing Article
Ready to take your guitar solos to the next level? Great! There are three exercises that help you do it. Learn them and apply them now by reading this guitar lick creativity advice.
2 March 2020
Play better guitar solos
Guitar Playing Article
Are you bored with the same old guitar licks you’ve played over and over? Learn three ways to make your licks sound more creative right now by reading this guitar lick creativity advice.guitar soloing article.
17 February 2020
Play guitar solos that grab people
Guitar Playing Article
One of the most engaging and memorable notes of any guitar solo is the very first one. Learn how to make this note sound amazing by reading this guitar soloing article.
17 February 2020
Guitar warm ups
Guitar Playing Article
Want to learn the best ways to warmup on guitar to get better results from your practice? No problem! Learn 5 right now by reading this guitar practice warmups article.
3 February 2020
Guitar speed plateau
Guitar Playing Article
Getting stuck with your guitar speed is very frustrating. Good news: There are simple steps tp follow to get unstuck within just a day. Learn them in this article and start increasing your guitar speed now.
20 January 2020
Guitar picking speed
Guitar Playing Article
Want to get lightning fast picking speed for guitar? You just need to master one concept. Learn what it is and playing faster than ever by reading this guitar speed article.
1 January 2020
Songwriting for guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Writing amazing songs on guitar is easy when you follow 6 key pieces of advice. Learn what they are start writing songs right away by reading this guitar songwriting article.
2 December 2019
Write songs on guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Want to make your power chords sound more creative and interesting? Learn how to do it now and start writing cool guitar songs.
2 December 2019
Quickly speed up your guitar playing
Guitar Playing Article
Wish you could make playing guitar fast feel effortless and easy? There is one thing you must do. Learn what it is now by reading this guitar speed advice.
18 November 2019
Play sweep picking with Lydian patterns
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play killer sweep picking arpeggios that sound creative and unique? Tired of the playing the same basic arpeggios patterns? No problem. Start playing more musically expressive and interesting arpeggios by reading this sweep picking article.
28 October 2019
Playing fun guitar chords
Guitar Playing Article
Want to make your guitar chords sound creative and expressive? It's much easier than  you think. Apply the five unique and simple ideas in this article and start playing cool guitar chords.
28 October 2019
Hard guitar chords made easy
Guitar Playing Article
Tired of trying to play chords only to hear missed notes or noises you didn't mean to create? Good news. There are 3 very easy tips that help you prevent this while transforming your chord playing in a matter of minutes. Learn and apply them now by watching this video about playing hard chord changes on guitar.
7 October 2019
Guitar teaching tip
Guitar Teaching Resource
There is one very simple action to take that gets more results for your guitar students while instantly multiplying your teaching income. What is it? Find out now by reading this guitar teaching article.
29 September 2019
Play rhythm guitar
Guitar Playing Resource
There are two easy ways to transform your rhythm guitar playing from weak to powerful and aggressive. Learn what they by reading this article about metal rhythm guitar.
16 September 2019
Guitar playing cheatcheet
Guitar Playing Resource
Still struggling with guitar technique? Let's face it: some guitar playing problems are really hard to solve, which is why I created this new, handy guitar technique cheat sheet. It shows you how to solve any guitar technique challenge on the spot. Download your guitar playing cheat sheet now and get back to playing exactly how you want to while having fun!
13 September 2019
Sloppy sweep picking
Guitar Playing Article
Ever struggle to play sweep picking arpeggios that are both fast and perfectly clean? Learning one simple hack helps you do it. Watch the demonstration in this video and learn how to play sweep picking arpeggios clean.
19 August 2019
Improvise better on guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Making your guitar solos sound expressive isn't just about memorizing a bunch of scale patterns. It’s about HOW you play the notes. Instantly become better at improvising by watching this guitar soloing practice video.
29 July 2019
Grow a music career
Music Career Article
Become a successful professional musician means knowing what to do and what NOT to do. Learn the things you should not do to grow your success in the music business.
23 July 2019
Guitar speed plateaus
Guitar Playing Article
You don't have to remain stuck at your current guitar speed forever. Find out how to practice to take your speed to the next level in this free guitar playing article.
8 July 2019
Guitar picking technique speed
Guitar Playing Article
Picking faster on guitar isn't about moving your hands faster - it's about picking with more efficient movement. Learn how to do it right now by reading this guitar picking technique article.
3 June 2019
Guitar technique shortcuts
Guitar Playing Article
Everyone loves taking shortcuts that make it easy and fun to massively improve their guitar technique. Get three killer shortcuts right now by reading this article about getting better at guitar fast.
3 June 2019
Play amazing guitar solos with scales
Guitar Playing Article
Think that memorizing a bunch of scales is the key to playing better guitar solos? Think again! There is much more to playing killer solos than simply memorizing patterns. Learn what else you need to do by reading this lead guitar article.
13 May 2019
Guitar practice hacks
Guitar Playing Article
Learning how to make your guitar practice more effective makes it easy to get results without practicing many hours a day. Learn how to do it by reading this guitar practice article.
9 April 2019
Break into the music business
Music Career Article
There are two main types of musicians in the music business. Knowing what they are and which one describes you determines whether you make it big or not at all. Learn what they are by reading this music business article.
8 April 2019
Guitar teaching business growth
Guitar Teaching Article
Why do so many guitar teachers get stuck earning only a modest living teaching lessons? They use the same mindset, strategies and models. Learn how to not end up like them and make great money teaching guitar.
8 April 2019
Music career money
Music Career Article
Joining an already established band is a massive shortcut for your music career success. However, it takes more than just musical skills to do this. Learn what else it takes by reading this music career article.
24 March 2019
Successful guitar teaching business
Guitar Teaching Article
Growing a huge guitar teaching business is all about asking the right questions that get you to take big action (and achieve big results). Learn what these questions are by reading this guitar teacher training article.
24 March 2019
Clean sweep picking
Guitar Playing Article
It’s easier thank you think to play lightning-fast and clean sweep picking arpeggios. Doing this just requires mastery of two key concepts. Learn what they are by reading this sweep picking article.
18 March 2019
Guitar practice motivation
Guitar Playing Article
Sometimes it feels like a struggle to pick up your guitar and practice. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to bet this way. Learn 10 ways to massively boost your motivation by reading this guitar practice article.
4 February 2019
Successful career in music
Music Career Article
Knowing how to grow a successful music career requires knowing the difference between tactics and strategy. Get your music career on the right track to long-term success by learning the difference between the two in this music career article.
19 January 2019
Guitar speed practice strategy
Guitar Playing Article
Struggling to play guitar fast and clean? The solution is to improve your ability to keep both hands in sync. Read this article for a step-by-step exercise to help you play guitar fast and clean with both hands in sync.
14 January 2019
Teach guitar students to play solos
Guitar Teaching Article
Helping your guitar students improvise makes lessons fun for them and helps them become much better musicians. Learn how to do it by reading these guitar teaching tips.e guitar teaching tips.
6 January 2019
Find the right musicians for your band
Music Career Article
Looking for new musicians for your band? It’s critical for your band’s success to not choose musicians who will waste your time. Learn how to choose the best musicians the first time around using these music career tips.
17 December 2018
Guitar teaching mistakes
Guitar Teaching Article
It’s a lot easier than you think to make good money as a guitar teacher. However, having a bad teaching policy makes it much more difficult than it should be. Learn how to avoid this mistake by reading this article on how to succeed as a guitar teacher.
9 December 2018
Get better at guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Feeling overwhelmed by guitar practice is a symptom of a deeper issue that keeps you from making fast progress. Learn how to get better at guitar fast by getting rid of this feeling in this article about improving on guitar.
9 December 2018
Charging money for teaching guitar
Guitar Teaching Article
Charging cheap rates for your guitar lessons causes several problems that lead to less students and more stress for you. Learn why charging more for guitar lessons helps you get more guitar students.
2 December 2018
Guitar practice focus
Guitar Playing Article
Becoming a great guitar player takes consistent and effective practice. There are 3 key steps to take in order to practice guitar as effectively as possible. Learn what they are now by reading this guitar practice article.
20 November 2018
Lead guitar solo melody
Guitar Playing Article
Your guitar solos become very memorable when you give them a sing-able melody. Learning how to do this is easy and fun as well. Learn how right now and start playing killer solos by reading this lead guitar article.
5 November 2018
Loyal music fans
Music Career Article
It’s much easier to build a successful music career with a loyal local following than a strong online following. Learn why this is so critical by reading this page about music career fans.
14 October 2018
Guitar lesson ads
Guitar Teaching Article
Talking too much about yourself in your guitar lesson ads is a recipe for disaster. Find out why and what to do instead by reading this page about guitar lesson ad mistakes.
14 October 2018
Lead guitar solo creativity
Guitar Playing Article
Giving yourself more time to think while soloing is key for playing emotionally expressive phrases. Learn how to do this while playing with more intensity using this simple guitar soloing idea.
8 October 2018
Improve guitar playing
Guitar Playing Article
It’s possible to improve your guitar playing massively with just one exercise when you know what to focus on and use an efficient practice schedule. Learn the steps to this exercise now by reading this guitar practice article.
14 September 2018
2 hand sync on guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Locking both hands in perfect sync is critical for playing clean at fast speeds. This makes fast guitar playing feel effortless. Learn how to do it using this guitar speed exercise.
3 September 2018
Get guitar students
Guitar Teaching Article
Teaching beginner guitar players is one of the best and easiest ways to make a living as a guitar teacher. Read this article about teaching beginner guitarists to learn the 3 reasons why you should do it.
6 August 2018
Practice guitar effectively
Guitar Playing Article
Guitar practice is about quality not quantity. This means you can get great results, even with limited practice time. Learn how to do it by reading this guitar practice article.
22 July 2018
Play arpeggio guitar licks
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play amazing sounding sweep picking arpeggios? It’s not as hard as you might think. Master the skills in this article and start playing killer guitar arpeggios.
9 July 2018
Clean up sloppy guitar legato
Guitar Playing Article
Mastering legato guitar technique requires two main steps: identifying problems that most players make with legato and solving them with effective practice strategies. This video shows you how to do these things to improve your legato guitar playing fast.
14 June 2018
Music career success
Music Career Article
Music career success is not determined only by your musical skills. The beliefs you hold are a massive factor for whether you succeed or fail. Read this article to learn how to get rid of the beliefs that sabotage your music career success.
10 June 2018
Guitar teaching mistake
Guitar Teaching Article
Teaching guitar lessons by traveling to your students’ homes wastes time and money. Read this article to learn why and what you should do instead to become a more successful guitar teacher.
10 June 2018
Inside picking for guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Inside picking is one of the hardest techniques to play for many guitarists. Fortunately, it’s much easier when you use directional picking to practice it. Use this guitar picking exercise to quickly improve your inside picking.
4 June 2018
Effective guitar practice
Guitar Playing Article
Struggling to get great results from your guitar practice but don't know what’s wrong? There is one main mistake that frequently causes this problem. Learn what it is by reading this guitar practice article.
20 May 2018
Get more guitar students
Guitar Teaching Article
There is one mistake that pushes guitar students away from taking lessons with you before you even get the chance to teach them. Learn what it is and start getting more students by reading this guitar teaching article.
11 May 2018
Practice away from guitar
Guitar Playing Article
One of the best ways to make faster progress on guitar is to learn which skills can be practiced without your guitar. This lets you use your limited practice time on things you absolutely need your guitar for, so you can master them most quickly. Read this guitar practice article to learn what to practice away from your guitar to accelerate you progress.
11 May 2018
Cleaner guitar playing
Guitar Playing Article
Any guitar lick can be cleaned up very easily when you use the right approach. Use the 5-step exercise in this article to quickly clean up any guitar lick you are struggling with.
7 May 2018
Guitar thumb muting
Guitar Playing Article
Struggling with sloppy guitar playing? Using the conventional palm muting method to eliminate sloppy string noise is not the most effective approach. Read this article to learn a better way to clean up your guitar playing.
23 April 2018
Live guitar playing practice
Guitar Playing Article
Want to put on amazing guitar playing performances? Practicing for live playing situations helps you prepare to play at your best. Learn 5 ways to improve your live guitar playing by reading this guitar practice article.
15 April 2018
Begin teaching guitar
Guitar Teaching Article
Teaching guitar for a living doesn’t require being a virtuoso player. Too many guitarists are afraid to teach when they are already more-than-qualified. Learn why you are already good enough to get started teaching guitar.
15 April 2018
Tight rhythm guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Being able to keep good time in your head is critical for being a great rhythm guitar player. Improve this skill fast by using the exercise in this article about training rhythm guitar skills.
9 April 2018
Make guitar playing sound better
Guitar Playing Article
Want to become a faster and more clean guitar player in just 10 minutes? Mastering 2-hand synchronization helps you do this. Read this article to get the 10 minute guitar practice exercise to become a faster guitarist now.
21 March 2018
Get better at guitar
Guitar Playing Article
The harder you make your guitarist practice, the more you force yourself to play at a higher level and improve. Read this article to learn several effective ways to make your guitar practice more challenging and beneficial.
20 March 2018
Increase guitar speed
Guitar Playing Article
The more effective you are at practicing guitar, the faster you are able to increase your top playing speed. Read this article to learn an effective guitar practice training circuit to help you become a faster guitarist.
12 March 2018
Keep guitar students
Guitar Teaching Article
The key to keeping your guitar students for a very long time is showing them how to expand their musical goals. Learn how to do it by reading this article about teaching guitar students.
3 March 2018
Improvising on guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Your guitar improvisation skills improve when you use more than the conventional approach of simply playing freely until something sounds cool. Read this article to learn a creative practice approach to improve your guitar improvising skills.
12 February 2018
Guitar teaching business
Guitar Teaching Article
There are 3 major reasons why your guitar teaching business is struggling. Learn them by reading this guitar teaching article and get your teaching business on the right track.
11 February 2018
Make your guitar playing sound better
Guitar Playing Resource
Want to make your guitar playing sound great regardless of what you play? There are a few easy tricks that help you achieve this in your playing. Download this free guide for making your guitar playing sound better and learn them now.
9 February 2018
Make your music career successful
Music Career Article
There are always going to be challenges that stand in the way of you and your musical goals. Pros know how to overcome them, while amateurs give up and return to their day jobs. Learn how to be like the pros to ensure that you reach your music career goals.
5 February 2018
Guitar playing improvement
Guitar Teaching Article
Successful guitar teachers teach each student based on their specific personality, musical goals and challenges. Watch the video on this page to learn how to do this and become a better guitar teacher fast.
22 January 2018
Fast guitar playing
Guitar Playing Article
Want to write songs on guitar that sound more creative? Do it using the frequently overlooked musical element in this article about writing guitar songs.
16 January 2018
Make money in music
Music Career Article
Quitting your day job gives you freedom to build the music career you've always dreamed about. Most people don't know how to leave their day job without putting themselves through financial hardship. But some people figured out a way to easily phase out their day jobs and become very successful professional musicians. Read this music industry article to learn the easiest way to quit your day job and do music full time.
22 December 2017
Play guitar without mistakes
Guitar Playing Article
Do you ever have bad guitar playing days where you make a lot of mistakes and don’t play as good as you know you can? You’re not alone – every guitarist does. Read this guitar playing article to learn how to play at your best even on your worst days.
11 December 2017
How To Play Guitar Cleaner
Guitar Playing Article
Playing with clean guitar technique is much easier when you articulate every note you play with power and authority. Check out the video on this page about playing guitar clean to learn how to articulate notes clearly with your picking hand.
11 December 2017
Best guitar playing music career and guitar teaching articles
Best Of 2017 Articles
You advance as a musician fast when you have access to tons of valuable musical resources that have helped countless others grow their music careers, learn how to teach guitar and become better guitarists. Find the resources you need by reading this page with many guitar playing and music career articles.
03 December 2017
Teach guitar students to read
Guitar Teaching Article
Teaching beginner guitar students effectively is critical for the growth of your guitar teaching business. Learn the 5 key mistakes you must avoid to help them improve fast by reading this article about how to teach beginner guitar students.
26 November 2017
How To Play Rhythm Guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Many guitar players fail to improve their rhythm guitar playing skills because they never develop one critical skill. Learn this skill and develop it for yourself by reading this rhythm guitar article.
19 November 2017
What you guitar teacher should be teaching
Guitar Playing Article
You need to learn 3 specific things in order to make fast progress on guitar with your guitar teacher. Learn what they are by reading this article about finding the right guitar lessons.
6 November 2017
How To Get Better Results For Guitar Students
Guitar Teaching Article
Getting great results for your students helps them quickly become better players and spreads a positive reputation for your teaching business. Learn how to do it by reading this guitar teaching article.
30 October 2017
Become a better guitarist
Guitar Playing Article
Tracking your guitar playing progress with a metronome helps you make tons of progress fast. Learn 4 areas of your guitar playing you need to track by reading this guitar practice article.
09 October 2017
Overcome music career problems
Music Career Article
Becoming a successful professional musician requires avoiding the common myths that unsuccessful musicians believe. Read this article to learn the best way to do this and grow your music career fast.
01 October 2017
How To Succeed In Music
Music Career Article
Music career success is not determined only by your musical skills. The beliefs you hold are a massive factor for whether you succeed or fail. Read this article to learn how to get rid of the beliefs that sabotage your music career success.
29 September 2017
How To Play Guitar Cleaner
Guitar Playing Article
Your rock guitar playing sounds sloppy when you don’t know how to mute excess string noise. These 4 things help you eliminate string noise to play clean rock guitar riffs.
7 August 2017
Avoid getting screwed in the music business
Music Career Article
It’s common to hear stories about how some musicians got screwed by music companies through low pay, bad contracts or otherwise. However, below the surface there is much more to explain the real reasons why these musicians were screwed. Learn how to avoid getting screwed in the music business.
23 July 2017
How to train guitar students
Guitar Teaching Article
Helping your guitar students become better players requires more than teaching them musical ideas. You also need to coach and train them. Learn how to do these things by reading this guitar teaching article.
17 July 2017
Get a record deal
Music Career Article
Impressing record companies doesn’t require selling millions of records. You simply need to show them a proven track record of success. Learn how to do it by reading this music career article.
8 July 2017
How to practice guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Becoming a great guitar player requires integrating your musical skills by combining different skills together and being creative. Learn how to practice this by checking out this guitar practice circuit.
26 June 2017
How To Practice Guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Becoming a great guitar player requires integrating your musical skills by combining different skills together and being creative. Learn how to practice this by checking out this guitar practice circuit.
26 June 2017
How to help guitar students better
Guitar Teaching Article
Your students progress faster when they practice guitar consistently and correctly. Learn how to help your guitar students to practice correctly and solve their guitar playing problems.
13 June 2017
Guitar practice tip
Guitar Playing Article
Eliminating musical frustration is crucial to reaching your musical goals faster. Discover what you need to do to overcome musical frustration by reading this article about achieving your goals with your guitar practice.
5 June 2017
How to practice guitar with limited time
Guitar Playing Article
A great way to make fast progress when you have limited time to practice guitar is practicing things that improve many elements of your playing at once. Learn one of the best techniques that helps you accomplish this goal by reading this guitar practice article.
15 May 2017
Guitar playing progress
Guitar Playing Article
Tracking your progress on guitar every week improves the effectiveness of your practice by helping you understand which weakness or strengths to focus on. When you don’t track your progress, it causes problems in your playing. Learn the 5 biggest problems that occur when you don’t track guitar playing progress.
9 May 2017
How To Roll Sweep Picking Arpeggios
Guitar Playing Article
Playing fast arpeggios very cleanly is easy when you use sweep picking rolling technique. This technique prevents notes from ringing together and making your playing sloppy. Learn how to master it by reading this sweep picking article.
16 April 2017
Teach your guitar students to practice
Guitar Teaching Article
When you know how to get your students to practice guitar correctly, they make much faster progress. When you don’t, they struggle and you develop a negative reputation as a guitar teacher. Watch this video to learn how to teach guitar students to practice.
10 April 2017
What musicians do out of order
Music Career Article
Musicians often fail to grow successful music careers because they take steps out of order or do the correct things at the wrong time. These actions are usually based on false assumptions or advice from other musicians who are not successful. Learn how to avoid these same mistakes by reading this article on how to become a pro musician.
08 April 2017
Guitar practice elements
Guitar Playing Article
You get better at guitar faster when your practice sessions maximize 3 main elements. Learn what they are to get more results from your practice time by reading this article about improving your guitar playing.
27 March 2017
How to express yourself on guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Becoming a creative and expression guitarist requires developing guitar phrasing skills. To master this, you must understand how to play every note with maximum emotion. Learn how by watching this free lead guitar video.
6 March 2017
Guitar practice exercises
Guitar Playing Article
Practicing effective guitar exercises is key to accelerating your guitar playing progress. The best way to have personalized guitar exercises for yourself is to create them. Learn how to create effective guitar practice exercises that solve your guitar playing problems.
7 February 2017
Increase guitar speed
Guitar Playing Article
Mastering two-hand synchronization helps you increase guitar speed and makes fast playing feel effortless. Learn 7 effective practice strategies for increasing guitar speed by reading this article about how to play guitar fast.
6 February 2017
How to practice guitar effectively
Guitar Playing Article
Most guitar players completely WASTE 40-70% of their guitar practice time. This is because they consistently practice using one (or more) of the four most destructive habits. Until you understand how to avoid these habits, your guitar practice will not be anywhere close to as productive as it could be. Read this article to learn them and find out how to practice guitar more effectively.
27 January 2017
Teaching guitar at students' homes
Guitar Teaching Article
Don’t copy what many guitar teachers do by driving to someone’s home to teach. Teaching guitar from your students’ home keeps them from making progress and limits the amount of income you can make. Read this article and learn  how to teach guitar the right way.
23 January 2017
Quit day job for music
Music Career Article
It is a struggle to work on your music career when you work full-time at a day job. Learning how to make multiple streams of income through music helps you phase your job out while phasing in your music career. Learn how to do it by reading this music business article.
10 January 2017
How to get more guitar students
Guitar Teaching Article
You can get a lot of new guitar students by implementing powerful referral systems in your guitar teaching business. This is simple to do and helps you add A LOT of value to your existing guitar students in the process. This article explains how to get more guitar students through referrals.
5 January 2017
How to get rid of musical frustration
Guitar Playing Article
Overcoming frustration in your guitar playing is essential for gaining the motivation needed to become a great guitarist. Tracking your progress helps eliminate this frustration. Learn how and why this works by reading this article about musical frustration.
2 January 2017
Fix guitar mistakes
Guitar Playing Article
It is a mistake to assume that fixing guitar playing mistakes always requires practicing slowly at first and working up to speed later. Some mistakes will only occur at faster speeds. Learn how to fix mistakes that occur while playing guitar fast.
5 December 2016
How To Play Guitar Live
Guitar Playing Article
How do you know when you are a great guitar player? Answer: When you are able to consistently play at your best in front of other people. You need a practice method that trains you to play guitar in real life without making embarrassing mistakes. Learn how in this article about playing guitar in real-life situations.
22 November 2016
How To Play Guitar Clean And Fast
Guitar Playing Article
Mastering guitar technique is NOT about practicing more hours per day. When you focus on the right things, at the right time and in the right manner, it becomes easy to improve guitar technique. Read this article to learn how to master guitar technique faster than ever.
14 November 2016
How To Practice Guitar Effectively
Guitar Playing Article
Until you develop effective guitar practice habits, your practice sessions will be frustrating and provide slow progress. Learn how to become a better guitarist faster by reading this article that discusses the most effective guitar practice habits.
31 October 2016
Get Fans To Buy Music
Music Career Article
Doesn’t it make you angry to spend thousands of hours practicing your instrument, thousands (or tens of thousands) of dollars to record and release your music…and then struggle to sell your album for $10? Worst of all, many of your so-called “fans” feel entitled to steal from you by downloading your music illegally. This free eGuide shows how to get your fans to buy music.
29 October 2016
How To Teach Guitar
Guitar Teaching Article
The greatest challenge you face as a guitar teacher is overcoming your irrational fears. Your fears keep you from providing maximum value to your students and limit your income. Learn 7 common mistakes guitar teachers make (due to fear) and how to overcome them.
19 October 2016
How To Play Guitar Faster And Cleaner
Guitar Playing Article
Want to quickly fix your sloppy guitar playing and become a better guitarist? To do this, you must first understand how to identify mistakes in your guitar technique. Learn how by reading this page about playing guitar cleanly.
28 September 2016
How To Help Guitar Students
Guitar Teaching Article
Getting more guitar students starts with asking yourself the right questions. These questions shape your guitar teaching business strategy and help you take the right actions that fill your guitar teaching schedule fast. Read this article and learn 6 guitar teaching questions that help you get more guitar students.
28 September 2016
Build A Music Career
Music Career Article
There are many misconceptions about the music business that sabotage your music career. Learning the truth helps you become a professional musician a lot faster. Read this article and learn what it takes to build a successful music career.
26 September 2016
How To Get Better At Rhythm Guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Being able to play tight rhythm guitar requires training yourself to focus on the right things while you practice and knowing how to spot sloppy playing mistakes. Learn how to become a better rhythm guitarist fast by watching the video in this article about playing tight rhythm guitar riffs.
5 September 2016
How To Build A Guitar Teaching Business
Guitar Teaching Article
When you struggle as a guitar teacher, you are falling short in one (or more) key areas of your guitar teaching business. Learn how to identify and overcome these weaknesses and build a successful guitar teaching business.
17 August 2016
How To Practice Guitar
Guitar Playing Article
You become a better guitar player when you use effective guitar practice schedules. There are 5 key elements every practice schedule must have to improve your guitar playing. Learn what these elements are and how to use them to create perfect guitar practice schedules.
10 August 2016
How To Play Guitar More Creatively
Guitar Playing Article
To improvise amazing guitar solos and licks you must understand how to smoothly integrate musical ideas together within a single solo while clearly expressing your thoughts and emotions. Learn how to do this by reading this article about how to improvise on guitar.
8 August 2016
How To Get Better At Guitar
Guitar Playing Article
There are many myths about playing and practicing guitar. If you believe any of these myths, you will struggle to reach your musical goals. Take this quiz and learn how much you know about becoming a great guitar player.
18 July 2016
How To Beat Music Career Competition
Music Career Article
Fact: The music business is not as competitive as you might think. You can overcome your music industry competition no matter where you live, what your background is or what your goals are. This article explains how to overcome your music industry competition.
11 July 2016
How To Play Guitar With Directional Picking
Guitar Playing Article
Becoming a fast guitar player requires using efficient picking technique. To make your picking technique more efficient, you need to master directional picking. Learn the 5 things you must do to master this technique so you can become a faster player by reading this speed picking guitar article.
4 July 2016
How To Sweep Pick
Guitar Playing Article
Playing sweep picking arpeggios fast is not the only way to make them sound amazing. You can use easy to understand, creative concepts to make any guitar arpeggio sound awesome. Learn 5 of these concepts by reading this sweep picking arpeggios article.
30 May 2016
How To Play Guitar Solos Creatively
Guitar Playing Article
Studying and learning how to translate the vocal phrasing of excellent singers to guitar makes your guitar solos more emotional. Learn 3 creative ways to use King Diamond’s vocal style to make your lead guitar playing sound amazing. Read this article on how to play creative guitar solos.
23 May 2016
How To Play Guitar Better
Guitar Playing Article
Before you can make fast progress in your guitar playing, you must learn how to solve your biggest issues while you practice. If your guitar practice does not make your playing feel easier and sound better, something is wrong. Learn the most effective process for fixing any guitar playing problem by reading this guitar practice article.
9 May 2016
Guitar Teaching Mistakes
Guitar Teaching Article
The easiest way to become a better guitar teacher is to learn from the mistakes of other guitar teachers and not repeat them. This helps your students become better guitarists, makes you stand out among other guitar teachers and helps you to earn a lot more money. Avoid these 15 guitar teaching mistakes.
26 April 2016
How To Practice Guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Want to become a better guitarist and have more fun in the process? Add circuit training to your guitar practice routine. Athletes use this training method to improve their bodies. You can use it to greatly improve your guitar playing.
19 April 2016
Music Career Success
Music Career Article
There is one key thing that determines your music career success more than anything else. You must know what it is and how to make it work to your advantage in the music industry. This article explains the key to becoming a professional musician.
14 April 2016
How To Play Guitar Vibrato
Guitar Playing Article
Without excellent guitar vibrato, your guitar playing won’t sound truly great regardless of what you play. To master vibrato, you must strengthen your guitar playing in 5 fundamental ways. Learn them by reading this article about improving guitar vibrato.
28 March 2016
How To Make Guitar Practice Fun
Guitar Playing Article
If practicing guitar consistently is hard for you because your practice routines feel boring, you are missing a huge key aspect on practicing guitar effectively. To get the best out of every time you practice guitar find a balance between making it fun and effective simultaneously. Read this article and find out what to do if your guitar practice isn’t fun.
28 March 2016
How To Play Creative Lead Guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Great guitar solos aren't created by accident, or by stringing guitar licks together…they are created using specific guitar soloing processes. Most of these methods are simple enough to be used by anyone, including you. Learn the 6-step process all great guitarists follow to create awesome guitar solos.
21 March 2016
How To Teach Guitar Better
Guitar Teaching Article
Using cookie-cutter methods for teaching guitar won’t help your guitar students become great players. Learn what to do instead to help your students progress faster and create your own highly effective guitar teaching methods.
14 March 2016
How To Make Progress With Guitar Lessons
Guitar Playing Article
Many guitarists misunderstand how taking guitar lessons will help them become much better players. Contrary to popular belief, taking guitar lessons is not just about learning new things... but much more. Learn what else you can do to get maximum results from working with a guitar teacher by reading this article about taking guitar lessons.
29 February 2016
Guitar Playing Questions
Guitar Playing Article
There are 5 common questions guitar players ask when trying to become great players. However, if you ask these same questions, you will make slow progress at best. Learn what these questions are and what you should be asking instead by reading this article on how to become a great guitarist.
15 February 2016
Music Career Questions
Music Career Article
On your way to becoming a successful musician, you will naturally have many questions about how to make it in the music business. However, asking the wrong questions will cripple your future in the music industry. Learn 5 most important questions you must ask if you are serious about building a successful music career.
25 January 2016
How To Sweep Pick Fast And Clean
Guitar Playing Article
Sweep picking is A LOT easier to master than most other techniques on guitar (yes, you read this correctly). There are only a few concepts you need to focus on when practicing to make fast sweep picking feel effortless. Naturally talented guitarists have figured these elements out on their own and this is why they master sweep picking fast. Now it’s time for you to join them and learn to sweep pick fast and clean.
24 January 2016
How To Play Creative Guitar Arpeggios
Guitar Playing Article
You don’t need to constantly learn ‘new’ sweep picking patterns to create cool and inspiring arpeggio licks. You can create amazing sweep picking phrases out of the arpeggios you already know. Learn how in this article on how to play killer sweep picking arpeggio licks on guitar.
21 December 2015
How To Play Guitar Perfect
Guitar Playing eGuide
Do you hate it when your guitar playing sounds great one day, but terrible another day? In order to fix this and become 100% consistent, you must learn and master several specific, little-known guitar practice strategies. Learn these strategies now by downloading this guide to playing guitar perfectly.
14 December 2015
How To Practice Guitar
Guitar Teaching Article
The single most important habit you can instill in your guitar students is the ability to practice guitar correctly and consistently on their own at home. Read this article to learn 5 key ways to motivate your guitar students to practice.
07 December 2015
How To Play Guitar Live
Guitar Playing Article
When you play guitar for others, you want your playing to be perfect, consistent and reliable, don’t you? To make this possible, you must learn how to practice to make your guitar skills dependable in any situation. Read this article to learn about 4 deadly mistakes guitarists make when preparing for live performance and how to overcome them.
30 November 2015
How To Play Guitar Exercises
Guitar Playing Article
To become a great guitarist, you need to practice the right things that lead you towards your ultimate musical goals. Most guitarists do not know how to do this. Find out how by reading this guitar exercises article.
23 November 2015
How To Play Rhythm Guitar Better
Guitar Playing Assessment
You will become a much better rhythm guitar player when you are able to quickly identify any rhythm guitar playing mistake by ear. Test yourself now to see how good your ear is using this rhythm guitar playing assessment.
23 November 2015
Guitar teacher success
Guitar Teaching Assessment
Find out how close you are to becoming successful as a guitar teacher and get free feedback from me that will help you grow your teaching business fast. Take this guitar teaching success test.
18 November 2015
Why guitar teachers fail
Guitar Teaching Article
Most guitar teachers can’t earn more than $40,000 per year teaching guitar no matter how hard they try. Successful guitar teachers earn $30,000-40,000 (or more) per MONTH. Learn the key difference between guitar teachers who fail and those who succeed and discover how to become hugely successful teaching guitar.
17 November 2015
How To Play Guitar Solos
Guitar Playing Article
King Diamond is easily one of the most underrated metal singers. Not only is he a great singer, but there is MASSIVE value to take away from his vocal style as a guitarist too! Read this article to learn 4 ways you can play badass guitar solos by studying King Diamond.
15 November 2015
How To Play Metal Rhythm Guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Want to improve your rhythm guitar playing skills? To become a much better rhythm guitarist, you must learn and master 5 main skills. Learn what these skills are and become a killer rhythm guitar player.
9 November 2015
How To Play Guitar With Fast Speed
Guitar Playing Article
Most guitarists struggle to play guitar fast and clean because they only focus on moving their hands faster when they practice, but fail to train and track progress with all the other elements of guitar technique that make their speed actually sound GREAT. Download this free special report to learn the easiest way to improve your guitar speed that most guitar players do not know about.
28 September 2015
Become successful at teaching guitar
Guitar Teaching Article
Want to teach guitar for a living but are not sure where to begin? Learn how to teach guitar effectively while making a good living in this article about becoming a successful guitar teacher.
17 April 2022
How To Build A Music Career
Music Career Article
Ever wondered what successful musicians did to make it in the music business? Even though all musicians seem to have achieved success in different ways, they all have several key things in common. Read this article and learn the secrets for developing a successful career in the music industry.
23 September 2015
Become A Better Guitarist
Guitar Playing Article
Are you not a great guitarist yet because of a lack of technical playing ability, no natural talent or just not enough musical creativity? Wrong! These are merely the symptoms of a much deeper root cause. Learn exactly what keeps you from becoming a great guitarist by reading this guitar playing article.
14 September 2015
Legato guitar tips
Guitar Playing Article
Do you struggle to play cleanly with legato guitar technique? Before you can do so, you MUST identify which of the 3 common mistakes most guitarists make while playing with legato that you are making (and correct it/them). Learn these mistakes now and correct them by watching this video about how to play with clean legato guitar technique.
12 September 2015
Live guitar playing practice
Guitar Playing Article
Tired of making mistakes when playing guitar live? To  build superior confidence when you play guitar in front of people (and stop making embarrassing mistakes), you must practice your live performing skills in the same way as the pros do. Learn how to do it in this article about practicing guitar for a live performance.
9 September 2015
Get better at guitar faster
Guitar Playing Article
What if your guitar progress became so fast and predictable that it was like playing a video game with all cheat codes unlocked? It’s awesome to see yourself getting better every time you practice guitar. It’s even better when you can practice only a fraction of the time you used to, and have your skills progress faster than ever before. Read this and learn the most effective way to make huge progress on guitar.
7 September 2015
Lead guitar soloing creativity
Guitar Playing Article
You want your lead guitar playing to sound expressive and emotional instead of dull and uninspired, right? Then you’d better make time for actually training to play guitar with emotion. Get this free guide to learn the secrets that the pros use to play emotional guitar licks and solos.
28 August 2015
Teach guitar for a living
Guitar Teaching Article
Wish you could leave your 9-5 day job and teach guitar for a living? Chances are, you are more ready to get started than you’d think. Find out how you can phase out your job and start teaching guitar for a living.
25 August 2015
Guitar playing advice
Guitar Playing Article
Do you practice guitar every day but see little or no progress? If your answer is yes, chances are that you are doing some key things wrong when you practice. Once you identify the things that hold you back and correct them, your progress will become much faster. Read this article and learn the mistakes that keep you from making huge progress on guitar and how to avoid them.
18 August 2015
Guitar Playing Article
Does your legato guitar playing not sound 100% flawless? Until you correct the three common mistakes most guitarists make while playing with legato, you will never be able to use this technique cleanly. Learn these mistakes now and correct them by reading this article on how to play legato guitar technique.
17 August 2015
Guitar playing with emotion
Guitar Playing Article
Want to make your guitar playing highly emotional and expressive? Most guitarists struggle with this, but with the right approach this skill can easily be developed. Learn the common mistakes guitarists make that keep them from being creative in this article about adding emotion to your guitar playing.
3 August 2015
Get music gigs
Music Career Article
Are you struggling to get music gigs? Fact is, music venues are always seeking great musicians to work with, but most musicians are totally clueless about what venues are looking for... Find out what venues are looking for and start getting tons of gigs by reading this article about getting more music gigs.
22 July 2015
Become A Great Guitarist
Guitar Playing Article
Are you frustrated with your lack of progress in your guitar playing? Do you practice for hours but still struggle to get results from your practice sessions? Learn how to change this now. Read this article and discover the most important secrets of great guitar playing.
16 July 2015
Lead guitar soloing
Guitar Playing Assessment
Are you having trouble playing highly expressive lead guitar solos and licks? Chances are, you need to work on becoming a more creative guitarist and musician. Learn exactly what you need to work on right now by testing yourself with this lead guitar creativity assessment.
6 July 2015
Play pinch harmonics
Guitar Playing Article
Do you struggle to make your pinch harmonics sound consistently awesome when you play guitar? You might be guilty of these 6 common mistakes guitarists make when learning this technique. These mistakes are very easy to fix once you know what they are and how to practice to avoid them. Learn how you can easily play kickass pinch harmonics now.
29 June 2015
Play lead guitar creatively
Guitar Playing Article
Being able to play lead guitar creatively requires much more than simply “knowing” many scales, arpeggios or licks. The real keys to developing more creative guitar playing skills are fluency, application, integration and mastery of the skills you already know. Read this article to learn 4 ways you can become more creative in your lead guitar playing now.
22 June 2015
Create guitar teaching ads
Guitar Teaching Article
Want more guitar students? Then you must learn how to make your guitar lesson ads highly effective. Learn how to get more students and earn more money from teaching guitar by preventing these 4 common mistakes guitar teachers make in their guitar lesson ads.
8 June 2015
Getting better at guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Having more practice materials is not the answer for becoming a better guitar player. Endlessly searching for “things to practice” will actually hurt your progress in the long run. To speed up your guitar playing progress, learn the elements of guitar playing fluency.
26 May 2015
Earn money teaching guitar
Guitar Teaching Article
It doesn’t matter if you’ve been teaching guitar for 30 years or if you just started – you CAN become a massively successful guitar teacher. In order to do it, you must have 5 crucial elements. Learn about them by reading this article on how to become a successful guitar teacher.
15 May 2015
Fast and clean guitar playing
Guitar Playing Article
In order to play guitar both fast and clean you MUST be able to perfectly synchronize both your picking and fretting hands. Most guitarists cannot do this and struggle to achieve their musical goals as a result. Learn the 3 biggest reasons why you are constantly struggling to achieve flawless 2 hand synchronization in your guitar playing and how to overcome these challenges so you can play guitar fast and clean.
11 May 2015
Guitar practice advice
Guitar Playing Article
Your musical progress is directly shaped by the effectiveness of your guitar practice. Start achieving the maximum results possible in your guitar playing by learning the key elements of perfect guitar practice.
5 May 2015
Make it in the music business
Music Career Article
Why do so few musicians ever turn their passion for music into a great living? Many wrongly assume they need to simply “practice more” or “get better” on their instrument to have a successful music career. This is dead wrong. Read this article to find out the 5 main reasons why you’re not a professional musician yet.
30 April 2015
Play guitar fast and clean
Guitar Playing Article
Before you can play super fast guitar speeds while maintaining your accuracy, you must not only learn how to eliminate excess string noise (using muting in both hands), but MASTER two hand synchronization. Learn the several key adjustments you must make in your guitar playing to do this by reading this article about playing guitar faster.
27 April 2015
Lead guitar soloing
Guitar Playing Article
Would you like to write catchy songs and killer guitar solos but feel frustrated due to not being musically creative? If you are not yet a creative guitar player, it’s simply because you don’t yet know what is standing in the way of your freedom to musical expression. Read more about how to develop your musical creativity.
7 April 2015
Guitar shred
Guitar Playing Article
Simply looking for tons of speed-building exercises will not make you play guitar faster.  Instead, start learning the principles that the world’s greatest guitarists use. Once you learn these, you will increase your OWN guitar speed. Use the 10 Commandments of guitar speed and learn how to shred on guitar.
30 March 2015
Play difficult guitar solos and licks
Guitar Playing Article
Mastering difficult guitar solos that use many techniques is much easier than you think. Fact is, many guitarists use the (wrong) approach of practicing technique in isolation, and struggle as a result. The best way to quickly play a tough guitar solo is to combine the techniques within it into a musical context BEFORE you have fully mastered them. Learn why and how by reading this article on how to play difficult guitar licks and solos.
23 March 2015
Earn more money teaching guitar
Guitar Teaching Article
Want to make a great living teaching guitar? First you need to stop copying other guitar teachers! Truth is, most guitar teachers are merely “guessing” what works or doesn’t work... and this method will NEVER bring great results. Read this article about earning money teaching guitar to learn the other main reasons why copying other guitar teachers doesn’t work, and what to do instead.
19 March 2015
Guitar playing accelerator
Guitar Playing Resource
The most powerful invention for improving your guitar playing since the existence of guitar lessons... The Guitar Playing Accelerator ensures you get better faster... EVERY SINGLE TIME you practice your guitar. The one crucial element missing in your guitar practice that would guarantee you make bigger, broader and faster improvements as a guitar player is comprehensive tracking, monitoring and analysis of your guitar playing and practice. This key element ensures you make the big improvements you could be (and SHOULD be) making daily. Tracking all the important elements that make up your guitar playing skills is a proven method to make you more motivated, excited, encouraged and confident than other guitar players to continue to learn, improve and master your guitar playing. This is the only tool in the world that does this for you. Learn more.
2 March 2015
Steve Vai guitar lesson
Guitar Playing Article
Part 2 of this article will reveal more key secrets behind Steve Vai’s musical greatness and how to apply them to grow as a guitar player. Become an awesome guitar player by studying this Steve Vai guitar lesson.
21 February 2015
Play exotic guitar licks
Guitar Playing Article
If you want your lead guitar playing to sound repetitive and boring, keep playing the same pentatonic licks over and over... However, if you want to make your lead guitar playing sound totally killer, your best approach is to use both exotic licks and creative guitar phrasing. Learn how to do this by reading this lead guitar licks article.
16 February 2015
What record companies look for
Music Career Article
Out of the many hundreds of thousands of aspriring professional musicians, why do so few ever actually achieve their goal? Fact is, your musical ability is only ONE of the things you need to get a record deal. Learn the 22 things that record companies are looking for in you in this music career article.
9 February 2015
How to make a lot of money teaching guitar
Guitar Teaching Article
You can easily make 6-figures or more as a guitar teacher IF you don't make the same mistakes as the majority of other teachers. Fact is, your financial future is in your hands (regardless of a bad economy, the city you live in or your current musical skills). Learn 5 key reasons why so many guitar teachers don't earn good money and what you can do right now to make good money for yourself by reading this guitar teaching article.
1 February 2015
Sweep picking
Guitar Playing Article
Mastering sweep picking is actually not that difficult. Once you understand how to properly develop this technique you will begin to see huge improvements not only in your sweep picking, but in ALL of your guitar playing. Learn the fastest way to improve your sweep picking.
22 December 2014
Steve Vai guitar lesson
Guitar Playing Article
Learn the secrets behind Steve Vai’s guitar playing greatness and how to use these secrets to improve your OWN guitar playing. Hint: These secrets have nothing to do with learning Steve Vai solos. Learn how to improve your guitar playing by studying a guitar master.
8 December 2014
Teach creativity to guitar students
Guitar Teaching Article
Want to turn your guitar students into awesome players faster? Then stop giving them “stuff to practice” in every lesson, start training them to creatively apply their skills, and stop using inferior guitar teaching models. Learn how to do all of that and a lot more in this article about teaching guitar effectively.
2 December 2014
CAGED guitar system
Guitar Playing Article
The CAGED system is one of the worst things you can learn as a guitarist. If you want to become a great guitarist and reach the highest levels of musical freedom, avoid this system like the plague. Learn how the CAGED system hurts your guitar playing and what to do about it.
24 November 2014
Practice guitar
Guitar Playing Article
If you've ever taken a long break away from guitar playing, you know how much it sucks when you discover that you've lost some of your skills. Good news is it doesn't take long to get them back. Get your guitar playing skills back fast by reading this guitar practice article.
23 November 2014
Get better at guitar and become great
Guitar Playing Article
The main difference between average guitarists and great guitarists isn't necessarily the amount of hours they spend practicing... nor is it simply possessing "natural talent". Although many do not become great, everyone has the potential to do so (and it's not that hard). Find out how to do it for yourself by reading this article about becoming a great guitar player.
10 November 2014
Music career success
Music Career Article
No matter what level you are at in your music career, your biggest enemy will always be that which you fear most. Why? It is inevitable that if you focus most of your thoughts on what you fear, it will eventually become your reality. Find out how to avoid this problem by reading this article about how to build a successful career in music.
9 November 2014
Fast guitar tremolo picking
Guitar Playing Article
Want to tremolo pick faster on guitar? Then STOP trying to "move your hands faster" - this will never work. I’ll show you the 4 steps you need to take to REALLY improve your tremolo technique so you can play lightning fast and make it feel super easy. Practice this exercise to greatly improve your tremolo picking.
7 October 2014
Make fast guitar playing easy
Guitar Playing Article
If you always use the traditional speed building method of starting to practice slowly and increase speed incrementally, you will struggle to build fast guitar speed and stay relaxed while playing at higher tempos. To avoid the limitations of the traditional method, learn this new approach for building guitar speed and making it feel easy.
30 September 2014
Double your guitar speed
Guitar Speed Course
Ever wonder why some guitarists seem to be able to increase their playing speed while practicing much less than you? It's not because they are much more talented and that you lack talent. To play with greater guitar speed while practicing less, you simply need to practice more efficiently. Learn how by taking this course about doubling your guitar speed.
29 September 2014
Clean sweep picking
Guitar Playing Article
Before you can play ultra clean, lightning-fast sweep picking arpeggios you need to pinpoint the mistakes that slow you down. Identify your mistakes and learn a powerful sweep picking variation by reading this article about playing clean sweep picking arpeggios.
15 September 2014
Guitar teaching business
Guitar Teaching Article
You will not become the number one guitar teacher in your area until you understand (and take action on) the principles that massively successful guitar teachers use. It doesn't matter what level your teaching skills are, where you are located or how much experience you have. These 5 principles for guitar teaching success are essential for your growth and prosperity.
31 August 2014
Get better at guitar faster
Guitar Playing Article
How To Play Anything On Guitar
Have you ever spent a long time trying to play something on guitar only to end up frustrated when you couldn't play it right? It's time to finally get it right! Read this article with guitar practice advice and discover the exact steps to playing anything you want.
18 August 2014
Picking speed on guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Don't take longer than necessary to build fast guitar picking technique. Fact is, most guitarists waste tons of time trying to do this, causing themselves a lot of frustration in the process. However, developing fast and efficient picking technique is easier than you think. Learn how by reading this article about building guitar speed.
4 August 2014
Become a professional musician
Music Career Article
Tired of NOT being a professional musician? Most musicians go years without becoming professionals only to end up frustrated and disappointed. Don't become another statistic! Learn the 6 things that will bring you music career success.
3 August 2014
Play emotional guitar licks
Guitar Playing Article
You can easily express tons of emotion in any guitar lick you play without knowing a lot about music theory. To do so, all you need is a good understanding of the simple idea (similar to pitch axis theory) discussed in this article. Learn it now and start expressing emotion in your guitar licks.
14 July 2014
Get better at guitar faster
Guitar Playing Article
You won't be able to move your guitar playing forward until you eliminate the poor practicing habits that hold you back. Additionally, to become a great guitarist fast, you must look for more than just new things to practice. Learn which things slow down your progress and cut them out of your guitar playing so you can become a better guitarist faster.
13 July 2014
Guitar Playing Video
Your guitar solos will sound much better once you understand how to use a single note to create tons of emotion. By using an easy-to-apply variation of pitch axis theory, you will be able to do this in only a matter of minutes. Watch this guitar solo video and learn how to play intense and emotional solos right away.
7 July 2014
Build a music career
Music Career Article
You will not succeed in the music business unless you acquire five main keys possessed by all successful musicians. Once you possess all five, achieving your musical goals will be infinitely more easy. However, you must have them ALL or you will not make it. Learn what they are by reading this article about building a successful career in music.
3 July 2014
Play emotional guitar solos
Guitar Playing Article
The Holy Grail of guitar soloing is being able to express yourself fully while creating an intense emotional reaction in the listener. The cool part is, you can do this easily by using only ONE note! Read this article and find out how to play emotional guitar solos.
23 June 2014
Guitar phrasing
Guitar Playing Article
Before your guitar solos can sound totally killer, you must learn and master 3 main elements of guitar phrasing. In fact, ALL truly great guitarists have mastered these elements and use them in their playing all the time. Learn these 3 guitar phrasing elements now and start playing the best solos you ever played.
22 June 2014
Keep guitar students during summer
Guitar Teaching Article
It's clear that less guitar students inquire about taking lessons during the summer. However, it's much easier than you think to get 'more' students in the summer while expanding your guitar teaching business. Find out how by reading this article about attracting new guitar students in the summer while keeping your current ones from leaving.
8 June 2014
Practice to increase guitar speed
Guitar Playing Article
If you use the conventional speed building approaches used by most guitarists, it will take you a very long time to build speed (if ever). The key to developing guitar speed is to understand when to practice slow and when to practice fast in order to get the unique benefits of both styles of practicing. Here is how you can do this in order to increase guitar speed quickly and effectively.
26 May 2014
Play guitar without mistakes
Guitar Playing Article
The first step you must take while learning something new on guitar is simply trying to 'get it right'. However, using this approach all the time will neither prevent you from making mistakes in the future nor help you become a truly great guitarist. To do these things, you must practice to 'never get it wrong'. Learn how by reading this article on how to practice guitar effectively.
12 May 2014
Succeed while teaching guitar
Guitar Teaching Article
Becoming a truly great guitar teacher and climbing to the top of Mt. Everest have many things in common. Both require a lot of hard work, dedication and commitment - However, there is one additional (very important) thing that both successful guitar teachers and expert mountain climbers share in common. Learn what it is so you can quickly build a successful guitar teaching business.
11 May 2014
Play a better guitar solo
Guitar Playing Article
The best approach to improving your guitar solos is NOT to simply change/add notes. By altering 'how' you play the notes within your solos (rather than 'what' notes you play), you can easily transform them from average to KILLER. Follow the steps in this article to learn how this is done and play killer guitar solos.
10 May 2014
Play creative guitar solos
Guitar Playing Video
Before you can play amazing guitar solos, you must learn how to enhance every lick you play using creative vibrato and bend techniques. Watch this guitar soloing video to learn how to use them so you can play killer solos every time you pick up your guitar.
28 April 2014
Music Career Questions
Music Career Article
Your success in the music industry all depends on the quality of the questions you ask. Most musicians ask low quality questions that lead them down the long path to failure. Learn which questions you 'should' be asking by reading this article on how to make it in the music industry.
27 April 2014
Guitar playing fears
Guitar Playing Article
You will go years without advancing your guitar playing skills if you don't identify and overcome the mental barriers you've created for yourself. These barriers are built from your greatest 'fears' (such as the fear of failure, criticism or performing in front of others). Overcome these fears so you can become a great guitarist much faster by reading this article about making progress on guitar.
20 April 2014
Play better guitar solos
Guitar Playing Article
One of the most important parts of a great guitar solo is excellent vibrato technique. Most guitarists 'think' they know how to use vibrato creatively, but really have no idea. Find out how you can use highly creative vibrato to play killer guitar solos by checking out this article on how to play better guitar solos.
14 April 2014
Blues double stops
Guitar Playing Article
Blues guitar players usually only know how to play common double stop riffs, while only the most expressive blues guitarists understand how to creatively use double stops to add intensity and aggression into their playing. Don't limit yourself to only using common double stop patterns - Watch this video to learn how to make creative, expressive and intense blues guitar double stop riffs.
11 March 2014
Blues double stops
Guitar Playing Article
Fact: Most blues guitar players merely copy double stop licks from other guitarists without learning how to use them creatively in music. To play killer blues guitar double stops, you must learn how to get the maximum amount of expression and intensity from the technique. Check out this blues guitar double stops article to learn how play the coolest, most intense and most expressive double stop licks.
10 March 2014
Become a great guitar teacher
Guitar Teaching Article
Most guitar teachers are destined to achieve mediocre results for their students and fail to earn good money in their guitar teaching business. Don't become one of them! Learn the 5 main reasons why you haven't become the number one teacher in your city and how to change this. Read this guitar teaching article.
9 March 2014
Play blues guitar solos
Guitar Playing Article
Want the power to create tons of highly creative blues guitar licks whenever you want? You can easily do this by learning just a few techniques for making your blues guitar playing more expressive. Learn these techniques by checking out this blues guitar video.
17 February 2014
Become a successful musician
Music Career Article
Want to become a successful pro musician? You'll need much more than just musical skill. Truth is, the most successful pro musicians aren't that much more skilled or talented than those who don't ' make it' . However, there is one crucial thing that separates them from everyone else. Learn what it is by reading this article about becoming a professional musician.
7 February 2014
Why guitar teachers fail
Guitar Teaching Article
Fact: only a very tiny percentage of all guitar teachers earn good money and build successful guitar teaching businesses. Before you will join this select group you must begin investing more time into to expanding your business rather than 'only' focusing on day to day guitar teaching activities. Learn more by reading this article about guitar teaching.
2 February 2014
Igor Martynov
Student Spotlight
Igor Martynov is a guitar player from Russia and student of Tom Hess. Learn more about him by checking him out on this Tom Hess guitar student page.
2 February 2014
Guitar playing problems
Guitar Playing Article
Are you frustrated by a lack of progress in your guitar playing? The reason why you are struggling is you have developed several bad habits in your playing and they are holding you back. Fortunately, it is not as difficult as you might think to overcome these problems. Learn how to solve guitar playing problems and become a better player fast.
18 January 2014
Get new guitar students
Guitar Teaching Article
Do you struggle to keep your teaching schedule full of guitar students? Most guitar teachers struggle with this as well because they 'only' focus on advertising as much as possible. Truth is, you will only attract a lot of guitar students when you can do, show and prove 6 things - Learn what they are by reading this article about attracting new guitar students.
17 January 2014
Blues guitar licks
Guitar Playing Article
Want to know how to play killer blues guitar licks that sound aggressive 'and' clean at the same time? Most guitarists believe that you can only do one or the other, and are never able to play their solos with maximum expression. However, you CAN play awesome blues guitar licks with both qualities and I'll show you how. Read this blues guitar licks article.
6 January 2014
Free music resources
Free Music Resources
Before you can reach your musical goals you must work together with someone who has already achieved those goals and is willing to show you how to do it for yourself. Discover over 60 musician resources on the topics of guitar playing improvement, making more money as a guitar teacher, increasing guitar teaching skills and building a successful music career.
21 December 2013
John Petrucci lesson
Guitar Playing Article
John Petrucci is well known for being a world class guitar player. However, there are 5 important elements in his guitar playing style that you have probably overlooked. Learn what they are and use them to enhance your own guitar playing in this John Petrucci guitar lesson.
9 December 2013
Johan Tillgren
Student Spotlight

Johan Tillgren is one of Tom Hess's best students. Learn more about him by checking him out on this page about one of the top students of Tom Hess.

8 December 2014
Dan Smith
Student Spotlight
Learn more about one of the students Tom Hess is most proud of by checking him out on this page on Dan Smith the guitarist.
7 December 2014
Fast guitar playing progress
Guitar Playing Article
Think the best way to become a great guitarist is to make the fastest progress possible? Think again! Fact is, making fast progress is not the same as reaching your guitar playing goals in as little time as possible. Learn the difference between the two by reading this article about fast guitar playing progress misconceptions.
27 November 2013
Guitar teaching questions
Guitar Teaching Article
Before you reach great success as a guitar teacher you will have many questions that need solutions. However, many common guitar teaching questions are based on false assumptions that will be harmful to your guitar teaching business. Learn the top 7 guitar teaching questions you should never ask if you want to become a successful guitar teacher.
25 November 2013
Become A Pro Musician
Music Career Article
To become a successful professional musician you must do more than merely copy the same 'actions' of other successful musicians. Fact is, musicians succeed based on the way they 'think' (this is what leads them to take the 'right' actions). Learn how to build a successful music career by reading about the 5 mindsets used by highly successful musicians.
22 November 2013
How to shred on guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play awesome shred guitar licks that add fire and intensity to your soloing? Study the exercise in this shred guitar article and learn how to create great shred licks without having to play faster.
18 November 2013
Mark Manczuk
Student Spotlight
Mark Manczuk is a guitar student of Tom Hess. Learn more about him by checking him out on this Tom Hess guitar student page.
5 November 2013
Josh Beetler
Student Spotlight
Josh Beetler is a guitarist and musician from the USA and student of Tom Hess. Learn more about him by checking his music out on this page - hear a guitar student of Tom Hess.
19 October 2013
Mike Whitla
Student Spotlight
Mike Whitla is a musician from Canada and student of Tom Hess. Learn more about him by checking out this Tom Hess student page.
15 October 2013
Neal Wakefield
Student Spotlight
Neal Wakefield is a guitarist from Poland and student of Tom Hess. Learn more about him by checking out his Tom Hess student spotlight page.
14 October 2013
Sweep pick on guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Do you want to play intense sweep picking arpeggios that demand attention for anyone listening to you play? To do this, you must learn how to use sweep picking to add tension to your lead guitar phrases. Learn how by studying the sweep picking exercise in this article.
23 September 2013
Break into the music industry
Music Career Article
You want to get into the music industry? Thousands of musicians attempt to make it in the music business every year but very few succeed. The reason why is musicians believe in incorrect myths about 'making it' in their music careers. Learn which myths will lead you to failure so you can avoid them and break into the music industry and build a career as a successful professional musician.
15 September 2013
Lead guitar creativity
Guitar Playing Article
The single greatest thing you can ever do as musician is to truly express yourself through your music and also to control what your listeners will feel… Now imagine having the unique ability to control their emotions in the way you want, how you want, when you want and how intensely or dramatically as you want. For most musicians, that is the Holy Grail of musical goals. Read more about how to express yourself in music.
26 August 2013
Become a great guitar player
Guitar Playing Article
Are you serious about becoming a great guitarist? Fact is, most guitar players do not even truly understand what it means to achieve greatness and even if they do – they often settle for mediocrity. Read this article and learn the 5 keys to becoming a great guitarist and fulfilling your true potential.
8 August 2013
Make it in the music business
Music Career Article
Want to know who makes it in music and why? Truth is, many musicians unknowingly spend most of their time working on things that decrease their chances for sustaining a successful music career. Avoid this and learn about the most important qualities you must possess to build a long-lasting, successful music career by reading this article about how to make in the music business.
6 August 2013
Get started teaching guitar
Guitar Teaching Article
Do you want to get started teaching guitar, but don’t feel confident in your teaching abilities yet? Gain confidence and become a great guitar teacher fast by identifying and avoiding the most common guitar teaching mistakes - Read this article about how to start teaching guitar while avoiding the 11 largest mistakes made by new guitar teachers.
18 July 2013
Fast guitar playing progress
Guitar Playing Article
You can make any guitar lick sound awesome by using guitar phrasing techniques to get as much emotion as possible out of each note. Use the exercise in this lead guitar playing article to learn how.
11 July 2013
Take guitar lessons
Guitar Playing Article
If you have ever been frustrated with the lack of results from guitar teachers you've worked with, you are not alone. Most guitar players skip from guitar teacher to guitar teacher many times before they find someone who can help them effectively achieve their musical goals as a guitar player. The truth is, 19 out of 20 guitar teachers simply do not understand how to help you become a better guitarist. Learn how to become a better guitar player by finding a great guitar teacher.
5 July 2013
Great guitar licks
Guitar Playing Article
There are 2 things you can do to know and play better guitar licks. The first idea is to simply find cooler licks.The second (better) idea is to make small changes to the licks you already know which will make them sound killer!What you need to do is see and hear how a single tiny change to just one note of your guitar lick will make it sound massively cooler. Watch how in this lead guitar licks video and article.
1 July 2013
Become A Pro Musician
Guitar Teaching Resource
Becoming the #1 guitar teacher in your area is really not that hard once you understand exactly ‘what’ steps to take to attract new students, teach them to reach MASSIVE results in their guitar playing and get them to refer their guitar playing friends to you. I'm going to share with you 101 proven ideas that WILL explode every area of your guitar teaching business.
19 June 2013
How to play guitar with feeling
Guitar Playing Article
To be able to influence the emotions of people simply by what and how you play is the single greatest power in all of music. For musicians, this is the pinnacle… the Holy Grail of musicianship. Learn more about how to play guitar with feeling in this unique guitar playing video.
16 June 2013
How to make a living teaching guitar
Guitar Teaching Article
Want to earn a good living teaching guitar? The truth is, most people totally FAIL when it comes to making a lot of money in their guitar teaching businesses because they all use the same conventional (and ineffective) guitar teaching approaches. Read this article on how to make a living teaching guitar and learn the top 7 guitar teaching ideas that you must avoid in order to build a successful and highly profitable guitar teaching business.
27 May 2013
How to play lead guitar creatively
Guitar Playing Article
One of the most impressive things you can do on guitar is to create melodies that ‘sing’. Most guitar players focus too much on technique while ignoring the melodic side of their guitar playing. This causes their guitar solos to quickly become uninteresting. Find out how to create better guitar solos by making your guitar sing in this guitar solo lesson.
20 May 2013
How to get music fans
Music Career Article
“How do I get more fans to hear my music?” “What can I do to promote my music to more people?” “Where can I find more new fans?” These are the questions that I am asked about on a regular basis by musicians looking for advice on how to improve their music career. Regardless of what it is you do in the music industry, you need to have fans who are excited about what it is you are offering, so this particular topic is a very important issue for all professional musicians, particularly those who make a living as performing artists. Read more in this article about how to get more fans and promote your music.
4 May 2013
Guitar solo phrasing
Guitar Playing Article
If you want to play guitar solo phrases that get the attention of your listeners, it is NOT a requirement that you play highly technical or fast guitar licks. Learn the process for creating guitar phrases that force other people to stop and pay attention to every lick you play by reading this guitar solo phrasing article.
22 April 2013
Motivation to practice on guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Do you sometimes feel a lack of motivation for practicing guitar? For most guitarists, this occurs because they do not understand how to get the most out of their guitar practice time. As a result, they make very slow progress and become frustrated. Find out how to increase your motivation to practice guitar by learning how to practice guitar more effectively.
1 April 2013
How to shred on guitar
Guitar Teaching Article
One of the biggest challenges for many guitar teachers is getting their guitar students to make progress during each lesson. Fact is, most guitar teachers spend a lot of time doing things such as showing their students new techniques or licks to play on guitar but spend very little time showing them how to actually ‘practice’ what they learn. Learn how to teach guitar students to practice in order to make more progress by reading this guitar teaching article.
30 March 1013
Compose a guitar solo
Guitar Playing Video
Truly great guitar solos are NOT created by stringing a bunch of cool guitar licks together… they are created using one of many different 'compositional processes'. If you desire to know exactly 'how' great guitar solos are composed and want to see one of the very rare (but extremely effective) ways that you can use to compose your own cool guitar solos, watch this video about how to compose guitar solos.
30 March 1013
Alexander Buzmakov
Student Spotlight
Alexander Buzmakov is a guitar player from Russia and student of Tom Hess. Learn more about him by checking him out on this Tom Hess breakthrough guitar lessons student.
5 March 2013
How to shred on guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Want to play awesome shred guitar licks that add fire and intensity to your soloing? Study the exercise in this shred guitar article and learn how to create great shred licks without having to play faster.
24 February 2013
Rock Guitar Solos
Guitar Playing Article
Do you want to learn how to write tons of new rock guitar licks? The truth is, most guitar players try to make new rock guitar licks by cramming together several random musical ideas in hopes that everything ends up sounding decent. That said, this is actually a highly ineffective approach when it comes to improvising and creating guitar licks. Learn how to write a lot of new rock guitar licks while improving your overall soloing skills by watching this video about guitar improvisation.
11 February 2013
Become a guitar teacher
Guitar Teaching Article
Did you ever notice how some guitar teachers seem to be highly successful while others struggle to make any real progress? The truth is, becoming a great guitar teacher requires not only knowledge of teaching guitar, but also an understanding of how your psychology can work 'for' you or 'against' you. Find out how to become a successful guitar teacher by learning how to take advantage of your strong personality traits while minimizing any of the negative side effects that may come along with them.
5 February 2013
BC Cliver
Student Spotlight
Learn about one of Tom Hess's best students, B.C. Cliver on this Tom Hess student spotlight page.
4 February 2013
Improve your guitar phrasing
Guitar Playing Resource
Have you noticed how some guitarists can play a guitar lick and make it sound totally awesome, while other guitarists (even those at the same technical skill level) sound simply ‘average’ when playing the SAME notes? The answer lies in the ability to ornament the notes of any lick in cool ways that will transform the sound of your guitar phrasing and make it massively better. Learn the exact process for doing so in this lesson on improving your guitar phrasing.
27 January 2013
Tom Hess Guitar Practice Review
Guitar Playing Article
One of the biggest reasons that guitar players do not make fast progress is a lack of efficient and organized guitar practice. If you do not understand how to practice guitar in a way that helps you reach your musical goals effectively, you will waste a great deal of time only to end up frustrated when you cannot play guitar how you want to. Learn how to practice guitar to reach your musical goals faster by reading advice for some of the most commonly asked guitar practice questions in this Tom Hess guitar practice review.
15 January 2013
Yngwie Malmsteen Guitar Lesson
Guitar Playing Article
When you think of underrated guitar players, who do you think of first? Of all the great guitar players, there is one that should immediately come to your mind, and his name is Yngwie Malmsteen. Find out why he is one of the MOST underrated guitarist of all time and how his guitar playing can help you improve your own guitar skills in this Yngwie Malmsteen guitar lesson.
6 January 2013
Engrida Mebrahtu
Guitar Student Spotlight
Learn about Engrida Mebrahtu, guitar student of Tom Hess.
5 January 2013
Derek Steep
Guitar Student Spotlight
Learn about Derek Steep, musician and student of Tom Hess.
2 January 2013
Become a professional musician
Music Career Article
Have you ever wondered why some musicians become highly successful in the music industry while others have a difficult time earning a good living? Fact is, the key to success in the music business is to offer high value and minimal risk to anyone you work with. However, there are often 'hidden' risks that most musicians are unaware of that prevent them from developing thriving music careers. Learn how to become a successful professional musician by reading this article and finding out how to reduce and eliminate the amount of risk you pose to others in the music industry.
17 December 2012
Play emotional guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Can you make people feel the emotions you want them to feel by playing guitar? Most guitar players have a hard time doing this because they do not understand how to explain and predict the feeling of the notes they play with. Read this article to learn how to use your guitar to create emotion in music.
18 November 2012
Alex Kehoe
Guitar Student Spotlight
Learn about Alex Kehoe, a great guitar student of Tom Hess.
13 November 2012
Tom Hess music career review
Interview with Tom Hess
When you talk to others about pursuing a career in music, do you ever get their "expert" advice on what you should do? In most cases, these people have good intentions to help you succeed in reaching your musical dreams. However, unless they actually are a professional musician, their advice is likely to do more harm than good. In order to become a professional musician, it is important to seek the advice of someone who has already achieved a high level of success in the music industry and knows what it takes to succeed. Become a successful musician by learning the difference between successful and amateur music career advice in this Tom Hess music career review.
28 October 2012
Josh Brown
Guitar Student Spotlight
Learn more about Josh Brown, guitar player and Tom Hess's student.
13 November 2012
Charlie Long
Guitar Student Spotlight
Learn about Charlie Long, a Tom Hess student.
13 November 2012
Guitar Student Spotlight
Learn about Kwote, and how he was mentored by Tom Hess.
13 November 2012
James Scott
Guitar Student Spotlight
Learn about James Scott, a musician, guitarist and guitar student of Tom Hess.
13 November 2012
Create emotion on guitar
Guitar Playing Resource
Have you ever played your guitar with so much emotion that women literally cried? I have… and it is one of the most rewarding musical experiences you can possibly imagine. There are certain musical things you can do on your guitar that are so emotionally powerful that you and others around you are sure to have a deep emotional experience. You don't have to play anything complicated, nor fast, nor fancy… but you do need to understand how to create such strong emotions in your guitar playing.
22 September 2012
Tom Hess review
Interview With Tom Hess
Do you ever wonder if the guitar playing advice you find in online videos, forums or blogs is actually useful? The truth is, most of the conventional guitar tips you get from others might actually ‘slow down’ your progress as a guitar player. Learn how to avoid bad guitar advice by reading this special Tom Hess review of guitar practice myths conducted in interview format.
17 September 2012
How To Play 7 String Guitar
Guitar Playing Article
If you have spent the majority of your time playing a 6 string guitar, you may think that playing 7 string guitar is exactly the same (only with an added string). However, if you take this approach, you will be greatly limiting your musical creativity. Learn how to become more musically creative on 7 string guitar by studying this 7 string guitar lesson.
9 September 2012
How to practice guitar
Guitar Playing Resource
If you are like most guitarists, you would like to find the best method for organizing your guitar practice so that you can quickly make progress. Many guitar players assume that they are already using effective practice methods even after they do not bring results. Learn how to maximize the efficiency of your guitar practice by taking this guitar practice routine assessment.
25 August 2012
How To Achieve Success In Your Music Career
Music Career Article
Most musicians attempt to build a music career on their own by reading music business books, searching online forums or asking the for advice from their friends. However, this approach often fails to provide great results because it either comes from ‘amateur’ sources or is too generalized to help you with your specific goals. In order to reach your goals in music quickly and effectively, you must find a mentor who has already achieved success in the music industry. Learn how to find a great mentor by reading this music career mentor article.
7 August 2012
Find the right musicians
Music Career Article
Are you having a hard time finding the right musicians for your band? Building a great band full of highly motivated musicians can seem like an overwhelming challenge. However, there are 7 rules that will help your band succeed in finding truly dedicated musicians. Learn how to find the right people for your band in this article on how to find band members.
27 July 2012
Write great guitar solos
Guitar Playing Article
Imagine if your guitar solos could ‘sing’ like a great singer. Fact is, most guitar players create guitar solos based on guitar licks and phrases, but not a combination of guitar phrases and lyrical melodies that would make the solos much better. In this revolutionary new guitar article on how to create guitar solos you will learn a secret that took me 20 years to discover! Read the full guitar lesson article here.
11 July 2012
How To Teach Guitar
Guitar Teaching Resource
If you want to teach guitar “someday”, but are worried you “don't know enough to teach anyone yet”, this eCourse is THE place to start. It dives deep into a skill that no amount of “working on your own playing” will ever give you... and a skill that – amazingly – most “guitar teachers” completely suck at: the ability to make another person (who isn’t you) a better guitar player... while making sure they have fun along the way. Guitar players who teach the way I show you in this eCourse often start with no experience, no students and with their own playing at just an intermediate level... and manage to replace their old 6-figure salaries, earning more money (in fewer hours) by teaching guitar. Buy this eCourse, learn ‘about’ teaching guitar (without the pressure of having to teach anyone yet) and you’ll “feel ready” to teach guitar a whole lot sooner than you would ever believe.
1 July 2012
Rhythm guitar playing
Guitar Playing Article
Do you have trouble with consistently creating AWESOME rock and metal rhythm guitar riffs? If so, there are several things you absolutely must know about how to play and practice rhythm guitar so that you can begin to make much faster progress in this area of your guitar playing. Read this rhythm guitar playing lesson article to learn what to do to begin creating better sounding rhythm guitar riffs.
16 June 2012
Lauren Bateman
Student Spotlight
Learn more about Tom Hess's guitar student, by reading this page about Lauren Bateman.
28 May 2012
Malik Dirim
Student Spotlight
Learn more on one of Tom Hess's best guitar students by reading this page about Malik Dirim.
27 May 2012
Create a guitar solo
Guitar Playing Resource
Many guitar players create their guitar solos by simply throwing together a bunch of random licks. This often leads to mediocre sounding solos with a weak sense of melody. To create great solos with powerful melodies, you can learn a lot by observing how singers sing their vocal lines. Watch this video and learn how to create guitar solos.
19 May 2012
Metal guitar solo lesson
Guitar Playing Resource
If you have problems with making your guitar solos sound good, you're not alone. Many guitarists can play some fast licks here and there, but struggle to use speed in their guitar solos in a way that sounds good. Watch this metal guitar solo lesson on video to find out how to use speed in your guitar solos to make your lead guitar playing sound great.


14 May 2012
Write a guitar solo
Guitar Playing Video Series
Imagine yourself creating guitar solos that are so unique, awesome and impressive that they grab people by the throat, shoot lightning bolts down their spine and compel them to love every note you play! … Isn't that what you want? Of course you do, EVERYBODY wants this! Read more about how to write great guitar solos.


5 May 2012
Make money in music
Music Career Article
Do you struggle to make money in the music business? Most musicians do. Fortunately, it does NOT have to be difficult to make a great living working as a musician. If you avoid the common mistakes that most musicians make when trying to develop a music career, you will have no problem achieving financial security in the music industry. Read this article to learn how to make more money in music


24 April 2012
Tom Hess With Rhapsody Of Fire
Tom Hess Live On Stage
New Rhapsody Of Fire tour dates and VIP tickets in Central and South America.


23 April 2012
7 string guitar lesson
Guitar Playing Article
Want to come up with more creative ideas on your 7 string guitar? To play this instrument well, you will first need to understand how to get the most out of the unique features it brings into your guitar playing. Improve your 7 string guitar skills by reading this 7 string guitar lesson article.


10 April 2012
Tom Hess Student Contest
Guitar Playing Contest
More than 160 videos of Tom Hess's students, Music Careers Mentoring Program and Elite Guitar Teachers Inner Circle Members have been submitted for this music contest. 50 videos made it into the final round, check them out at the guitar playing and music contest page and vote for your favorites. 
4 April 2012
Find band members
Music Career Resource
New FREE eBook! We both know how frustrating it can be to not only find good musicians, but to find the good musicians who also are the 'right' kind of person for your band. Finding band members who are both is something all bands have to deal with… and it sucks (as you already know). I've created a totally free eBook that will help you find band members that are right for your band!


26 March 2012
Dario Napoli
Student Spotlight
Learn about one of Tom Hess's guitar students by reading this page on Dario Napoli.
25 March 2012
Play Guitar Solos
Guitar Playing Resource
Do you have difficulty trying to play great guitar solos? If you are like most guitar players, you are probably not using good overall lead guitar phrasing. Watch this guitar video lesson to learn how to play guitar solos using my guitar phrasing tips.


24 March 2012
Tom Hess On Stage
Tom Hess Live On Stage

Rhapsody Of Fire First Ever North American Headlining Tour
New Rhapsody Of Fire tour dates and VIP tickets for USA and Canada: 

7 March 2012
Guitar Soloing
Guitar Playing Resource
What if you had 2 great guitarists and guitar teachers (Tom Hess - Rhapsody Of Fire & Nick Layton - FireWolfe) show you exactly what you need to do to transform ANY ordinary guitar lick into a killer lick with incredible phrasing? Learn more about how to master your guitar soloing in this innovative guitar soloing course


6 March 2012
How to play lead guitar
Guitar Playing Article
Knowing how to play lead guitar solos that sound great is one of the abilities most guitar players want to have. If you'd like to play guitar solos like the pros, then you'll need to do more than just play fast guitar techniques. So what does it take to play great lead guitar? Watch this video guitar lesson to learn how you can make incredible guitar solos by using good guitar phrasing.


3 March 2012
Tom Hess Live On Stage
Tom Hess Live On Stage

Rhapsody Of Fire Announces More New World Tour Dates
Check out part 2 of the tour dates on the European leg of the From Chaos To Eternity World Tour 2012 and learn about the special SuperFan tickets. More dates in other parts of the world will follow soon! 

23 February 2012
Free Video Guitar Lessons
Guitar Playing Resource
Most guitarists use the internet to learn guitar. Unfortunately, most guitar lessons online are made by totally amateur guitarists. This means when you use their lessons, you may actually be slowing down your own guitar improvement! In order to get real results on guitar, you need to learn from a professional who has already helped many other players like you. See how you can become a better guitar player by watching these free video guitar lessons.


9 February 2012
Make Money Teaching Guitar
Guitar Teaching Article
Most guitar teachers struggle to support themselves full time on their income from teaching guitar. Many simply give up the idea of pursuing teaching guitar as a career path and instead get a non music related day job. Fact is that there are several key reasons why most music teachers struggle financially that can easily be avoided once you become aware of them and take steps to correct them. Read this article to learn how to make money teaching guitar.
8 February 2012
George Engelbrecht
Student Spotlight
Learn information about one of Tom Hess's guitar students by reading this page on George Engelbrecht.
3 February 2012
Jimmy Alford
Student Spotlight
Learn information about one of Tom Hess's guitar students by reading this page on Jimmy Alford.
2 February 2012
Jeff Williams
Student Spotlight
Learn information about one of Tom Hess's guitar students by reading this page on Jeff Williams.
1 February 2012
Lou Lombardi
Student Spotlight
Learn more information about the results Tom Hess's guitar students get by reading this page on Lou Lombardi.
26 January 2012
Simon Candy
Student Spotlight
Learn more information about the results Tom Hess's guitar students get by reading this page on Simon Candy.
15 January 2012
Aldo Chircop
Student Spotlight
Learn more information about the results Tom Hess's guitar students get by checking out this page on Aldo Chircop.
14 January 2012
Tom Hess live on stage
Tom Hess Live On Stage
Learn everything about the tour and spending a great amount of personal face-to-face time with the band for the first time ever: Tom Hess and Rhapsody Of Fire World Tour Dates and VIP Tickets.


9 January 2012
John Magee
Student Spotlight
Learn more information about the results Tom Hess's guitar students get by checking out this page on John Magee.
23 November 2011
Jure Golobic
Student Spotlight
Find out information on the results Tom Hess's guitar students get by checking out this page about Jure Golobic.
22 November 2011
Guitar Mastery
Guitar Training Event
6 Days of super intense guitar training that will totally transform your guitar playing forever… Training so powerful, innovative and intense I’ll ONLY share it with you face-to-face!


5 November 2011
Rovan Deon
Student Spotlight
Find out information on the results Tom Hess's guitar students get by checking out this page about Rovan Deon.
14 October 2011
Ryan Duke
Student Spotlight
Learn about the success of one of Tom Hess's guitar students get by checking out this page about Ryan Duke.
13 October 2011
Ty Morgan
Student Spotlight
Learn about the success of one of Tom Hess's best students get by checking out this page about Ty Morgan.
12 October 2011
Marcus Carlzon
Student Spotlight
Learn about the success of one of Tom Hess's best guitar students get by checking out this page about Marcus Carlzon.
11 October 2011
Jon Chorba
Student Spotlight
Learn about the results one of Tom Hess's best guitar students got by checking out this page about Jon Chorba.
10 October 2011
Dan Stearn
Student Spotlight
Learn about the results one of Tom Hess's best guitar students got by checking out this page about Dan Stearn.
9 October 2011
Best Guitar Exercises
Guitar Playing Article
If you feel frustrated with not knowing how to make sense out of millions of guitar playing exercises, guitar method books and videos, you need to read this article that will show you exactly how to determine the best guitar exercises for you.


22 September 2011
Chayakorn Jindawech
Student Spotlight
Learn about one of Tom Hess's best guitar students, student contest winner, Chayakorn Jindawech.
5 September 2011
Chris Basener
Student Spotlight
Learn about the results one of Tom Hess's best guitar students got by reading this page about Chris Basener.
4 September 2011
Adrienne Osborn
Student Spotlight
Learn about one of Tom Hess's students by reading this page about Adrienne Osborn.
3 September 2011
Michael Edwards
Student Spotlight
Read about one of Tom Hess's students by checking out this page on Michael Edwards.
2 September 2011
Bojana Cibej
Student Spotlight
Read about one of Tom Hess's guitar students by checking out this page on Bojana Cibej.
1 September 2011
Classic Rock Guitar
Guitar Playing Article
If you want to master the classic rock lead guitar playing styles of Angus Young, Jimmy Page Eddie Van Halen and other classic rock guitar masters, there are several important skills that you absolutely must develop in order to reach this goal. Read this article to find out how to become a great classic rock guitar player.


26 August 2011
Earn money teaching guitar
Guitar Teaching Resource
Most guitar teachers want to do much better in their guitar teaching business, but they simply do not know 'what to do', nor 'how to do things' to reach that goal. Read this free mini eBook and get 11 tips that you can use right away to build your guitar teaching business better and stronger. 


25 August 2011
Studio Recording Guide For Guitar Players
Music Career Resource
This free guide will show you how to avoid the 6 most common mistakes that guitar players make in the recording studio. Study this resource to learn how to save yourself and your band A LOT of wasted time, money and energy by improving your studio recording skills.  


27 July 2011
Teach guitar effectively
Guitar Teaching Article
Do you have a difficult time helping your guitar students to make powerful progress in their guitar playing? This is a problem that prevents many guitar teachers from becoming truly successful. Read this article about how to teach guitar to learn how to help your students to become awesome musicians and become the most sought after guitar teacher in your area.


25 July 2011
Lee Gattenby
Student Spotlight
Read about one of Tom Hess's students by checking out this page on Lee Gattenby.
24 July 2011
Lead guitar soloing
Guitar Playing Article
Would you like to learn the secrets that great guitar players use to consistently come up with awesome sounding guitar solos? The reason why master guitar players are able to express themselves fully when soloing and improvising is because they approach the process of creating a guitar solo in VERY different ways than what most guitarists do. Read this article to find out how to create great guitar solos.


24 June 2011
Tom Hess Announcement
Major Announcement
I'm the new guitarist of this 1.5 million record selling band! Check it out here


15 April 2011
Tom Hess on Facebook
Social Media
Click the image to visit the official Tom Hess Facebook Page
'Like' it! :)
14 April 2011
Guitar recording tips
Music Career Resource
If you want to become a very successful professional guitar player, one of the critically important skills you need to develop is the ability to record guitar well in the studio.  Read this article to learn the secrets of recording in the studio that most musicians do not know about. 


13 April 2011
Practicing Guitar With A Metronome
Guitar Playing Article
When it comes to practicing guitar with a metronome, guitarists typically fall into two camps: some use the metronome very frequently and others almost never use it. Fact is, both approaches are misleading and will severely limit your guitar playing progress. Read this article to learn how to use a metronome effectively and discover how to make a lot more progress in your guitar playing.


23 March 2011
Rock Lead Guitar Lesson
Guitar Playing Course
Nick Layton and I created a new course for intermediate level guitar players. The course will show you how to move beyond simply "learning guitar licks" into the league of the great guitar players by instantly adapting cool guitar licks to ANY song or musical context you want! You will be guided step by step through the process of how to creatively adjust any lick to fit any music using sample variations of many exciting licks over inspiring jam tracks in a variety of rock/metal musical contexts. After completing this course, you will no longer struggle with finding and creating cool things to play over any jam track or song.


14 March 2011
Rock Guitar Licks Lesson
Guitar Playing Article
Many guitar players struggle with making their favorite guitar licks fit naturally into a variety of musical contexts. With a little training, you can use simple guitar phrasing techniques to easily transform a basic rock guitar lick into dozens of creative musical ideas. Learn how to become a more expressive improviser and soloist in this free rock guitar licks lesson.
30 January 2011
Jeet Samant
Student Spotlight
Read about one of Tom Hess's guitar students by checking out this page on Jeet Samant.
25 January 2011
How To Play Guitar Fast
Guitar Playing Course
Learn the secrets of building guitar speed that most guitar players will never know about. Increasing your guitar speed is easier than you think if you understand exactly how to practice guitar to develop this skill. Find out how in this free mini course on how to play guitar fast.


1 January 2011
Sen Lun
Student Spotlight
Read about one of Tom Hess's best guitar students by checking out this page on Sen Lun.
29 December 2010
Panos Kolias
Student Spotlight
Read about the results of one of Tom Hess's students by checking out this page on Panos Kolias.
22 December 2010
AJ Simons
Student Spotlight
Read about a student of Tom Hess by checking out this page on AJ Simons.
18 December 2010
Increasing Guitar Speed
Guitar Playing Article
Are you frustrated with not being able to play guitar as fast as you want? Do you feel that your lack of guitar speed is limiting your ability to express yourself musically? Although playing guitar fast is not everyone's most important guitar playing goal, those who do desire greater guitar speed typically want it badly and are often frustrated with their inability to improve fast enough in this area of their guitar playing. If this describes you, read this article about increasing your guitar speed.


17 December 2010
Jim Dix
Student Spotlight
Read about a guitar student of Tom Hess by checking out this page on Jim Dix.
16 December 2010
Corinne Gooden
Student Spotlight
Read about a student of Tom Hess by checking out this page on Corinne Gooden.
15 December 2010
Pete Hartley
Student Spotlight
Read about a student of Tom Hess by checking out this page on Pete Hartley.
14 November 2010
Del Bannerman
Student Spotlight
Read about a student of Tom Hess by checking out this page on Del Bannerman.
7 November 2010
Lead Guitar Lesson
Guitar Playing Article
Learn how to improve your guitar phrasing and self-expression on the guitar in this free lead guitar lesson with backing tracks


2 October 2010
In the never ending quest to constantly bring more and more value to my online guitar students, this year at HESSFEST I'm bringing the one singer on this Earth who I believe is not only the greatest singer in the world, but who is also the person who can best help me to train guitar players with the most innovative master class I've ever given. That singer is: Rhapsody of Fire's ( Fabio Lione. Fabio will join me in giving a series of revolutionary guitar master classes at HESSFEST. After last year's outstanding 4.5 hour master class with legendary guitarist George Bellas, this year's event is expected to be no less amazing. 


15 August 2010
Guitar Practice Generator
Guitar Practice Tool
A new version of the world's most advanced, most powerful and most innovative guitar practicing tool has been released. Read more about highly effective guitar practice schedules


8 August 2010
John Kakalas
Student Spotlight
Check out a guitar student of Tom Hess by reading this page about John Kakalas.
3 August 2010
Ramon Chacon Freixa
Student Spotlight
Learn about the results of a guitar student of Tom Hess by reading this page on Ramon Chacon Freixa.
21 July 2010
Dan Sugarman
Student Spotlight
Learn about a student of Tom Hess by reading this page on Dan Sugarman.
18 July 2010
Guitar Solo Lesson Videos
Guitar Playing Video
Are you still struggling to create great guitar solos? In this guitar solo lesson video you will learn how to immediately improve your guitar solo phrasing skills. 


7 June 2010
Tom Hess Students
Guitar Students Playing
Watch and listen to a few samples of videos and songs of Tom Hess guitar students, members of the Music Careers Mentoring Program and the Elite Guitar Teachers Inner Circle.


1 June 2010
How To Get More Fans To Your Gigs
Music Career Article
Are you frustrated because you aren't getting as many people to come to your gigs as you want? Getting 'new' people to come to your gigs is not even the main challenge, even most of your own friends and fans usually won't come to your gigs regularly. This fact makes it harder to get bigger and better gigs that pay more money. Read the full article and learn how to get more fans to come to your gigs


9 May 2010
Learn How To Teach Guitar
Guitar Teaching Article
To learn how to teach guitar well and build a successful guitar teaching business, you need to know some critical steps that most new guitar teachers either don't know or don't do. Read more in this article about how to teach guitar.


1 May 2010
Music Business Mistakes
Music Career Article
If you want to become successful in the music industry, there are many things you need to know and do. Many bands and musicians seeking a career in music show the same patterns of assumptions, problems and mistakes over and over again. Read about the Top 10 mistakes musicians make.


26 April 2010
Neoclassical Guitar Lessons
Neoclassical Guitar Playing Mini Course
FREE 14 Day Neoclassical Guitar Lessons Mini Course by Luca Turilli. Learn how to play guitar in Luca's neoclassical guitar playing style. 


25 April 2010
Alexander Brizuela
Student Spotlight
Learn about a student of Tom Hess by reading this page on Alexander Brizuela.
22 April 2010
James Erickson
Student Spotlight
Learn about a great student of Tom Hess by checking out this page on James Erickson.
19 April 2010
Daniel Rothmann
Student Spotlight
Learn about a great student of Tom Hess by checking out this student spotlight page for Daniel Rothmann.
17 April 2010
Roy Prins
Student Spotlight
Learn about a great student of Tom Hess by checking out this student spotlight page for Roy Prins.
16 April 2010
Ralf Schanzel
Student Spotlight
Learn about a student of Tom Hess by checking out this student spotlight page for Ralf Schanzel.
13 April 2010
Ben Madwitch
Student Spotlight
Learn about the results of a student of Tom Hess by checking out this student spotlight page for Ben Madwitch.
7 April 2010
Johnny Ryan
Student Spotlight
Learn about the results of a guitar student of Tom Hess by checking out this student spotlight page for Johnny Ryan.
6 April 2010
Joe Pinnavaia
Student Spotlight
Learn about the results of a student of Tom Hess by checking out this student spotlight page for Joe Pinnavaia.
18 March 2010
Tom Hess guitars
On this new page you can see Tom's guitars.
10 January 2010
Solve Guitar Student Problems
Guitar Teaching Article
If you sometimes struggle to get your guitar students to correct bad habits or solve problems in their guitar playing, read this article and learn the best ways to improve your guitar teaching by discovering how to solve guitar teaching problems.


8 January 2010
Test Your Guitar Teaching Skills
Guitar Teaching Resource
Find out how much you really know about teaching guitar and test your guitar teaching skills.


7 January 2010
How To Increase Guitar Speed
Guitar Playing Article
Have you ever noticed that playing something clean and fast is much harder when playing an actual song compared to when you practice that same guitar lick or solo over and over again? Learn more about how to increase your guitar speed and solving this problem in part 3 of this article series. 


22 December 2009
Prepare For Music Gigs
Music Career Article
The very best way to get more people to repeatedly come out and see your band play live is word of mouth. When your live shows are great, people will like it and talk about you to their friends both online and offline. Besides the obvious point of playing good music that people like, there are 5 main areas of preparing for your gigs. Read the full article about how to prepare for gigs.


7 December 2009
Live Music Event
Short Movie and Details About HESSFEST Europe 2010 Released.
7 December 2009
Guitar Solo Tips
Guitar Playing Resource
Transform your guitar soloing by discovering secrets most guitar players will never know about how to create and play great guitar solos. 


2 December 2009
Guitar Phrasing Skills
Guitar Playing Article
Do you want to be able to express yourself more fully in your lead guitar solos? Are you struggling to apply all of the licks and techniques you’ve been learning? Check out this guitar phrasing article to learn how to improve your guitar phrasing skills.
24 November 2009
Teaching guitar chords
Guitar Teaching Article
Beginning guitar students very often struggle with changing guitar chords quickly, fluently and musically. This can become very frustrating for them, and for you, the teacher. Learn how to solve this problem by reading this guitar teaching lesson on how to effectively teach guitar chords.


22 November 2009
Guitar Licks Lesson
Guitar Playing Course

This course will show you how to move beyond simply "learning guitar licks" into the league of the great guitar players by instantly adapting cool guitar licks to ANY song or musical context you want! You will be guided step by step through the process of how to creatively adjust any lick to fit any music using sample variations of many exciting licks over inspiring jam tracks in a variety of rock/metal musical contexts. After completing this course, you will no longer struggle with finding and creating cool things to play over any jam track or song.

21 November 2009
Guitar Solo Lesson
Guitar Playing Article
There are lots of ways to create guitar solos. Most guitarists focus on ‘what to play’ versus ‘how to play things’. Fact is, the nuances of phrasing (‘how’ the notes are played) often matter MORE than the notes we actually play. How many times have you heard someone play a guitar solo ‘without’ much emotion? Often there was nothing wrong with their choice of notes. The solo lacked emotion and interest because the ‘phrasing’ was weak. Check out this guitar solo lesson.


2 November 2009
Music Career Resources
Music Career Resources
New Music Career Resources Added.


31 October 2009
Daniel Faustmann
Student Spotlight
Learn about the results of a guitar student of Tom Hess by checking out this student spotlight page for Daniel Faustmann.
29 September 2009
Guitar teacher resources
Guitar Teacher Resources
Practice Guitar
Guitar Playing Article
If you are like most guitar players you sometimes feel frustrated with your guitar playing. You know mastering guitar playing takes a LOT of time, energy and effort. It seems like a huge mountain to climb in order to reach the highly advanced levels of guitar playing. You know that few people who attempt to climb that mountain will actually achieve it... but if you are truly determined to reach these goals you certainly can! Read this article to learn how to develop your own guitar practice schedule.
2 May 2009
Jamie Greenwood
Student Spotlight
Discover more about the results Tom Hess's students get from taking lessons by reading this page on Jamie Greenwood.
30 April 2009
Bryan Briggs
Student Spotlight
Find out more about the results Tom Hess's guitar students get by reading this page on Bryan Briggs.
30 April 2009
Guitar teaching mistakes with beginners
Guitar Teaching Article
Do your beginning guitar students usually progress slowly? Do they sometimes 'get stuck' in their guitar playing? Is teaching beginners sometimes very frustrating for you? Are there times when you are unsure about what to teach them, how to teach them, or in what order to teach them things? Do you have a significant number of beginning guitar students who quit lessons with you after less than 1 year? Discover the 5 most common mistakes guitar teachers make when teaching beginning guitar students and how you can avoid them. Read the full guitar teaching article and learn how to teach beginner guitar.
22 April 2009
Music Career Backup Plan
Music Career Article
Do you want to be a professional musician, but don't know where and how to start? Do you really want a successful career in music, but your fear of failure is holding you back? Are you unsure about what to do if your plan doesn't work? Learn how to start a music career.
20 April 2009
Get guitar students
Guitar Teaching Article
Do you struggle to attract a lot of new guitar students? Do your guitar teaching ads and website not seem to really work like you want them to? Are you sick of constantly having to put effort into promotion and aren't getting enough students from it? Does it seem impossible to fill up your teaching schedule (and keep it filled)? Read the full guitar teaching article to discover how to increase your ability to get guitar students.
28 March 2009
Jessa Young
Student Spotlight
Find out more about the results Tom Hess's students get by reading this page about Jessa Young.
3 March 2009
Vito Marchese
Student Spotlight
Learn more information on one of Tom Hess's best students by reading this page about Vito Marchese.
3 March 2009
Guitar playing goals
Guitar Playing Resource
Understand 'what' you need to learn to reach your guitar playing and musical goals and discover 'how' each of these things are critical to reaching these goals.
21 January 2009
Become an excellent guitar teacher
Guitar Teaching Mini Course
This free 7 day mini course will show you how to establish and grow your reputation as the best guitar teacher in your area. You will learn how to achieve exceptional results with all of your students and help them develop into great musicians. Also, you will discover how to attract more of the kind of serious students you want to work with. Learn how to become an excellent guitar teacher.
17 January 2009
Guitar teaching mistakes
Guitar Teaching Article
Are you struggling to be a highly successful guitar teacher? Do you want to have more new dedicated guitar students who remain committed for the long term, but your guitar teaching methods are not working as effectively as you would like them to? Are you unhappy because most guitar students don't reach their musical goals and/or an advanced level of guitar playing? Are you unable to support yourself and your family with your guitar teaching job? Are you not earning the money you would like to? Read the complete guitar teaching article to build your own highly successful Guitar Teaching Business.
2 January 2009
Tarek Malki
Student Spotlight
Learn more about a great student of Tom Hess by reading this page on Tarek Malki.
9 January 2009
Byron Marks
Student Spotlight
Learn more about Tom Hess's best guitar students - check out this page on Byron Marks.
9 January 2009
John Tutino
Student Spotlight
Learn more about one of Tom Hess's students by reading this page about John Tutino.
9 January 2009
Guy Onraet
Student Spotlight
Guy Onraet is a great guitar student of Tom Hess. Learn more by reading this page about Guy Onraet.
8 January 2009
Guitar playing mistakes
Guitar Playing Article
Do you know how many guitar players practice a lot in order to improve their guitar playing, but they still struggle to play guitar exactly the way they desire? They don't improve quickly. They begin to doubt their guitar playing potential, and wonder if they will ever learn to become a better guitar player. Read the full article and learn how to improve your guitar playing.
22 December 2008
Guitar phrasing course
Guitar Playing Resource
Learn how your phrasing can be enhanced by using legato technique to connect scales, modes and arpeggios. Find out how the greats such as Joe Satriani, Shawn Lane and George Lynch used legato to create jaw-dropping and expressive lead guitar parts. Apply your new skills by using examples from actual music and practicing with included backing tracks. Learn more about guitar phrasing.
20 December 2008
Lonnie Caldwell
Student Spotlight
Find out more information on Lonnie Caldwell.
19 October 2008
Dan Keller
Student Spotlight
Learn about Tom Hess's guitar student by reading this page about Dan Keller.
19 October 2008
Mark Court
Student Spotlight
Discover more about Tom Hess's great guitar student Mark Court.
3 September 2008
Get a record deal
Music Career Article
Do you want a successful, stable and rewarding music career as a professional musician? Would you like to know exactly what record labels, music producers, and artist management companies are looking for when seeking out new artists? There are many great musicians who are not able to build a successful career in music because they do not know what it is these music companies want from them. Read the full article to discover your first step to getting a record deal.
21 August 2008
Fun guitar practice
Guitar Playing Article
Do you find it difficult to fully enjoy the process of highly disciplined practicing? Most guitarists either have lots of fun practicing, but are not highly disciplined, or try to be very disciplined, but find it boring or unfulfilling when they do so. So most people make a (conscious or unconscious) choice to sacrifice 'fun' for discipline, or discipline for fun. Making sacrifices with your guitar practice is not only unnecessary, but can be counterproductive to becoming the guitar player you want to be. Read this guitar article and learn the best way to practice guitar.
21 August 2008
Tom Hess Instructional Clinic Tour
Guitar Teaching Event
6 Pro Guitarists will join Tom Hess on an Instructional Clinic Tour in the US designed to answer your guitar playing questions and show you how to do all the things you have been wanting to do on your guitar!
4 August 2008
Ian Hand
Student Spotlight
Learn more about guitar player and student of Tom Hess, Ian Hand.
3 August 2008
June Moris
Student Spotlight
Learn more about one of Tom Hess's best students by reading this page about June Moris.
26 July 2008
Mike Breen
Student Spotlight
Learn more information about Tom Hess's guitar student Mike Breen.
14 July 2008
Tommaso Zillio
Student Spotlight
Learn more about Tommaso by reading this page about guitar player and student of Tom Hess, Tommaso Zillio.
6 July 2008
Nancy Hutagalung
Student Spotlight
Learn more about Tom Hess's student by checking out this page about musician Nancy Hutagalung.
12 June 2008
Play Guitar Better
Guitar Playing Article
Are you happy and fulfilled with your level of musical skills? Can you honestly say that you have reached all of your musical goals? Has your guitar playing consistently gotten better during the time you have been playing? If you answered 'no' to any of these questions, then read the full article to get 10 guitar playing tips to put you on the path to say 'yes' to every question above!
31 May 2008
Jeff Treadwell
Student Spotlight
Learn more about Tom Hess's guitar student on this page about shred guitarist Jeff Treadwell.
28 May 2008
Antony Reynaert
Student Spotlight
Find out more information about Tom Hess's student Antony Reynaert.
6 May 2008
Guitar phrasing resource
Guitar Playing Resource
This guitar phrasing course is a powerful new resource for guitarists who want to learn highly effective soloing concepts to help better express themselves. Click here for more details!
April 2007
Holyhell video
Tom Hess On Tour
Magic Circle Music has informally released a short excerpt of HolyHell live on our 2005 European tour. This short video was shoot at the Masters of Rock festival in the Czech Republic in July, 2005. You can see it here.
March 2007
Nick Layton
Student Spotlight
Nick Layton wins the Shred Academy Award for: "Best Song" that incorporated shredding with a tranquil ambience. Not easy! Learn more about one of Tom Hess's best guitar students on this page about Nick Layton.
8 November 2006


Learn more about online guitar lessons, a career in musichow to teach guitar, or how to find guitar students

© 2002-2025 Tom Hess Music Corporation